
About Green Office Programme (GO!)

About Green Office Program (GO!)

CUHK’s Green Office Programme (GO!) aspires to cultivate sustainability knowledge and drive behavioural changes in all the university offices.
The GO! programme is led by the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office, and its aim is to achieve campus-wide sustainability targets.

GO! Checklist

The ‘GO! Checklist’ is at the core of the programme.  The checklist sets out simple yet effective measures in eight specific categories tailored to guide our staff in achieving environmental excellence in daily operations and improving sustainability performances.  As offices take stock of their activities at the end of every year with reference to this checklist, they can evaluate their performance and formulate specific targets for continuous improvement.


A recognition scheme has also been established to acknowledge the efforts and accomplishments of individual offices.  Offices which fulfil all the mandatory actions listed in the GO! Checklist are recognised as ‘Competent Green Offices’ and are eligible to compete for a range of awards, including a ‘Certificate of Merit’, a ‘Gold Award’, a ‘Platinum Award’ and awards in the eight categories.

Member Offices and GO! Contact Person

Launched in 2012, the GO! programme was initially implemented on a voluntary basis, but in 2014 participation became compulsory for all CUHK offices (a full list of member offices)#.  Member offices are required to undertake all mandatory actions in the ‘GO! Checklist’ and submit the completed form every December.

Each member office is required to nominate and appoint a staff member as its ‘GO! Contact Person’.  The contact person is responsible for:

  • planning for actions to be committed, in consultation with the office’s head or director;
  • notifying the office’s members about the actions committed and regularly monitoring progress towards their achievement;
  • providing information to members of the office on the programme’s development; and
  • filling out and submitting the ‘GO! Checklist’ at the end of every year.


# Newly-established offices which have yet to join the programme and nominate a staff member as their ‘GO! Contact Person’ should contact us at GO@cuhk.edu.hk.  Offices which lack a physical address or share space or staff members with other offices are exempted from joining the programme.

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