Directions to Regal Riverside Hotel () via Lo Wu () or via Southbound Direct Train () from Mainland:

Address: 34-36 Tai Chung Kiu Road, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong | Phone number: 852-26497878 | E-mail address:

· via Lo Wu from Mainland
By MTR () (subway) for Hung Hom ()
Lo Wu Station () Shatin Station ()
(HK$26.5, ~30 mins; frequency: 3-8 mins; operating hours: 05:55 - 00:30)

· via Southbound Direct Train () from Mainland
By MTR () (subway) for Lo Wu ()
Hung Hom Station () Shatin Station ()
(HK$5.5, ~15 mins; frequency: 3-8 mins; operating hours: 05:30 - 00:25)
The southbound direct train will go direct to the Hung Hom Station without stop. You have to take the train to the Shatin Station after getting through the Customs.

Then by bus No. 86K
Shatin Railway Station Bus Terminus () Regal Riverside Hotel ()
Please get off at Regal Riverside Hotel () Stop#
(HK$5.4, ~5 mins; frequency: 6-12 mins; operating hours: 05:40 - 00:45)
# The bus terminus is right next to the Shatin Station. Regal Riverside Hotel is the 1st stop of this bus route. You have to press the bell to inform the driver you will get off at the next stop. Within the bus, there is announcement of the next stop in English, Putonghua and Cantonese.
By Taxi (~HK$30, ~4 mins)
Shatin Station () Regal Riverside Hotel ()
(You can show this page to the taxi driver.)