


3 學分



Textbooks and learning resources

Students are recommended to purchase two books and read them parallel to the course, number 1) and either number 2) or 3) (or you may choose to borrow them from a senior student).

  1. Gonzalez, Justo: The Story of Christianity. Volume 2. The Reformation to the Present Day, San Francisco: Harper, 1985 (pages 1-125) (also available in Chinese)
  2. Gray, Madeleine: The Protestant Reformation. Belief, Practice and Tradition, Brighton; Portland: Sussex Academics Press 2003
  3. McGrath, Alister E.: Reformation Thought. An Introduction, Oxford, UK, and Cambridge, USA: Blackwell, 1993 – 中譯: 麥格夫著, 陳佐人譯: 《宗教改革運動思潮》. 香港: 基道, 1991. (BT26 M3712 1991) (譯自英文1988初版) (128 HKD) or 宗教改革运动思潮 (简体版) 中国社会科学出版社, 2009 (可網上購買,或深圳購買)


Old Course Code (2009-10 and before) : THE5271

Shared With : THEO2222