Sponsored by the General Education Foundation Development Fund

*Student information was obtained in the academic year 2018-19.

In Dialogue with Humanity | In Dialogue with Nature

In Dialogue with Humanity

Best Essay Award - Gold Award

Year 1, Social Science, Wu Yee Sun College
(Major in Urban Studies in the academic year 2019-2020)
The Good Life and Its Correlation with Alcohol Inebriation – A Discussion between Confucius, J.S. Mill and Marx

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Best Essay Award - Silver Awards

FENG Yuxiao
Year 2, Risk Management Science, New Asia College
Facing the Dawn of the Era of Artificial Intelligence: In Dialogue with Marx and Rousseau

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TSE Yuen Wing
Year 1, Architectural Studies, New Asia College

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WONG Yuen Lung
Year 1, Public Health, New Asia College
Is the Course "In Dialogue with Humanity" Self-contradictory?

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Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards

BAE Seung Mann
Year 2, Laws, Morningside College
An Open Letter to Anand Giridharadas: A World of Equal Cooperation and Appreciation of Collective Effort

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CHEN Victor Xin Yuan
Year 2, Public Health, Chung Chi College

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JEON Min-gyu
Year 1, Energy and Environmental Engineering, Morningside College
The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself

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LAM Hau Yu
Year 1, Chinese Language and Literature, Chung Chi College

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NG Hoi Tin
Year 1, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, S.H. Ho College

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NG Wing Chi
Year 2, History, Chung Chi College

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In Dialogue with Nature

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Best Essay Award - Gold Award

Year 1, Global Communication, S.H. Ho College
Decipher the Secret, or Get Devoured by the Sphinx: Tackling the Question with the Aid of Science and Technology in the Provision of Tools and Answers

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Best Essay Award - Silver Awards

CAI Jingyi
Year 1, Integrated BBA Programme, Wu Yee Sun College
生命:有限與無窮 — 致霍金先生的一封信

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XU Xiang
Year 2, Financial Technology, United College

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YUEN Wai Yan
Year 1, Medicine, S.H. Ho College
On the Value of Scientific Knowledge and Its Significance

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Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards

BANG Tae Won
Year 2, Electronic Engineering, New Asia College
Two Wings of Scientific Development: Written Language and Numeral System

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LAU Wing Yan
Year 1, Medicine, New Asia College
Two Olive Branches: Science and Religion

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LEE Sheung Chit
Year 1, Physics, Chung Chi College
Artistic Side of Science

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MA Ching Ngai
Year 2, Mathematics, New Asia College

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TSANG Wai Hung
Year 2, English, Shaw College
Humanity as the Limits of Modern Science

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WU Jiayi
Year 1, Science, Chung Chi College
(Major in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science in the academic year 2019-2020)
Human Getting Disconnected with Nature — A Distortion in Aesthetic Judgment

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