Title of ProjectProvision of Services for Producing a Learning and Teaching Package on the Period “Three Kingdoms, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties” to support the implementation of the revised Chinese History Curriculum at Junior Secondary LevelTeam MembersLAI Ming Chiu, CHEUNG Sui WaiFunding SourceEducation Bureau, HKSAR Government
Title of ProjectExperimentation or a Skillful Act? The Early Bronze Technology in Northern Vietnam and the Technological Transmission between East Asia and Southeast AsiaPrincipal InvestigatorLAM Weng CheongFunding SourceDirect Grant for Research
Title of ProjectEmpire of Eloquence: Humanism & Iberian Global Expansion, 1500-1850Principal InvestigatorStuart MCMANUSFunding SourceDirect Grant for Research
Title of ProjectLaw and Orthodoxy: Byzantine Religious Identity in the Crusading Era (c.1000-1260)Principal InvestigatorJames MORTONFunding SourceDirect Grant for Research