PhD, MPhil, BSc (CUHK) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Academic Interests
- Teaching classics for general education
- Molecular authentication of Chinese medicinal materials
- Systematic botany
- DNA barcoding technology
- Pharmaceutical values of Chinese herbal medicines
- 2018
- Li M, Shaw PC. 2018. "Aristolochiaceae". In Li DZ, Chen ZD, Wang H, Lu AM (ed.) A Dictionary of the Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants. Beijing: Science Press
- Li M, Shaw PC. 2018. "Vitaceae". In Li DZ, Chen ZD, Wang H, Lu AM (ed.) A Dictionary of the Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants. Beijing: Science Press
- Lau KC, Li M, Liao L. 2018. "Assessment of Students' Views of Nature of Science in the Context of the Discovery of DNA Structure". In Vopava J, Douda V, Kratochvil R, Konecki M (ed.) Proceedings of MAC 2018 in Prague. Prague: MAC Prague Consulting s.r.o. Pp. 196-216
- 2017
- Li M, Lai CW, Szeto WM. 2017. "Whiteboard Animation: An Innovative Teaching and Learning Tool for Flipped Classrooms". In Nygaard C, Horsted A, Branch J, Bartholomew P (ed.) New Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Oxforshire: Libri Publishing Ltd. Pp. 159-175
- McGuire W, Evans R, Li M, Midford S. 2017."Student-Centred E-Learning". In Nygaard C, Horsted A, Branch J, Bartholomew P (ed.) New Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Oxforshire: Libri Publishing Ltd. Pp. 113-123
- 2015
- Lo YT, Li M, Shaw PC. 2015. Identification of constituent herbs in ginseng decoctions by DNA markers. Chinese Medicine 10(1):1
- 2014
- Jiang LL, Wong KL, Wong YT, Chen WT, Li M, Lau CBS, Shaw PC. 2014 Helicase-dependent amplification is effective in distinguishing Ginseng from American ginseng. Food Control 43:199-205
- Li M, Au KY, Lam H, Cheng L, But PPH, Shaw PC. 2014. Molecular identification and in vitro cytotoxicity study of traditional Chinese medicines that are commonly confused with Aristolochia species. Food Chemistry 147: 332-339.
- 2013
- Li M, Wong YL, Jiang LL, Wong KL, Wong YT, Lau CBS, Shaw PC. 2013. Application of novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for rapid authentication of the herbal tea ingredient Hedyotis diffusa Willd. Food Chemistry 141(3): 2522-2525.
- Li M, He J, Jiang LL, Ng ESK, Wang H, Lam FFY, Zhang YM, Tan NH, Shaw PC. 2013. The anti-arthritic effects of Aconitum vilmorinianum, a folk herbal medicine in Southwestern China. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147(1): 122-127.
- Li M, But PPH, Shaw PC. 2013. Molecular identification of traditional medicinal materials. In Huang LQ (ed.). Molecular Pharmacognosy. Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, Shanghai. Pp. 45-66
- 2012:
- Li M, Au KY, Lam H, Cheng L, Jiang RW, But PPH, Shaw PC. 2012. Identification of Baiying (Herba Solani Lyrati) commodity and its toxic substitute Xungufeng (Herba Aristolochiae Mollissimae) using DNA barcoding and chemical profiling techniques. Food Chemistry 135(3):1653-1658
- Li M, Choi ST, Tsang KS, Shaw PC, Lau KF. 2012. DNA microarray expression analysis of baicalin-induced differentiation of C17.2 neural stem cells. ChemBioChem 13(9):1286-1290
- Li M, Wong KL, Chan WH, Li JX, But PPH, Cao H, Shaw PC. 2012. Establishment of DNA barcodes for the identification of the botanical sources of the Chinese 'cooling' beverage. Food Control 25(2):758-766
- Yu J, Li M, Guo X, Wang RJ, Chiu SW, Shaw PC, But PPH. 2012. Value of FINS depends on choice of DNA locus as shown in Baihuasheshecao. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 20(4): 879-886
- But PPH, Li M, Wan MSM, Chan YM. 2012. Exacum paucisquamum (C.B. Clarke) Klack., a new record of mycoheterotroph (Gentianaceae) to the flora of Hong Kong. Taiwania 57(3): 300-304
- 2011:
- Li M, Cao H, But PPH, Shaw PC. 2011. Identification of herbal medicinal materials using DNA barcodes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49(3):271-283
- Li M, Tsang KS, Choi ST, Li KH, Shaw PC, Lau KF. 2011. Neuronal differentiation of C17.2 neural stem cells induced by a natural flavonoid, baicalin. ChemBioChem 12(3):449-456
- Li M, Zhang YBK, But PPH, Shaw PC. 2011. Forensically informative nucleotide sequencing (FINS) for the authentication of Chinese medicinal materials. Chinese Medicine 6(1):42
- 2010:
- Li M, Ling KH, Lam H, Shaw PC, Cheng L, Techen N, Khan IA, Chang YS, But PPH. 2010. Cardiocrinum seeds as a replacement for Aristolochia fruits in treating cough. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 130(2):429-432
- Li M, Jiang RW, Hon PM, Cheng L, Zhou JR, Li LL, Shaw PC, But PPH. 2010. Authentication of the anti-tumor herb Baihuasheshecao with bioactive marker compounds and molecular sequences. Food Chemistry 119(3):1239-1245
- Lou SK, Wong KL, Li M, But PPH, Tsui KW, Shaw PC. 2010. An integrated web medicinal materials DNA database: MMDBD (Medicinal Materials DNA Barcode Database). BMC Genomics 11(1):402