Advanced Diploma Programme in Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Tuina Therapy in Chinese Medicine
Advanced Diploma Programme in Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Tuina Therapy in Chinese Medicine
Admission Suspension from 2018 Academic Year
Orthopaedics and Traumatology is one of the key clinical disciplines in Chinese medicine. Before the introduction of Western medicine, especially modern surgery, into China in the 19th Century, traumatic injuries were mainly treated with traditional Chinese medical manual manipulation techniques commonly used in Chinese Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Today in Hong Kong, many serious traumatic injuries are primarily treated and managed in Hospitals, with surgical operation remaining an important method to realign the fractured bones and torn ligaments. However, for many minor injuries such as twisted ankles and other chronic stress-induced pains, patients often turn to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners for help. Today, Orthopaedics and Traumatology in Chinese medicine, commonly known in Hong Kong as Bone-setting, remains a traditional yet vibrant medical discipline in Chinese medicine practice in Hong Kong.
To promote this ancient medical art of healing and to provide training for those who are interested in this subject area, the School of Chinese Medicine, CUHK has since 2004 successfully held 7 consecutive training courses entitled "Diploma Programme in Orthopaedics and Massage Therapy". The graduation ceremony for the 7th cohort of the students on this Diploma Programme was held on 20 February 2011. All together, over 210 students have successfully graduated from this vastly successful programme. Most of the graduates of the Diploma Programme are practitioners specializing in the Chinese Orthopaedics and Traumatology, and are diligently serving the community in Hong Kong. While they have attained substantial knowledge and practical know-how in treating patients with traumatic injuries and pain conditions, many of them have expressed strong desire to further pursuit professional training in this highly specialized medical discipline.
Building upon the experience and success of the previous programme and in view of the great demands for continuing professional development from the graduates and others, we now propose to launch a programme entitled "Advanced Diploma Programme in Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Tuina Therapy in Chinese Medicine". Special emphases will be placed on enhancing the practical applications of manual manipulation techniques for common traumatic soft tissue injuries and introduction of diagnosis and outcome evaluation methods commonly used in modern orthopaedic and traumotologic practice.
Programme objectives
Ø To provide professional training in more advanced manipulation techniques for practical application on common traumatic soft tissue injuries and stress-induced pains;
Ø To equip students with the basic theories and knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment methods in Western medicine on common traumatic injuries and pain conditions; and
Ø To introduce clinical psychology into the management programme for certain pain conditions not yielding to physical and pharmacological treatments.
1) Expected Learning Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this programme, students would be able to:
1) Apply the advanced manipulation techniques for the treatment of common traumatic injuries and chronic pain conditions;
2) Understand the rationale underlying the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries by Western medical approaches;
3) Understand the strengths and limitations of Chinese and Western medicine in the management of some common traumatic injuries and chronic pains; and
4) Appreciate the philosophy underpinning the use of the integrative approach in managing some common traumatic injuries and pain-related conditions.
Module 1
Advanced Studies on Chinese Medical Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Tuina Therapy
- The following diseases will be covered in the module: Cervical spondylopathy, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, golf elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, triquetral bone injury, intercostal neuralgia, semi-dislocation of thoracic vertebral body, prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, lower back sprain, knee injury, ankle sprain, heel pain, stroke sequelae and osteoporosis.
Module 2
Western Medical Approaches on Common Soft Tissue Injuries
- Western medical diagnostic methods on traumatic injuries including physical, imaging and biochemical investigations.
-Western medical approaches in evaluation of treatment outcomes.
Module 3
Clinical Psychology in Post-Traumatic Pain
-Application of clinical psychology in chronic and refractory pain management.
Graduation Requirements:
To be awarded the Advanced Diploma in Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Tuina Therapy in Chinese Medicine, students are required to have an overall attendance rate of 70% and pass the assessments of all modules.
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