PHYS1712 Physics Laboratory I
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PHYS1712 Physics Laboratory I
(Notice Board)

17-Apr-2020 Fri 19:04:49
LabVIEW HW 1 & 2 solutions are now available in the course webpage. Late submission is no longer accepted.

15-Apr-2020 Wed 12:48:27
To ALL PHYS1712 students,

TAs are returning your works to you.

I have listed their duties here:

Error Analysis: Liu Siyu

Exp 1: Chen Mengyao

Exp 1: Cheng Ho Lam

Exp 2: Fang Chenchao

Exp 2: He Mingkai

Exp 3: Huang He

Exp 3: Huang Lan

Exp 4: Liu Shiqi

Exp 4: Cao Ding

LabVIEW 1: Shen Yang

LabVIEW 2: Xiao Yiqun ,

Exp 5: Wang Kaiwei

Exp 5: Wang Jiangpeng

Exp 5: Zhang Han

Exp 5: Zhu Changliang



09-Apr-2020 Thu 12:30:50
To ALL PHYS1712 students,

The deadlines for LabVIEW HW 1& 2 and exp 5 report are April 15 and 28, respectively.

For HW submission, zip everything in one single document and submit to the upload area. I will upload the solutions to the course webpage 1 to 2 days after deadline.

For exp 5, again zip everything (report, LabVIEW program, etc) in one single file to the upload area.



30-Mar-2020 Mon 12:44:50
The "Generate Waveform", which is the sub VI for "First VI", has been uploaded.

25-Mar-2020 Wed 14:12:12
I have released Exp 5 revised lab manual and instruction in the course webpage a week earlier. This is an open-ended experiment in which you can do it at home. I do not care about the accuracy of your results when compared to the expected value. However, the grading focuses on your method and how you do the data and error analysis. Therefore, apply what you have learned to this lab.

Strongly recommend you to review the driven, damped harmonic oscillator and google "bottle" and "resonance" before doing it.

20-Mar-2020 Fri 19:06:50
To ALL PHYS1712 students,

Sorry that, for HW1 6(c), the cutoff frequency should be 700 Hz instead of 500 Hz.



20-Mar-2020 Fri 13:24:36
Upon the request of some students, both LabVIEW HW due dates are fixed on 15


19-Mar-2020 Thu 19:28:02
To ALL PHYS1712 students,

LabVIEW 2 and videos are available in the course webpage and I am releasing

LabVIEW Homework 2 earlier.

For the HW, you need to copy and paste the Front Panels and Block Diagrams in a

Word doc including ALL written answers. All 1) the LabVIEW programs and 2) the

Word doc are zipped in one single file for submission.

The due date is April 15 instead of April 8. For late submission after the due

date, 10% will be deducted per day.

Read “LabVIEW 2.pdf” and “LabVIEW Sound.pdf” available in the course

webpage for doing HW.

17-Mar-2020 Tue 13:48:08
Make sure you have LabVIEW installed properly. Do the 6-month trial first and we will activate your account once the school resumes.

In addition, for the LabVIEW sound, use your headset (which combine earphone and microphone together) OR a pair of earphone and microphone. In case if you do not have one, you can come to the teaching lab to check out the earphone and microphone. However, we do not have any headset.

Ask questions as soon as possible and do not wait until the last minute.

17-Mar-2020 Tue 13:01:37
LabVIEW Homework 1 is available. The due date is Mar 25.

You need to copy and paste the Front Panels and Block Diagrams in a Word doc including ALL written answers. All 1) the LabVIEW programs and 2) the Word doc are zipped in one single file for submission.

For late submission after the due date, 10% will be deducted per day.

Read “LabVIEW 1.pdf” and “LabVIEW Sound.pdf” p.1-26.

11-Mar-2020 Wed 10:18:06
Experiment 4 instruction and video are available in the course webpage.

1. A short report is required this time.

2. Study the lab manual carefully although it is a relatively straightforward


04-Mar-2020 Wed 11:37:03
Experiment 3 instruction and videos are available in the course webpage.

1. Only data sheet report is required this time.

2. Instead of taking extreme positions to determine period and equilibrium

position, record the position of the laser spot as a function of time and then

fit the curve, which is a damped oscillation, by using "Solver" in Excel.

3. The introduction of "Solver" is provided in the "Do curve fitting with your

own equation in Excel".

4. Fitting by "Solver" does not provide standard error, you need to determine it by intuition.

03-Mar-2020 Tue 13:49:37
PHYS1712 data sheet and short report marking schemes have been uploaded.

02-Mar-2020 Mon 13:38:30
A note on the standard errors in Excel regression has been uploaded.

27-Feb-2020 Thu 14:14:30
To ALL PHYS1712 students,

We have opened all prelab tests and you can take the test after the due dates but with penalty. All prelab tests taken after the due date will be deducted 30%.

For the data sheet, report and homework submission to the Upload Area, as given in the introduction session, 10 marks will be deducted per day.

26-Feb-2020 Wed 15:42:22
A revised error analysis HW solution has been uploaded.

26-Feb-2020 Wed 12:00:34
Submit Exp 1 data sheet on 26 Feb

Exp 2 instruction and video have been uploaded. The due date is Mar 11.