黃韻婷 教授

黃韻婷 教授

職位 助理教授
辦公室 香港中文大學崇基學院李慧珍樓101-K室
電話 (852) 3943 3504
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  1. 香港浸會大學中醫藥學院中醫學士
  2. 香港浸會大學理學院生物科學(榮譽)學士
  3. 香港大學醫學院家庭醫學及基層醫療學系研究博士


  1. 香港中文大學中西醫結合醫學研究所副研究員
  2. 世界華人生活質素學會副主席
  3. 香港大學家庭醫學及基層醫療學系博士後
  4. 香港大學中醫藥學院副研究員
  5. 香港大學家庭醫學及基層醫療學系教學助理
  6. 美樂中醫診所顧問中醫師
  7. 康得堂中醫診所中醫師
  8. 耆康中醫診所中醫師


  1. BCME2103 基礎中藥學
  2. BCME6506 針灸學研究方法
  3. UGEB2831中醫與中藥
  4. PHAR5950 Advanced Course in Specialty Training of Oncology Pharmacist
  5. NURS2121中醫護理
  6. Coursera 「日常中醫藥」


  1. 中醫基層醫療
  2. 中醫流行病學
  3. 病人報告療效評估
  4. 生存質量量表
  5. 基層醫療研究
  6. 中醫臨床研究方法學
  7. 中醫藥的成本效益分析
  8. 中醫癌症治療
  9. 定性研究促進跨學科臨床交流


  1. WONG, Wendy; LAM, Cindy Lo Kuen; BIAN, Zhao Xiang; ZHANG, Zhang Jin; NG, Sze Tuen; TUNG, Shong; Morbidity pattern of traditional Chinese medicine primary care in the Hong Kong population; Scientific Reports
  2. Wong W. Leung TH. Development of integrative medicine in Hong Kong, China; Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2017; 23(7):486-489
  3. 黃韻婷, 梁挺雄. 香港中西醫結合發展; 中國中西醫結合雜誌. 2017; 37(6):657-658
  4. Wong CH, Wu X, Wong W. Is adding electroacupuncture on top of nocturnal splinting an alternative treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome patients? Advances in Integrative Medicine. 2016;3(1):31-2.
  5. Choi EP, Wong JY, Lo HH, Wong W, Chio JH, Fong DY. The association between smartphone dating applications and college students' casual sex encounters and condom use. Sexual & reproductive healthcare: official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives. 2016;9:38-41.
  6. Wong W*, Lam CL, Su YC, Lin SJ, Ziea ET, Wong VT, et al. Measuring body constitution: validation of the Body Constitution Questionnaire (BCQ) in Hong Kong. Complement Ther Med. 2014;22(4):670-82.
  7. Wong W*, Lam C, Wong VTCW, Yang ZM, Ziea ETC, Kwan AKL. Validation of the Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire (CCMQ): Does the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) concept of body constitution (BC) exist? Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. 2013;2013:14-28.
  8. Fung CS, Chin WY, Dai DS, Kwok RL, Tsui EL, Wan YF, et al. Evaluation of the quality of care of a multi-disciplinary risk factor assessment and management programme (RAMP) for diabetic patients. BMC Family Practice. 2012;13(1):116.
  9. Wong W*, Lam C, Fong D. Treatment Effectiveness of Two Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulae in upper respiratory tract infections - a randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial. Family Practice. 2012;10:1-10.
  10. Wong W*, Lam CL, Bian Z, Zhang Z, Ng S, Tung S. Morbidity and management patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) primary care in Hong Kong population. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2014;20:A4.
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