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Important Dates

Please refer to the website of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) for more details on dates related to:
  • applying to CUHK
  • any interviews by academic departments/ programmes, and
  • prioritizing college choices
The dates shown may differ depending on whether you are a local student applying through JUPAS, a local non-JUPAS applicant, a student from the Mainland applying via the system set up through the Ministry of Education, or a student from other parts of the world.  Only some of these dates are given below, referring especially for JUPAS applicants.

Please also refer the website of the Office of Student Affairs (OSAfor information on orientation activities based on departments/ programmes, and special orientations for Mainland and international students.  

This page only gives the important dates up to the first week of term.  For events later in the academic year, please refer to the page for Events Calendar.
Thu 13–Fri 14 Aug
Online student registration (JUPAS – HKDSE)
Tue 18–Wed 19 Aug
College interviews (JUPAS – HKDSE)
Tue 1 Sep
Course Selection Y1
Wed 2 Sep College Virtual Welcoming Session
Mon 7 Sep
1st Term Commencement 
Fri 11 Sep Extended Orientation (1st Session)

