About me
LAM Tai-ning, Teddy 林泰寧
Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCPS
Professional Consultant
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3943 6827
Fax:(852) 2603 5295
Email: teddylam@cuhk.edu.hk
Personal Details
Dr Teddy Tai Ning Lam joined the School of Pharmacy in 2011. He completed the unique combined PharmD/PhD programme at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and received his PharmD in 2004 and PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics in 2010. Besides research, he practiced as a clinical pharmacist at Kaiser Permenante Redwood City Medical Center (California, USA), which is an acute-care hospital with specialized care in neuroscience and neurosurgery.
Research Interests
Dr Lam’s interdisciplinary research centers on the intersection of quantitative pharmacology, therapeutic engineering and computational modeling and simulation (M&S). The central questions driving his research are: how do we gain deeper, mechanistic insights in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD)? How do we integrate and leverage that knowledge to develop better drugs faster and smarter? How can novel, computational, scientific M&S methods help achieve those goals?
Currently, his research focuses on a) developing in silico, agent-based, multi-scale, biomimetic PK/PD M&S to achieve better understanding in the networked mechanisms that link molecular level events with observed phenomena in drug absorption, distribution and metabolism; and b) using novel M&S approaches to enable therapeutic advances, optimization, and individualization.
The long-term objective is to build virtual tissues, organs, and patients that become informative virtual laboratories and knowledge embodiments, and use them to predict drug response and disposition, thus support critical decision making in clinical practice and drug development.
Recent and On-going Research Grants
(* as PI)
- * In Silico Drug Absorption Tract: An Agent-based, Biomimetic Model for Drug Absorption (CU13898) sponsored by Research Grants Council – Early Career Scheme and Early Career Scheme Award during the period 2014 – 2017 for the sum of HKD 1,007,764.00
- The Implications of CYP2B6 Genotype in Long Term Efavirenz Treatment (CU13898) sponsored by Council for the AIDS Trust Fund during the period 2015 – 2016 for the sum of HKD 375,632.00
- Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme
- PHAR2220 Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- PHAR2710 Pharmaceutical Research Methods
- PHAR3611 Pharmacy Clerkship and Project I
- PHAR3612 Pharmacy Clerkship and Project II
- PHAR5541 Pharmaceutical Statistics
- PHAR5825 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Quality
- PHAR5541 Pharmaceutical Statistics
- PHAR5130 Overview of Drug Development
- PHAR5613 Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
- PHAR5579 Graduation Project II
- Master of Clinical Pharmacy Programme
- PHAR 5825 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenetics
- PHAR 5924 Graduation Project II
Representative Publications
- Hunt CA, Ropella GE, Lam T, Gewitz AD. Relational grounding facilitates development of scientifically useful multiscale models. Theor Biol Med Model. 2011 Sep 27;8:35. doi:10.1186/1742-4682-8-35
- Lam TN, Hunt CA. Mechanistic Insight from In Silico Pharmacokinetic Experiments: Roles of P-glycoprotein, CYP3A4 Enzymes, and Microenvironments. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2010 332(2): 398-412. doi:10.1124/jpet.109.160739
- Hunt CA, Ropella GEP, Lam TN, Tang J, Kim SHJ, Engelberg JA and Sheikh-Bahaei S. At the Biological Modeling and Simulation Frontier. Pharm Res. 2009 26(11): 2369-400. doi: 10.1007/s11095-009-9958-3
- Lam TN, Hunt CA. Discovering Plausible Mechanistic Details of Hepatic Drug Interactions. Drug Metab Dispos. 2009 37: 237-246 doi: 10.1124/dmd.108.023820
- Grover A, Lam TN, Hunt CA. New Simulation Methods to Facilitate Achieving a Mechanistic Understanding of Basic Pharmacology Principles in the Classroom. J Sci Ed Tech. 2008 17: 366-372 doi: 10.1007/s10956-008-9106-6
Supplementary Information
Software Development
In Silico Pharmacokinetic System
The In Silico Pharmacokinetic System (ISPKS) is an agent-based, discrete-event, simulation library core designed to be the foundation for running in silico pharmacokinetic experiments. ISPKS is written in Java programming language, and supported by MASON, a fast, discrete-event multi-agent simulation library in Java. ISPKS provides the functionality to represent pharmacokinetic experiments computationally; executing the software simulates the experiments.
The source code of ISPKS can be viewed at https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/teddylam/
To showcase the functionality and capability of the ISPKS, two specific instantiations of the ISPKS are presented here. The two instances differ in their assembly of components, and hence they represent two different pharmacokinetic experiments.
- The first one is In Silico Drug Absorption Tract (“ISDAT”), representing human oral drug absorption in the context of a clinical bioavailability trial.
- The second is In Silico Enterocyte Monolayer model (“Interplay” model), used in studying enzyme-transporter interplay in an in vitro cell monolayer transport experiment.
Each instance is packaged into a Java Archive file, which contains required Java and MASON libraries. Additional files required for post-simulation analyses are also included. Altogether these files are included the following compressed zip files.
ISDAT.zip [ISDAT.zip]
Interplay.zip [Interplay.zip]
Installation and simulation guide [ISPKS_Guide.pdf]
This document contains the installation and simulation guide for these two models, as well as recommended simulations to be carried out with each of them.
Of note, Java SE development Kit is required to run the programs. Java3D is required for 3D graphics in the graphical user interface (for windows only), and R is required to run automatic analysis scripts. Please see the guide for detailed information.