The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the academic seminar “一條鞭法與明代社會的轉型” conducted by Prof. LIU Zhiwei on 10 November 2017

Prof. LIU Zhiwei of the History Department, Sun Yat-sen University, was invited by the Department to present a lecture to the Department’s postgraduate students.

Prof. LIU explained that the Single-whip Reform (Yi Tiao Bian Fa 一條鞭法) was a reform of the taxation and corvée system instead of a specific law, which shaped the modern land taxation system. He introduced the nature and limitations of the original taxation system and emphasised that the Single-whip Reform was a long evolving process that began with Pingmi Fa (levelling grain平米法), then Junyao Fa (equalisation of corvée service 均徭法) and Junping Fa (equalisation of taxation among rural community 均平法), which eventually combined into one. Hence, Prof. LIU believed that the Single-whip Reform was a reflection of the transformation of the social structure and government in the Ming dynasty.



Upcoming Events

Public Lectures on History 2017-18

With the theme of Modern Times of China, two distinguished scholars will give lectures at the Lecture Theatre, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in November 2017.

23 November 2017 (Thursday)
First Lecture
Date : 23 November 2017 (Thursday)
Time : 7:00pm–8:30pm
Topic : 中國的摩登時代:上海和香港的文學和歷史
Speakers : Prof. LEE Ou Fan Leo
Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture
Faculty of Arts, CUHK
Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang
Dean, Faculty of Arts, CUHK
Moderator : Prof. David FAURE
Wei Lun Research Professor of History
Department of History, CUHK
Language : Cantonese
30 November 2017 (Thursday)
Second Lecture
Date : 30 November 2017 (Thursday)
Time : 7:00pm–8:30pm
Topic : 抗戰時期香港的文學和電影
Speaker : Prof. LEE Ou Fan Leo
Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture
Faculty of Arts, CUHK
Moderator : Prof. David FAURE
Wei Lun Research Professor of History
Department of History, CUHK
Language : Putonghua

Admission is free; reservation is required.
– For online registration and more information, please visit
– Call at 3943 7119 / 3943 8541

Organisers: Department of History, CUHK; Centre for Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK; MA Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK; Hong Kong Public Libraries, Leisure and Cultural Services Department


Academic Seminar

24 November 2017 (Friday)
Regional Patterns and Interaction of the Iron Industry during the Warring-States and Western Han Period: A Brief Discussion on the “Market” in Early China
Date : 24 November 2017 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : Regional Patterns and Interaction of the Iron Industry during the Warring-States and Western Han Period: A Brief Discussion on the “Market” in Early China
Speaker : Prof. LAM Weng Cheong
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Information Seminar

25 November 2017 (Saturday)
Information Seminar for the M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History
Date : 25 November 2017 (Saturday)
Time : 2:30pm
Venue : Room 402, 4/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
Speaker : Dr. MA Muk Chi
Language : Cantonese
Enquiry : 3943 8659


Academic Seminar

1 December 2017 (Friday)
Date : 1 December 2017 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 怡和軒與林文慶:早期新加坡華人社會史的一章
Speaker : Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Confronting Predicament: The Mentality and Patterns of Behavior of Chinese Intellectuals in the Second Millennium 25-26 May 2018

About this Workshop
The workshop focuses on the mental and social reactions of Chinese intellectuals in great periods of transformation during imperial and modern China. It attempts to provide early-career historians, social scientists, and researchers from different fields a chance to share findings on the cutting-edge theme of the history of Chinese intellectuals. The workshop is also open to research students and the learned public. Papers of relevance to the following four themes are welcomed:

1) Rise of neo-Confucianism and its influence on the mentality of traditional scholars
2) Changing mentality and patterns of behavior of Chinese intellectuals in times of crisis
3) Transition in the mentality of contemporary Chinese intellectuals: global capitalism, state power, and cultural identity
4) Formation and transformation of intellectual communities in modern China

Important Dates

31 December 2017 Paper proposals, CV and a 300-500 word abstract (in English or Chinese)
email to
15 January 2018 Notification of accepted proposals
1 April 2018 Submission of full papers

Organisers: Department of History, CUHK; Faculty of Arts, CUHK; Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University; Webster University


Talk Series on “In Search of Popular Culture in Hong Kong”

The talk series is co-organised by the MA Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Museum of History. The following lectures will be held on Saturdays in January 2018 at the Lecture Hall, G/F, Hong Kong Museum of History:

13 January 2018 (Saturday)
First Lecture
Date : 13 January 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00pm–5:00pm
Topic : Gamble and Gambling Farmers in Late Qing Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau
Speakers : Prof. HO Hon Wai
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
20 January 2018 (Saturday)
Second Lecture
Date : 20 January 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00pm–5:00pm
Topic : Popular Culture under Colonial Governance: Dragon Boat Races in Hong Kong
Speaker : Dr. MA Muk Chi
27 January 2018 (Saturday)
Third Lecture
Date : 27 January 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00pm–5:00pm
Topic : Looking at Animals in Hong Kong: From Circus Shows to Zoos
Speaker : Prof. POON Shuk Wah

The talks will be conducted in Cantonese. No reservation is needed. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. For enquiry, please call 3943 8659.


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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