CUHK-Stanford CASBS Partner Fellowship Program sparks research ideas
The CASBS class of 2019–20 comprises scholars in the fields of communication, earth sciences, law, medicine and political science, among others.
(Photo courtesy of CASBS)
CUHK entered into a partnership with the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University (Stanford) on a Partner Fellowship Program in 2018. The programme provides an opportunity for CUHK faculty members to take part in a 9-month prestigious residential fellowship at CASBS that fosters inter-disciplinary intellectual exchange and contributes to advancing research and thinking in the social sciences. Prof. LI Lianjiang from the Department of Government and Public Administration recently completed his fellowship in May.
Prof. Li recalled his experience at CASBS, ‘I have benefited greatly from the presence of great minds and kind hearts there. The wisdom and insights shared between fellows, each of whom is conducting cutting-edge research, sparked a fusion of horizons over the course of many seminars and lunches atop the quiet hill where CASBS is located.’
Prof. Li found the time as a CUHK-CASBS Fellow rhythmic and hence productive, ‘Although the fellowship this year was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the class was able to cope with a shared belief in its class motto that “we were together even when we were apart”. With quiet moments of research and writing punctuated by meaningful intellectual exchanges, I was able to finish a journal article “Distrust in Government and Preference for Regime Change in China”, a grant proposal and a draft of book manuscript.’ Prof. Li also gave a seminar on his works.
Application for the CUHK-Stanford CASBS Partner Fellowship Program runs annually. Please stay tuned for the next call.
Prof. LI Lianjiang reaps fruitful research outputs during his time at CASBS.