Happy Wheels Krunkerigri Araba Oyunu
Topic: Long-term Asymptotics for (Fractional) Anderson Models
Date: 17/11/2017
Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Yasumoto International Academic Park, Room LT9, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Category: Seminar
Speaker: Professor Jian Song


In this talk, I will review our recent results on the long-term behavior of the solutions to the parabolic and hyperbolic Anderson models. The talk will consist of two parts. The first part concerns the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the (fractional) heat equation and wave equation driven by multiplicative Gaussian noise, and the Feynmnan-Kac formula for stochastic heat equation. The second part deals with moments Lyapunov exponents for the solutions to the (fractional) Anderson models.

PDF: 20171117_Song_printV2.pdf