KUNG Lap Yan


KUNG Lap Yan
Associate Professor
BTh (Lutheran Theol. Sem.); MPhil (St. Andrews); PhD (Glasgow)

Telephone: (852) 3943 6474
Email: kungly@cuhk.edu.hk

Director, Centre for Quality-Life Education
Programme Director, MACS & MMin
Dean, Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies (IASACT)
Research Interests
  1. Religion and Society
  2. Christian Ethics
  3. Life Education
  4. Public Theology


  1. Spiritual Desires and Embodied Spirituality: A Study of Yoga Fever in China
  2. Resistance, Justice and Peace in World Christianity
  3. Religion and Memory
  4. Christian Ethics and Qualitative Research
  1. 《在暗角言說上主》。香港:香港基督徒學會,2016。
  2. 《同性戀十字架:倫理學者的對話與交鋒》。香港:香港基督徒學會與印象文字,2013。(與羅秉祥合著)
  3. 《生命本源與朝聖之旅:閒步探索生命教育》。香港:基督教文藝,2013。
  1. 〈一個神學彌賽亞與反「逃犯引渡條例」抗爭的相互閱讀〉,《思想》,40 (2020)。
  2. 〈基督教倫理與同性性行為〉,鄭仰恩、曾宗盛編:《我們何懼之有?》。台北;台灣好世協會,2020。頁121-154。
  3. 〈上主國、香港與中國:從耶穌與彼拉多的相遇思考政權〉,張慧嫈編:《戍守雲開:佔領運動後教會十堂課》。香港;德慧文化,2018。頁245-264。
  4. 〈閾限.靈性與社會運動:雨傘運動過案〉王家輝編:《處境中的靈性操練》。香港:香港中文大學崇基學院神學院,2018。頁8-20。
  5. 〈受害者可以選擇以暴制暴嗎?─對薩爾瓦多人民危險回憶的神學反省〉,鄧邵光編:《暴力就是命運?非暴力十二問》。香港:印象文字,2017。頁180-213。
  6. 〈歷史的哲學與歷史的上主:一九四八至六八年的捷克教會〉,張慧嫈編:《抵抗與順從?全權統治下的教會》。香港:德慧文化,2015。頁323-350。
  7. 〈族群的圖騰與人民的上主:種族隔離在非洲〉,張慧嫈編:《抵抗與順從?全權統治下的教會》。香港:德慧文化,2015。頁289-322。
  8. 〈社會撕裂、復和和/或張力:「雨傘運動」後的香港神學政治想像〉,林榮樹編:《政治生態轉型下的牧養》。香港:香港中文大學崇基學院神學院,2015。頁55-80。
  9. 〈時機還是災禍:對雨傘運動的神學詮釋〉,莊德信編:《太陽花運動之公共神學論文集》。台北,本土神學研究室,2015。頁73-90。
  10. 〈政治對話與神學:從雨傘運動說起〉,鄧紹光編:《和平知識論》。香港:印象文字,2015。頁184-223。
  11. 〈解放神學—殖民與後殖民、拉美與香港〉,陳家富編:《當神學家遇上政治—有關政治參與的十堂課》。香港:德慧文化,2014。頁102-125。
  12. 〈轉變中的邊緣身分:中國互換政治與宗教〉,彭麗君編:《邊城對話》。香港:香港中文大學,2013。頁175-204。
  13. “Zhaohun (Evocation) and the June Fourth Tiananmen Candlelight Vigil: A Ritual-Theological Hermeneutics.” In Memory and Religion from a Post-secular Perspective, Zuzanna Bogumil and Yuliya Yurchuk eds. (forthcoming)
  14. “Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement and an Emergence of a Community of Common Destiny: Churches’ Participation and Inquiry.” Interkulturelle Theologie. (forthcoming)
  15. “Crucified People, Messianic Time and Youth in Protest.” In: Hong kong Protests and Political Theology, Pui Lan Kwok and Francis Ching Wah Yip eds. (forthcoming)
  16. “A Story of Defending Human Dignity as a Right and Virtue, with Reference to the Cross Removal Incidents in China.” In Human Dignity, Human Rights and Social Justice, Zhibin Xie, Pauline Kollontai, and Sebastian Kim eds. Singapore: Springer, 2020, pp.69-82.
  17. “Parent-Child and Center-Edge Metaphors; A Theological Engagement with the Social Imaginary of “One Country, Two Systems’”. Political Theology, 20 (2019): 5, 392-410.
  18. “Human Dignity as a Right and Virtue in Practice: A Socio-Theological Reflection from and on the Cross Removal Incident in China,” Religion, 2018, 9 (5), 138.
  19. “In Search of True-ness: Dialogue Between Political Localism and Theological Ecumenism in Post-Umbrella Movement.” International Journal of Public Theology, 11 (2017), 431-454.
  20. “Reclaiming the True Church of Jesus Christ: The Reformation, Luther and Ecumenicity.” In Revisiting the Reformation, Bruce Van Voorhis ed. Hong Kong, APCYMCAS, 2017, pp.1-16.
  21. “The Captivity of the Church: the Reformation, House Churches in China and Ecumenicity.” Asian Horizon, 11: 2 (2017), pp.340-356.
  22. “Post Umbrella Movement, Localism and Christians.” In: Religious Life and Public Space in Asia. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016, pp.89-98.
  23. “Umbrella Movement and Kairos: The Church's Theological Encounter with a Political Movement.” In Occupy Hong Kong: Theological Reflections on the Umbrella Movement, Justin Tse and Jonathan Tan ed. New York, Palgrave, 2016, pp.107-130.
  24. “Leisure: Work, Freedom and Spirituality.” In Urban Christian Spirituality – East Asian and Nordic Perspectives, Knut Alfsvag and Thor Strandenæs ed. New York, Peter Lang, 2015, pp.127-142.
  25. “Occupy Central, Umbrella Movement and Democracy”, Syndicate: A New Forum for Theology, 1:4 (2014), pp.80-86.
  26. “Conspiracy, Trust and Healthy Scepticism.” In Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation, Robert Schreiter and Knud Jorgensen eds. Oxford, Regnum, 2013, pp.309-318.
  27. “Life Education as a Paradigm for Quality in Education.” ICERI 2013 Proceedings, 6484-6488.