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Belt & Road

The Belt and Road Initiative (B&R, also known as ‘One Belt, One Road’) unveiled by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 is an important strategy of the nation. The Initiative aims to promote China’s connectivity with the rest of Asia, Europe, and Africa via the land-based ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ and the seagoing ‘21st Century Maritime Silk Road’, and strengthen cooperation in policy, infrastructure, trade, finance, and cultural bonding in people, providing a visionary blueprint for global economic development in the new world order. The routes cover more than 60 countries and regions from Asia to Europe via Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and the Middle East, currently accounting for some 30% of global GDP and more than 35% of the world’s merchandise trade. By 2050, the B&R regions aims to contribute 80% of global GDP growth, and advance three billion more people into the middle class.

In line with this national initiative, the HKSAR Government has been encouraging the education sector to strengthen relationship with institutions along the B&R regions with a view to facilitating interactions and exchanges, and bridging China and the world. The Initiative presents many opportunities for the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to further its internationalisation effort with institutions in the B&R regions, such as student recruitment, student and faculty mobility, as well as academic and research collaborations. In particular, CUHK has set up the Global China Research Programme to lead the research effort on B&R.

The University attaches great importance in this area and is committed to strengthening its engagement through organising and promoting different programmes and activities related to B&R to the CUHK community. Some of them are highlighted below:


An interdisciplinary programme convened by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies to promote research on China’s engagement with the world and the global reception and reaction to China’s global outreach. It has a particular focus on tracking the implementation of the B&R Initiative and on Hong Kong’s roles and contributions in serving the Initiative. Learn more



HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund
Supports outstanding non-local students to pursue undergraduate studies in Hong Kong, with targeted scholarships made available to first-year full-time students from ASEAN countries, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and Korea. Learn more

CUHK Scholarships
The University offers scholarships to non-local students from any country according to their academic merits on a competitive basis. Learn more

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Students from the B&R regions interested to pursue their PhD studies at CUHK may apply to the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme which provides monthly stipends and conference travel allowances for a period of three to four years. Learn more

Fung Graduate Fellowship Programme at Koç University, Turkey
Supports students from China/Hong Kong to pursue PhD studies at Koç University. Learn more

Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships for Foreign Students
Supports students from countries in ASEAN (including Hong Kong), Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and the Commonwealth to pursue postgraduate studies in Brunei. Learn more

Student Exchange
CUHK has established numerous student exchange programmes with institutions in the B&R regions, including China, Austria, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, and UAE. Learn more

Summer Study Abroad Programmes
A range of summer school programmes are offered by overseas universities, including those located in the B&R regions such as Austria, Israel, Malaysia, and Poland to CUHK students who are looking for short-term overseas experiential learning opportunities. Most of these programmes offer cultural and language courses or research projects, as well as field trips and social programmes. Learn more

Education Bureau Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange to ‘B&R’ Regions for Post-secondary Students
Supports financially needy students to participate in outbound exchanges at institutions in the B&R regions (for at least 5 days). Learn more

Student Interflow Programmes
Encourages students to gain a better understanding of the B&R policy and experience the cultural heritage by taking part in programmes hosted by Mainland universities located on the Silk Road. Learn more


Global Internship Programme
Provides offshore internship opportunities, including those in the B&R regions, to full-time non-final year CUHK students during the period of May to August every year. Learn more



  • Belt and Road Summit (organised by the HKSAR Government & Hong Kong Trade Development Council), Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, 30 November 2020 Learn more

  • 2nd Belt and Road & Greater Bay Area Chinese Medicine Training Programme, 17-19 August 2020 Learn more
  • Bridging Sound and Culture Concert Series – Music of Turkey, CUHK, 9 and 11 October 2019 Learn more
  • Belt and Road Summit (organised by the HKSAR Government & Hong Kong Trade Development Council), Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, 11-12 September 2019 Learn more
  • Global China Research Working Seminar: Environmental Policy and Governance: A Dialogue between China and India, 7 May 2019 Learn more
  • Global China Research Working Seminar: More Than One Trap: Problematic Interpretations and Overlooked Lessons from Thucydides, 27 February 2019 Learn more
  • Global China Research Working Seminar: Envisioning the Future Global Order: Evidence from the BRI, 16 January 2019 Learn more
  • 2018 ASAIHL Conference ‘Higher Education for Diversity and Global Citizenship’, 11-13 December 2018, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Iran Learn more
  • Global China Research Working Seminar: India and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, 27 November 2018 Learn more
  • International Conference on Belt and Road Initiative: New Insights from the Perspective of Transnational Chinese Migration, 3 August 2018, University of Westminster, UK Learn more
  • 一帶一路和粵港澳大灣區經濟建設學術研討會, 26 July 2018, CUHK Learn more
  • Global China Research Working Seminar “Rethinking Global Development: China’s BRI, Geo-developmentalism & the Challenge of a New Order”, 29 June 2018, CUHK  Learn more
  • Belt and Road Summit (organised by the HKSAR Government & Hong Kong Trade Development Council), Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, 28 June 2018 Learn more
  • International Conference on Global Sustainability and the Belt and Road Initiative: Engaging the World from Hong Kong, 27 April 2018, CUHK Learn more
  • Second Conference of the Digital Belt and Road, 6-8 December 2017, CUHK Learn more
  • Plotting the Future of the Belt and Road Initiative, 22 November 2017, CUHK Learn more
  • Silk Roads and the Centrality of Old World Eurasia, 14 November 2017, CUHK Learn more
  • Global China Research Working Seminar, 13 September 2017, CUHK Learn more
  • Belt and Road Summit, 11 September 2017, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Learn more
  • International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road, 7-8 April 2017, CUHK Learn more
  • Academia International Conference on Economic and Financial Cooperation: Hong Kong and the World under the Belt and Road Initiative, 15-16 December 2016, CUHK Learn more
  • The 3rd Global China Research Working Seminar: The Geopolitical Web of Science: The Travelling of Knowledge Along the Belt and Road, 10 November 2016, CUHK Learn more
  • Symposium on Legal Aspects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative cum Book Launch, 5 November 2016, CUHK Learn more
  • Distinguished Lecture by Professor Liu Mingkang on ‘Chinese Economic Challenges and Opportunities – How to Include the One Belt, One Road Strategy’, 11 January 2016, CUHK Learn more
  • Reception for Consuls-General of the B&R Regions in Hong Kong, 6 October 2016:  As part of the University’s effort in expanding connections in the B&R regions, a reception was held for the local Consuls-General of the concerned regions to provide information on CUHK’s teaching and research programmes, and promote closer academic collaborations. Eighteen guests representing Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Czech Republic, Hungary, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Turkey attended the event.

  • Academia International Conference on Hong Kong and the World under the Belt and Road Initiative, 17-18 December 2015 Learn more
  • Third Lau Chor Tak Distinguished Lecture on Global Economics and Finance: One Belt One Road and Chinese Economic Development, 9 December 2015 Learn more
  • Dr. Li Dak Sum Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Lecture on ‘One-Belt One-Road: Opportunities for Hong Kong’, 4 December 2015 Learn more
  • Global Economic Affairs Talk Series: One Belt, One Road, 4 December 2015 Learn more

To see more upcoming events organised by the Global China Research Programme, please click here.



CUHK participates in various B&R networks/alliances with an aim to foster greater links with universities in the regions. They include:

  • Alliance of International Science Organizations in the Belt and Road Region
  • University Alliance of The Silk Road
  • University Alliance of Belt and Road

For more information, please click here.


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To provide new or updated information on B&R Initiative, please contact Ms. Yvonne Heung of OAL.