
The Master’s Degree 2018-2019 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Social Science

The Master’s Degree 2018-2019 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Social Science was held on 8 November 2019 at the University Mall. About 1,000 Master’s Degree graduates and 1,700 guests attended the Ceremony. Professor Chan Wai-yee, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, presided at the Ceremony.

In addition, Professor Tam Kam-lan, Annie, GBS, JP, the chairperson of Executive Committee, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association and the former Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, HKSAR Government, officiated the event. In extending her congratulations to graduates, Professor Tam encouraged the graduates to internalize kindness as a core value and apply it in their future endeavours.

The Faculty has conferred a total of 1,299 master’s degrees this year.