
A total of 1,288 hostel places are offered in the four student hostels at United College, namely Adam Schall Residence, Bethlehem Hall, Chan Chun Ha Hostel and Hang Seng Hall, which accounts for about 40% of the College student population.

From 2016-2017 onward, the Chinese University has abandoned the policy whereby newly admitted non-local undergraduates will not be guaranteed hostel accommodation on campus during their normative period of study. They have to arrange accommodation by themselves for one academic year. In the same spirit, the UC Student Hostels Management Committee has resolved that non-local undergraduates will not be given priority for hostel accommodation in their third year of study. Non-local undergraduates wishing to reside on campus in their non-guaranteed year have to submit hostel applications to the College in the year before promoting to year 3. A quota will be set aside for them but they will have to compete according to the prevailing selection criteria. These will include (a) academic performance (b) participation in extra-curricular activities and (c) participation in hostel activities.

All undergraduate students are given the opportunity to stay in student hostels for at least one year during their studies. The allocation of hostel places is administered by the Working Committee on the Selection of Resident Students, the members of which are appointed by the Student Hostels Management Committee. Selection criteria include (1) living district (2) home environment and (3) participation in extracurricular activities. Special situations such as health or family problems, or final-year students who have never been assigned a hostel place during their previous years of study, will also be considered.

Each hostel has its own common room, television room, study room, games room, music room and laundry. There are air-conditioning facilities and computer outlets connecting to the campus network in each student bedroom. Residents can also enjoy Wi-Fi service in hostels. Residents’ Associations are formed in all hostels to help organize hostel activities and promote resident welfare.

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