In Dialogue with Humanity
Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
MAK Chi Ki Caily Year 1, Chinese Language and Literature, New Asia College 跟著儒道矛盾去旅行

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
CHIU Tsz Ching Year 1, Pharmacy, Chung Chi College 論《會飲篇》與《心經》為死後自我消失之恐懼提供的慰藉

LAW Yuen Ying Year 2, Chinese Language and Literature, Chung Chi College 智育、群育與生命教育的對話

TSANG Lok Pan Year 1, History, New Asia College The Degenerating Post-Truth Politics: How We Respond to It?

Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
CHIU Kwan Ho Nicholas Year 1, Medicine, S.H. Ho College How, if at all, has Adam Smith's intentions to promote universal opulence in The Wealth of Nations been able to benefit the common worker?

CHUI Sau King Year 1, Sociology, Chung Chi College 諾言

JI Yuxuan Year 1, Laws, United College 生死對話錄

KO Isabella Jessica Year 1, Medicine, Morningside College When Plato Meets God: A Symposium on Love

LAU Wing Tung Year 1, Science, United College (Major in Biochemistry in the academic year 2017-2018) 亞當和夏娃的平反

LEUNG Pak Yui Year 1, English Studies and English Language Education, United College Respect, Understand and Comprehend – The Correct Perspective towards Islam

TSUI Hiu Tin Year 1, Laws, United College Humanity and Nature

In Dialogue with Nature
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Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
LAU Cheuk Ho Year 2, Music, Chung Chi College Re-evaluation of the Nature of Free Will: A Response to Libet's Experiments

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
TAM Lok Man Year 1, Integrated BBA Programme, S.H. Ho College 模糊的界線:論科學與藝術的異同

YEUNG Yau Tin Year 2, Nursing, United College Is Understanding the Scientific Development Necessary?

YIM Oi Yan Year 1, Geography and Resource Management, Shaw College Who are you?

Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
HUNG Tsung Yi Year 2, Laws, Wu Yee Sun College The Interaction between Science and Law

LAU Yuk Bun Year 1, Medicine, S.H. Ho College When Science becomes creeds? Perfection!

LI Yee Ting Year 1, Medicine, S.H. Ho College The Beauty in Scientists' Eyes – Less or More?

LIU Kwong Hang Year 2, Laws, New Asia College Limited but Limitless

TSANG Ling Yi Year 1, Psychology, S.H. Ho College Should be changed or should not be changed - that is the question.

YU Ka Ho Year 3, Philosophy, New Asia College 求真、解放及其界限──科學學習中的自由觀

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