The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Seminar “中國國家博物館藏與商周史事相關青銅器擷萃” Conducted by Dr. TIAN Shuai on 13 March 2019

Prof. TIAN Shuai, Research Associate of the National Museum of China, was invited by the Department to deliver a lecture entitled “The Bronze Collection of National Museum of China Related to the History of the Shang and the Zhou Dynasty” (中國國家博物館藏與商周史事相關青銅器擷萃) on 13 March 2019.

Dr. TIAN discussed the shape, motif and inscription of two bronze collections of the National Museum of China, Tureen of Tianwang (tianwang gui 天亡簋, a sacrificial vessel belonging to Tianwang) and Tiger ying (虎鎣, a water vessel with tiger motif) in his lecture. The shape and ornamentation of tianwang gui reveals that it is a typical relic of the early Zhou. Tianwang gui is an important source of studying the Western Zhou history. The Zhou people legitimised their succession to Shang by claiming that they were mandated by the Heaven. The inscription engraved inside tianwang gui recorded the sacrifice, also as a report to the Heaven, made by King Wu after the conquest of the Shang.

Dr. TIAN believed that Tiger ying was unearthed in the Mid-Qing period and presented as a tribute to the emperor by local officials. It was taken from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing during the Second Opium War by a British soldier and was returned to China in 2018. It was named Tiger ying because of the tiger decoration on its lid and spout. However, Dr. TIAN raised that it was a more common practice to name a bronze vessel by referencing to the purpose of making it from the inscriptions and thus proposed that zhizuogong ying (自作供鎣, ying that was offered in sacrifice) was a more appropriate name. On the other hand, bronzes with motif of tiger and dragon were common in the Shang and the Zhou period, but those decorations on the zhizuogong ying are well-made and unique. The lecture ended with Dr. TIAN sharing his journey of bringing back the zhizuogong ying from the UK to China.


Recapping the Academic Seminar “論清史的編纂歷史” Conducted by Prof. WANG Jingsong on 13 March 2019

Prof. WANG Jingsong from the Research Institute of History and Culture of Peking University was invited by the Department to deliver a lecture entitled “The Historiography of the History of Qing Dynasty” (論清史的編纂歷史) on 13 March 2019.

The Manuscript of the Qing History (Qingshigao) was compiled by the Qing Academia Historica, which was set up during the First Republic of China period. Prof. WANG discussed in detail the history of the establishment of the Qing History Museum, as well as the compilation and different versions of The Manuscript of the Qing History. He also introduced the work of revising the new edition of Qing history by the National Qing History Compilation Committee, which was established in 2002.


Recapping the Academic Seminar “10-15世紀歐亞大陸東部的錢幣流通” Conducted by Prof. Toshihiko MIYAKE on 14 March 2019

Prof. Toshihiko MIYAKE from the College of Humanities, Shukutoku University, was invited by the Department to deliver a lecture entitled “Coins Circulation in Eastern Eurasia on 10th-15th Centuries” (10-15世紀歐亞大陸東部的錢幣流通) on 14 March 2019.

Based on numerous collections of excavated coins from China, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia, Prof. MIYAKE analysed the types, unearthed environment and distribution range of those coins which were cast in the Tang and Song dynasties. A series of graphs were presented to explain the characteristics of the coins’ circulation. Prof. MIYAKE assumed that a structure of three concentric circles could be applied. A China-centric structure was the principal model in East Asia, while Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia had developed its own structures. However, the principal structure was overlaid with other minor structures on their peripheries. For example, cellaring coins and sacrificial coins unearthed in Hokkaido, Japan, proved that two structures were overlaid on this area. In conclusion, Prof. MIYAKE hoped that his theory could propose a “numismatic archeology” that could be applied to Eastern Eurasia.


Recapping the Undergraduate Programme Admission Talk on 16 March 2019

Dr. SIU Kam Wah was invited to give an undergraduate programme admission talk to senior-form students of three band one secondary schools (St. Mary’s Canossian College, St. Francis’ Canossian College and CCC Ming Yin College) at the “CU Campus Tour for Senior Form Students” on 16 March 2019. This annual activity was organised by the Social Affairs Sub-committee of the Convocation of the CUHK and the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. It aimed to attract more senior-form students with high potential to apply to CUHK and enhance their interest in the History Department.

Reported by Dr. SIU Kam Wah


Upcoming Events

Workshops for the First-Year RPg Students 2018-19

Date: 29 March 2019 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: CHEUNG Ka Lok

Presenter Topic Language
PENG Hao 崇禎末年行鈔考 Putonghua
LIU Wenbin 以《山東經會錄》為中心的明代中後期財政研究 Putonghua
LUI Cheuk Yiu Brian 清中晚期四川南部縣鹽業與地方社會 Putonghua
LEE Kwun Chi 李鴻章評價的轉變的歷史意義—以上海李公祠的發展為視角 (1901-1937年) Putonghua
ZHAN Jingyu 1930年代廣州政府的社會教育事業與國民性改造 Putonghua

Date: 12 April 2019 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Presenter Topic Language
CHEUNG Shin Yee 紡織考古與漢代絲綢之路貿易面目 Putonghua
YI Shuihan 唐朝前期實錄修纂研究綜述及選題研究進展 Putonghua
TAN Xiaojun 學以致聖:宋儒顏回論述中學的轉向 Putonghua
SEE Wing Yin 北宋中期祭天禮儀改革的政治意義 Cantonese
YIP Kin Fu 「洛蜀朔黨」新考 Cantonese
FONG Wai Man 向民主吶喊:《自由人》與香港第三勢力運動研究 Putonghua

Date: 12 April 2019 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm-5:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Presenter Topic Language
WANG Yiqiaog 海洋貿易中的廣州:從朝貢貿易到天子南庫 Putonghua
WANG Yongxi 明清陝西清峪河流域的水利爭端與地方社會 Putonghua
LAN Tu 甘州府南部的番漢問題和水源地問題 (1725-1911) Putonghua
WU Ziqi 國民革命中的法國殖民管治:國民革命軍南征與廣州灣租借地 (1924-1926) Putonghua
GUO Yejia 「殤女」?「悍婦」?:官方語境下惠安女性的風俗改良與形象建構 (1912-1949) Putonghua

For enquiry, please call 3943 8541.


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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