Ms. Ng Wai-ching, Irene
BSocSc (City U), MSocSc (HKU); RSW 3943 1603This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research Interests
- Family study
- Family therapy
- Violence and disaster recovery
- Crisis intervention
- Community and women work
- Clinical social work practice
- Fieldwork supervision
Selected Publications
- 吳惠貞 (2011)《家暴受害人的處境及使用法律保障的經驗研究報告》,關注家庭暴力受害人法權會出版
- Ng, W.C.(2009). Trials and Justice in Sex Offences against Minors: A Research Report. End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation
- 吳惠貞 (2008) 《社工:陪伴川籍傷員走過的50天》,中國社會報社《中國社會導刊》,第205期,2008.9上期,28-31頁
- 吳惠貞﹑梁麗儀著作 (2007)《法庭內望:從法官的總結詞看強姦案件的審判與迷思研究報告》香港:關注婦女性暴力協會出版
- Cheung, F. M., Ng, W.C. (2005). Rainlily Build-in Study Report 2001-2003,Joint Publication of The Gender Research Centre at the Chinese University of H.K. & Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
Awards and Honors
- 廣東省香港社工督導嘉許(2012), 廣東省社會工作師聯合會
- 15th Outstanding Social Worker Award (January, 2006)