Introducing DSCCC


Inside the New Chapel

Divinity School of Chung Chi College (DSCCC), The Chinese University of Hong Kong is at present a theological education institution jointly supported by four denominations and located at a public university in Chinese society. Since 1963, it has been adhering to its vision even though it had been restructured for several times (Chung Chi Theological Seminary, 1963-1968; Chung Chi Theology Division, 1968-2004; DSCCC, 2004 until now). In the face of diversified situations, we are devoted to the nurture of holistic personality with solid academic and spiritual foundation so as to serve churches and society in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Being part of a public university, DSCCC emphasizes the pursuit of theological knowledge in a liberal and critical spirit and encourages students to abide by the rigorous attitude of scholarship as well as to have dialogue with different disciplines. With the support of four denominations, DSCCC is endowed with a catholic and ecumenical spirit. Students are encouraged to respect diverse traditions while at the same time committing to their own spiritual heritages. With this fertile soil students are fostered to build up their theological stances and ministry orientation via learning and practice, exploration and reflection, conversation and listening. The more knowledge we acquire through practice, continuous self-examination and criticism, the more we realize the need to humble ourselves as servants of God instead of sole owner of the truth.

The mission of theological education is “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (NIV, Ephesians 4:12). For this purpose, DSCCC offers courses with different features. There are trainings at different levels for ministry services, for Christians in workplaces and also postgraduate trainings. Christians of various backgrounds are called by God to serve in disparate positions, bearing witness to God in churches and society in order to expand His kingdom and build up the body of Christ.

The Carillon and the Theology Building

This website not only introduces the history, the current situation and development of DSCCC, but also presents the faculty and programs provided in detail. I hope it can give you a comprehensive overview of us. We welcome more devoted Christians to join us. We need more partners who are concerned about theological education to support us.

DSCCC dares not forget the valuable tradition inherited from predecessors. We relentlessly examine ourselves and keep modest, guarding the deposit which God has placed with us so as to enable theological education to respond to this era more effectively and to serve churches and society. Please keep on remembering DSCCC in prayers.