Course Recognition


Grade and Credits 

After completing course(after1-2months), please login to your SAYT account. "My Portfolio" to view the Course Taken, Grade and Credits Accumlated.
完成課程後(1-2個月後),您可登入SAYT帳戶選取"My Portfolio" 查看已修讀的課程,成績和累積學分

*Due to the different grading method of each course, please refer to the respective course outline.
 由於每科的評分方式不同, 詳情請參閱課程大綱。


Course Certificate, Statement of Result and Letter 

After complete the course, upon completion of the course, students who fulfill the rquirement of the course and attain 75% of the attendance.

完成課程後,符合課程要求及出席率達75%以上的同學將獲頒發課程證書,成績單及信件 。

Course Certificate, Statement of Result and Letter will be sent to student by mail.


Application for Replacement of Certificates and Statement of Result
申請補發課程證書 成績單

Download the Appliaction Form


Notes for Application

The certificate and statement of result of the SAYT courses is a unique document. No duplicate copy will be issued. However, student may apply for a replacement certificate in case of loss, damage, change of personal information of an original certificate and statement of result. 

To apply for a replacement certificate, please submit,  preferably by mail or in person, the application form and application fee to the office of Centre for Promoting Science Education (CPSE).
申請補發證書,申請人可選擇以 郵寄方式 或  親身到科學教育促進中心(CPSE) 的辦公室 遞交申請表及申請費用。

The application fee is HK$50 for each replacement certificate package and statment of result, it can either be paid by cash, or cheque being made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong”. Post-dated cheque is not accepted.
每張補發證書費用為港幣五十元正,申請人可以選擇以 現金,或以個人支票支付,支票抬頭請填寫「香港中文大學」,期票將不予接納。

Please write down the applicant’s name, course code, course name and telephone number at the back of cheque(s). The Academy reserves the right to reject the application.


Apply for replacement of certificates and statement of result by Mail

Applicant must be sent the application form and application fee to the following address:
申請人需要把已填寫好申請表 及 申請費用,以郵寄方式 至以下本學院地址:

Science Academy for Young Talent
Faculty of Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

理學院 - 少年英才科學院


Apply for replacement of certificates and statement of result in person
親身到本中心(CPSE) 的辦公室申請

Centre for Promoting Science Education (CPSE)

Room G30, Science Centre North Block, 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Office hours:
Mon - Thu: 08:30 am - 12:45pm & 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Fri: 08:30 am - 12:45pm & 2:00pm - 5:45pm
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: Closed



University Credit Exemption (Courses in Category I)
大學學分豁免(課程類別 I) 

Courses in Category I (University Credit-bearing Courses) are entitled to university credit exemptions. 
Upon completion of the courses and fulfilling the requirements as specified by the courses, students are eligible to apply for credit exemption when they study at CUHK.

課程類別 I 以獲得大學學分豁免。
完成課程並達到課程指定的要求後,學生在入讀香港中文大學後 可申請學分豁免。

Application Procedures 申請程序

Please come to the office of Centre for Promoting Science Education (CPSE)  to apply unit exemption during office hours. 
You are required to bring along the original copy of your certificate and the statement of result for our handling.

請在本中心辦公時間內, 親身到科學教育促進中心(CPSE) 的辦公室 申請學分豁免。
您需要攜帶 課程證書之正本和成績單之正本(Statement of Result) 以作申請。

Centre for Promoting Science Education (CPSE)

Room G30, Science Centre North Block, 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Office hours:
Mon - Thu: 08:30 am - 12:45pm & 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Fri: 08:30 am - 12:45pm & 2:00pm - 5:45pm
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: Closed