The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Students who wish to change their course enrolments are reminded to do so via the CUSIS during the following specified add/drop periods:

Undergraduate programmes: Between 8:30pm on 14 September 2015 and 8:30pm on 20 September 2015.

Postgraduate programmes: Between 10am on 7 September 2015 and 5:30pm on 21 September 2015.



Acting Appointments

Prof. YIP Hon Ming, Department Chair, will be away between 14 and 26 September 2015 to conduct research. During Prof. Yip’s academic leave, Prof. HO Pui Yin (14–19 September) and Prof. CHOI Chi Cheung (20–26 September) will be the Acting Chair.


Our welcome to Ms WONG Chiu Yan, who has joined the Division Office as Project Coordinator with effect from 14 September 2015. Ms WONG will assist the Programme Director in running the MA Programme in Comparative and Public History.


Academic Activities

Recapping the “Kyoto University – CU History Student Cultural Exchange Seminar” held on 21 August 2015.

With the welcome speech delivered by Prof. CHOI Chi Cheung, Acting Department Chair, the “Kyoto University – CU History Student Cultural Exchange Seminar” was held at Room 101 of Fung King Hey Building. Four undergraduate students from Kyoto University visited our Department and participated in the seminar, making presentations on four topics: “The Japanese Culture Influenced by China”, “The Japanese Religious Ideas: Shinto and Buddhism”, “How the Japanese Painters Drew China? From Pre-adoption of Western Culture to the 2nd Sino-Japanese War” and “Internet Slang Words and Otaku Culture”. Presentations were also made by our Department’s undergraduate students on the following five topics: “Introduction to History and Culture of The CUHK”, “The Influences of Japanese Pop Culture on Hong Kong”, “Characteristic Architectures in Hong Kong”, “Villain Hitting” and “Food Culture in Hong Kong”. Students from both universities greatly enjoyed the presentations and discussions at the seminar and the dinner afterwards.

Reported by Dr. SIU Kam Wah


Recapping the Summer Internship Sharing Session conducted on 2 September 2015.

Interns were invited to share their work experiences at the session so as to collect feedback for further improvements to the programme.


Interns were invited to share their work experiences at the session so as to collect feedback for further improvements to the programme.

As part of the agreement that established collaboration between partner universities, Prof. POO Mu-chou, Division Head, and Dr. MA Muk Chi led a student delegation to visit the History Department of National Taipei University in May 2015. To further academic exchange, students from the History Department of National Taipei University visited our Department. They participated in workshops and made presentations on two topics: “戰後臺灣學運發展與影響──以野百合學運為例” and “21世紀臺灣學生運動之演進──國會佔領行動為例”. Prof. YIP Hon Ming, Department Chair, delivered the opening speech. Participants greatly enjoyed the presentations and discussions at the workshops.


Upcoming Events

18 September 2015 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Date : 18 September 2015 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm – 6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 秘密社會的秘密:自我合法化與其在中國社會虛擬的影響
Speaker : Prof. HE Xi
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


25 September 2015 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Date : 25 September 2015 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm – 6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 明清時期的科舉與科舉「雞精書」:以光緒丙戌榜會試頭場試卷為例
Speaker : Prof. PUK Wing Kin
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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