Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - Distinguished Professors

Distinguished Professors

The following distinguished scientists actively participate in our Faculty, contributing towards the advancement of science and human knowledge:

Prof. MAK Chung Wai Thomas 
Wei Lun Research Professor, CUHK 

Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Honorary Fellow, CUHK

Prof. SUN Sai Ming Samuel 
Research Professor of Biology, CUHK

Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering 
Academician, International Eurasian Academy of Sciences 
Honorary Fellow, CUHK

Prof. WONG Nai Ching Henry
Professor of Chemistry, CUHK

Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fellow, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Croucher Senior Research Fellowship
Founding Member, Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong
Head of New Asia College, CUHK

Prof. WU Chi 
Professor of Chemistry, CUHK 

Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Fellow, American Physical Society
Croucher Senior Research Fellowship

Prof. YANG Chen Ning 
Distinguished Professor-at-Large, CUHK

Nobel Prize in Physics, 1957 
Rumford Prize, 1980 
United States National Medal of Science, 1986 
Benjamin Franklin Medal, 1993 
Bower Award, 1994 
N. Bogoliubov Prize, 1996 
Lars Onsager Prize, 1999 
King Faisal International Prize, 2001

Prof. YAU Shing Tung 
Distinguished Visiting Professor-at-Large, CUHK

John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science, National Academy of Sciences, 1981 
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry, 1981 
Fields Medal, 1982 
Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 1991 
Crafoord Prize, 1994 
United States National Medal of Science, 1997 
China International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award, 2003 
Wolf Prize, 2010
Marcel Grossmann Award, 2018