Happy Wheels Krunkerigri Araba Oyunu
Distinguished Lecture
Topic: Impacts of Biostatistics on Advancing Human Health in the 20th Century: My Personal View
Date: 18/04/2019
Time: 2.30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Room G18, Basic Medical Sciences Building (BMS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Category: Lecture
Speaker: Professor Kung-Yee LIANG


In this talk, I will discuss in what way the field of biostatistics has impacted human health in the 20th century. Focus will be on chronic diseases including cancers, diabetes, which drew a great deal of attentions among the health community in the 1940’s.  Specifically, we discuss three major statistical challenges pertained to dealing with chronic diseases: (1) Assessing efficacy of new treatments, (2) Identifying risk factors for prevention and (3) Utilizing biomarkers for pre- and post-designs. I will end the talk with what I perceive important challenges in the near future.


PDF: 20190418DL-KYLiang-a3.pdf