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Committee on Student Discipline

Terms of Reference
  1. To develop, recommend to the Assembly and periodically keep in view the Code of Conduct for students, both as members of the College and as hostel residents
  2. To develop, recommend to the Assembly and periodically keep in view the Disciplinary Procedures for handling student misconduct
  3. To form Disciplinary Panels to hear, decide and where necessary recommend penalties in the case of complaints on student misconduct
  4. In the event of appeals against the decision of the Disciplinary Panels to act as the appellant body and to rule on the appeal
  5. To refer cases to the Senate Committee on Student Discipline where required by University Regulations, because of
  6. (a) the nature of the alleged offence,
    (b) the severity of the penalty recommended, or
    (c) an appeal against a decision of the Committee

  7. To handle any other tasks assigned by the Assembly of Fellows
  8. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows

Professor HALL Stephen (Chairperson)
Professor HANSON EDWARDS Jette
Professor HSU Ning Vernon

Professor LEE Tin Lap
Professor LO Chi Fai Edward
Dr NG Siu Kuen Robert

