PHYS3051 Methods in Theoretical Physics I
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PHYS3051 Methods in Theoretical Physics I
(Notice Board)

25-Apr-2020 Sat 07:48:22
There will be no exercise classes next week as April 30 (Thursday) is a public holiday.

01-Apr-2020 Wed 11:39:04
Please note that the due date of HW5 is now postponed to 5 p.m., April 9, 2020 (Thursday). A mass email has been sent to the university email addresses of all the enrolled students.

14-Mar-2020 Sat 11:55:48
Please note that HW4 is updated: in Q. 5, it is specified explicitly that you are required to prove the associative law of convolution directly from definition.

27-Feb-2020 Thu 15:54:05
As I will be away for a conference, there will be NO online lectures on March 2 and March 4. -- Emily Ching

11-Feb-2020 Tue 16:30:34
Details of the arrangements on online teaching have been sent to the University email addresses of all students, please check.

04-Feb-2020 Tue 13:45:23
1. When you email your HW2, please use the filename name_3051HW2 with "name" being your name and similarly use name_3051HW3 for HW3 etc.

2. Details of the arrangements on online teaching will be posted before 12 February 2020.

01-Feb-2020 Sat 11:47:50
Since CUHK will start online teaching from 17 February 2020 until further notice, you should email your HW2 to TA Isaac WONG Chun Fung (Email:

30-Jan-2020 Thu 12:26:28
The due date of HW2 will be postponed to 5 p.m., 17 February 2020 (Monday).

15-Jan-2020 Wed 12:40:16
About HW1, what I said during lecture today was not clear. The vector Q in Fourier's law of heat transfer just gives the direction and magnitude of the heat flux. When you consider an integral of Q over a closed surface S, then if you take the dot product of Q with an outward normal, then the integral gives the heat flow out of the region enclosed by S.

10-Jan-2020 Fri 15:50:30
HW1 has been uploaded and will be due at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, 21 January 2020. You should hand in HW1 together with the signed declaration form.

03-Jan-2020 Fri 14:50:09
Exercise classes will start in the first week. The first exercise class will be held on Tuesday, 7 January 2020.