Happy Wheels Krunkerigri Araba Oyunu
Topic: $L^2$ Asymptotics for High-Dimensional Data
Date: 19/02/2016
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Lady Shaw Building (LSB) Room C1
Category: Seminar
Speaker: Miss Mengyu Xu


I will present an asymptotic theory for the $L^2$ norms of sample mean vectors of high-dimensional data. An invariance principle for the $L^2$ norms is derived under conditions that involve a delicate interplay between the dimension $p$, the sample size $n$ and the moment condition. Under proper normalization, central and non-central limit theorems are obtained. To perform the related statistical inference, I will introduce re-sampling procedures to approximate the distributions of the $L^2$ norms. The results are applied to mean tests and inference of covariance matrix structures.

PDF: 201600219_XU.pdf