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Study Scheme

You may click on the following links to view the study scheme of the BSc Programme in Physics

  • Applicable to students admitted in 2020-21 [ENG] [中文]

  • Applicable to students admitted in 2019-20 [ENG] [中文]

  • Applicable to students admitted in 2018-19 [ENG] [中文]

  • Applicable to students admitted in 2017-18 [ENG] [中文]

  • Applicable to students admitted in 2016-17 [ENG] [中文]

  • Applicable to students admitted in 2015-16 [ENG] [中文]

Specialized Streams of Study

The Department of Physics offers the following specialized streams of study:

Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Astrophysics and particle physics represent the pure pursuit of knowledge out of curiosity that aims at understanding phenomena from the largest to the smallest scales in nature. These fields have enjoyed a rapid growth due to advances in observational, experimental, and computational techniques in recent years. The Stream covers theories and applications. It helps students build a solid background in the fields.
Astrophysics and Particle Physics Stream (Stream-specific requirements on electives)
  • PHYS 2401 Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • PHYS 4430 Astrophysics
  • PHYS 4460 Relativity
  • PHYS 4470 Nuclear and Particle Physics

Computational and Data Physics
Computing and Data emerge as increasingly important ways of understanding the amazing physical world. The development is coupled with recent breakthroughs in advanced algorithm design such as artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques as applied to complex physical systems. The Stream introduces fundamental concepts and techniques in computational physics and numerical simulations, and helps students develop programming, data analytics, and modeling skills that are essential in the frontiers of research and technology.
Computational and Data Physics Stream (Stream-specific requirements on electives)
  • PHYS 2061 Basic Computational Physics
  • PHYS 3061 Introduction to Computer Simulation of Physical Systems
  • PHYS 4061 Computational Physics
Plus one course chosen among
  • CSCI 3320 Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • ELEG 5491 Introduction to Deep Learning
  • PHYS 5520 Introduction to Many-body Theory

Quantum Science and Technology
The Quantum Science and Technology Stream trains students to have a solid grasp of fundamental concepts and techniques in quantum physics. The Stream-specific 15 units of quantum-related courses, on top of the compulsory quantum mechanics courses in the core curriculum, provide students with a broad view of modern and emerging applications of quantum principles in various branches of science and technology.
Quantum Science and Technology Stream (Stream-specific requirements on electives)
  • PHYS 4021 Quantum Mechanics II
  • PHYS 4031 Statistical Mechanics
  • PHYS 4050 Solid State Physics
Plus two courses chosen among the following items
  • PHYS 3023 Introduction to Quantum Information Physics
  • PHYS 4440 Topics in Nanoscience and Technology
  • PHYS 5320 Photonics: Materials and Devices
  • PHYS 5510 Advanced Statistical Mechanics or PHYS 5430 Solid State Theory
  • PHYS 5550 Quantum Optics or PHYS 5590 Modern Atomic Physics

Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics (JS4690)
Description: http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/admission/undergraduate.html
Highlights: http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/admission/highlights.html
Study Scheme: http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/student/uginfo.html

Course List

Course CodeCourse TitleUnit
PHYS1001Essential Physics3
PHYS1002General Physics3
PHYS1003General Physics for Engineers3
PHYS1110Engineering Physics: Mechanics and Thermodynamics3
PHYS1111Introduction to Mechanics, Fluids, and Waves (University Physics I)3
PHYS1113Mechanics, Fluids and Waves (University Physics I)3
PHYS1122University Physics II – Introduction to Optics and Modern Physics3
PHYS1712Physics Laboratory I1
PHYS2041University Physics III – Introduction to Heat and Electromagnetism3
PHYS2051Quantitative Methods for Basic Physics3
PHYS2061Basic Computational Physics3
PHYS2401Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics3
PHYS2510Student Centred Learning I1
PHYS2520Student Centred Learning II1
PHYS2711Physics Laboratory II2
PHYS2722Physics Laboratory III1
PHYS3011Classical Mechanics I3
PHYS3021Quantum Mechanics I3
PHYS3022Applied Quantum Mechanics3
PHYS3023Introduction to Quantum Information Physics3
PHYS3031Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics3
PHYS3041Electromagnetic Theory I3
PHYS3051Methods in Theoretical Physics I3
PHYS3061Introduction to Computer Simulation of Physical Systems3
PHYS3403Introduction to Soft and Living Matter Physics3
PHYS3410Practical Electronics3
PHYS3420Topics in Contemporary Physics3
PHYS3630Other Physics Learning Experience I1
PHYS3710Short Experimental Project I1
PHYS3730Basic Instrumentation3
PHYS3810Short Theoretical Project I1
PHYS4011Classical Mechanics II3
PHYS4021Quantum Mechanics II3
PHYS4031Statistical Mechanics3
PHYS4041Electromagnetic Theory II3
PHYS4050Solid State Physics3
PHYS4051Methods in Theoretical Physics II3
PHYS4061Computational Physics3
PHYS4420Physics in Meteorology3
PHYS4440Topics in Nanoscience and Technology3
PHYS4450Optical Physics3
PHYS4470Nuclear and Particle Physics3
PHYS4480Special Topics I3
PHYS4490Special Topics II3
PHYS4491Special Topics III3
PHYS4492Special Topics IV3
PHYS4610Senior Project I3
PHYS4620Senior Project II3
PHYS4630Other Physics Learning Experience2
PHYS4710Short Experimental Project II1
PHYS4711Short Experimental Project III1
PHYS4712Short Experimental Project IV1
PHYS4801Seminar I1
PHYS4802Seminar II1
PHYS4811Short Theoretical Project II1
PHYS4812Short Theoretical Project III1
STAR2000Undergraduate Research in Science I1
STAR2050Seminar I1
STAR3000Undergraduate Research in Science II2
STAR3050Seminar II1
STAR4000Undergraduate Research in Science III3
STAR4050Seminar III1

Course Descriptions

* Note: If any discrepancy arises, the version on CUSIS should be treated as the official version

PHYS1001 Essential Physics  
This course covers the essential concepts of physics in mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism, waves, atoms, and nuclei. It aims to bring out the essential concepts and their relevance, using simple mathematics. Secondary school physics and calculus are not required. It is suitable for students in physical sciences, biological and medical sciences, and earth science who lack the basic physics training in secondary school, and for students in other majors who want to learn the essential concepts of physics for their later courses.

Enrollment Requirement
1. For JUPAS entrants without attending HKDSE Physics or Combined Science with Physics component, including absentees.
2. For non-JUPAS students, please seek advice and permission from the Department of Physics.

PHYS1002 General Physics
This introductory physics course covers selected topics in mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, and modern physics. This is a non-calculus-based course, but some algebra and trigonometry will be used. This course is designed for students with HKDSE Physics or HKDSE Combined Science with a physics component. It is suitable for students in the physical sciences, biological and medical sciences, earth science, and for those in other majors who want to learn some basic concepts of physics for their later courses. Students with HKDSE Physics, or a good preparation in HKDSE Combined Science with a physics component and HKDSE Mathematics, who want to major in Physics, may benefit more from taking PHYS1111 or PHYS1113.

Enrollment Requirement: Not for students who have taken PHYS1111 or 1113.

PHYS1003 General Physics for Engineers
This non-calculus-based course covers some essential concepts in mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism. It is designed for engineering students to get an overview on what physics is about. Selected topics include: Newton’s laws of motion, Archimedes’ principle, fluid flow, temperature and heat, laws of thermodynamics, electric field and potential, current and circuits, and electromagnetic waves. The course is suitable for Engineering students without HKDSE physics or Combined Science with a physics component, or with permission of instructor.

PHYS1110 Engineering Physics: Mechanics and Thermodynamics
This is an introductory calculus-based engineering physics course covering topics in mechanics and thermodynamics. Topics include: Use of vectors in mechanics, force and motion, free-body diagrams, work and energy, potential energy and conservation of energy, momentum and impulse, torque, essential ideas in rotation, equilibrium, gravitation, ideal fluids, oscillations, waves and sound, elementary concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer mechanisms. Contents will be supplemented by discussions on applications relevant to engineering. The course is suitable for Engineering students with HKDSE physics or Combined Science with a physics component, or with permission of instructor.

PHYS1111 Introduction to Mechanics, Fluids, and Waves (University Physics I)
This introductory calculus-based course discusses the basic principles of mechanics, fluids and waves. The course assumes a background of HKDSE Physics or a good preparation in HKDSE Combined Science with a physics component. It is suitable for potential majors in science and engineering, and for those who intend to minor in physics. Topics include: particle kinematics, force and motion, work and kinetic energy, potential energy, momentum, systems of particles and collisions, rotation, Newton’s law of gravitation, fluid statics and the dynamics of ideal fluids, oscillations, and waves. Students are advised to take this course concurrently with an introductory mathematics course that includes vectors and calculus.

Enrollment Requirement: Not for students who have taken PHYS1113.

PHYS1113 Mechanics, Fluids and Waves (University Physics I)
This introductory calculus-based course discusses the basic principles of mechanics, fluids and waves. The course assumes a good background of HKDSE Physics, Mathematics and Mathematics Extended Part Module 2. It is suitable for potential majors in physics, mathematics and other physical sciences. Topics include: particle kinematics, force and motion, work and kinetic energy, potential energy, momentum, systems of particles and collisions, rotation, Newton’s law of gravitation, fluid statics and the dynamics of ideal fluids, oscillations, and waves. Students are advised to take this course concurrently with an introductory mathematics course that includes vectors and calculus.

Enrollment Requirement: Not for students who have taken PHYS1111.

PHYS1122 University Physics II – Introduction to Optics and Modern Physics
This introductory calculus-based course discusses the basic principles of optics, special relativity, and quantum physics and its applications, plus an introduction to particle physics. The course assumes a background of HKDSE Physics. It is suitable for potential majors in science and engineering, and for those who intend to minor in physics. Topics include: Geometric optics, interference, diffraction, special relativity, quantum physics and its applications to atoms, molecules, solids, and nuclei, particle physics. Students are advised to take this course concurrently with a course in calculus.

PHYS1712 Physics Laboratory I
This is a first course in experimental physics, with an aim to help students develop basic skills in performing experimental measurements, handling and utilizing basic equipment, as well as build necessary concepts and attitudes in data and error analysis. The experiments also serve to illustrate the principles and to reinforce the concepts taught in the lecture course PHYS1111.

PHYS2041 University Physics III – Introduction to Heat and Electromagnetism
This introductory calculus-based course discusses the basic principles of thermodynamics and electromagnetism. The course assumes a background of HKDSE Physics. It is suitable for potential majors in science and engineering. Topics include: the laws of thermodynamics and the kinetic theory of gases; Coulomb’s law, electric field and potential, Gauss’ law, capacitance and dielectrics, current and resistance, DC circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law, inductance, AC circuits, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves.

PHYS2051 Quantitative Methods for Basic Physics
This course provides an introduction to the various analytical techniques necessary for studying physics at university level. Topics include: vectors, rates of change and kinematics, methods for solving ordinary differential equations in mechanics and electric circuits, line integrals and multiple integrals in mechanics, partial differentiation and its applications in mechanics and thermodynamics, methods of vector calculus used in electromagnetism, and applications of infinite series and systems of linear equations in physics.

Pre-requisite: MATH1010 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS2061 Basic Computational Physics
This course provides students with the basic knowledge of a few numerical methods and computer programming commonly used to solve problems in physics. Topics include: basic programming skills, interpolation, numerical integration of functions, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations and wave equations. There are computational laboratories for practice, demonstration and illustration of the subject matter. This course, together with PHYS3061 and 4061, provides basic, intermediate and advanced training on this important branch of computational physics. This fundamental course assumes no prior knowledge in computing.

Enrollment Requirement: Not for students who have taken CSCI2800 / 1510 / 1520 / 1110 / 1120.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: MATH1010 or 1520 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS2401 Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics
The course aims at introducing basic concepts of astronomy and astrophysics, assuming only a secondary school physics and mathematics background. It is designed not only to present a volume of knowledge, but also to arouse students’ curiosity in how nature works. Topics include: the universe at different scales, the Earth and the sky, lunar phases, tides and eclipses, the rise of modern astronomy, theory of motion and gravitation, relativity, the solar system, measuring stars, birth of stars, structure of stars, post-main-sequence evolution, the death of stars, neutron stars, black holes, galaxies and cosmology. Optional activities, for examples, star-gazing trips and visits, may be arranged.

Enrollment Requirement: Not for students who have taken UGEB2401 or UGEB2402.

PHYS2510 Student Centred Learning I
This course provides student-centred learning experience in a small-group setting. Students are required to study physics problems on selected topics relevant to introductory physics courses, present the solutions in class, and engage in discussion with classmates and the instructor. Emphasis is put on skills in self-study, problem solving, and especially presentation and communication skills.

PHYS2520 Student Centred Learning II
This course provides student-centred learning experience in a small-group setting. Students are required to study physics problems on selected topics relevant to introductory physics courses, present the solutions in class, and engage in discussion with classmates and the instructor. Emphasis is put on skills in self-study, problem solving, and especially presentation and communication skills.

PHYS2711 Physics Laboratory II
This course, together with PHYS1712, aims to introduce basic skills in performing experimental measurements, handling and utilizing basic equipments; and build necessary concepts and attitudes of data and error analysis. The experiments in this course also serve to illustrate the principles and reinforce the concepts taught in the lecture courses PHYS1122 and 2041. Students are advised to take PHYS1712 before taking this course.

Pre-requisite: PHYS1712.

PHYS2722 Physics Laboratory III
This course consists of several selected experiments with an aim to illustrate the principles taught in modern and quantum physics courses. Students will gain not only a deeper understanding of the principles behind the experiments, but also hands-on experience in hardware instrumentation, data acquisition, and report writing. Students are advised to take PHYS2711 before taking this course.

Pre-requisite: PHYS1712 and PHYS2711.

PHYS3011 Classical Mechanics I
The course covers the foundation of classical mechanics at the undergraduate level. Topics include: vectors, matrices and vector calculus; Newtonian mechanics of single particles; calculus of variations; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics; central force motion; dynamics of a system of particles; and moving coordinate systems.

Pre-requisite: PHYS1111 or 1113 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS3021 Quantum Mechanics I
This course provides an exposition of the central concepts and theoretical framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Topics include: origins of quantum theory, Schrödinger equation, one-dimensional problems, harmonic oscillators, central potential problems, spins, and an overview of formalism in Dirac notation.

Pre-requisite: PHYS1122 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS3022 Applied Quantum Mechanics
This course provides an exposition of applications of quantum mechanics. Topics include: approximation methods in quantum mechanics, applications of quantum mechanics to atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics. Course instructor may choose to give an introduction to a topic among: quantum information, elementary particle physics, superconductivity, and Bose-Einstein condensation.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3021.

PHYS3023 Introduction to Quantum Information Physics
The course is an introduction to the physics of quantum computing and quantum communication at the undergraduate level. Topics include: qubits, quantum gates and quantum circuit model, entanglement and quantum teleportation, quantum algorithms, quantum decoherence and quantum error correction.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3021 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor

PHYS3031 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
This course emphasizes the understanding of the fundamental concepts and basic theories of thermodynamics, and the analytical skills needed to analyze various thermodynamic systems. In addition to a classical approach to equilibrium thermodynamics and their applications, essential concepts in statistical physics including the relationship between microstates and entropy in an isolated system, the Boltzmann distribution, density of states, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions will be discussed.

Pre-requisite: PHYS2041 and 2051 or their equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS3041 Electromagnetic Theory I
This course covers the foundation of electromagnetic theory at the undergraduate level. Topics include electrostatics and magnetostatics in vacuum and in material media; solution of boundary value problems using the separation of variables, method of image, and multipole expansion; electromagnetic induction; scalar and vector potentials; Maxwell’s equations in vacuum and in media; basic properties of electromagnetic waves and radiation. Students should have learnt the knowledge of vector calculus before taking this course. This course lays a foundation for PHYS4041 and 4450.
Prerequisite: PHYS2041 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS3051 Methods in Theoretical Physics I
This course provides a survey of various analytical techniques commonly used to solve problems in theoretical physics. The following physical problems are used as examples: the vibrating string, waves, electrostatics, heat conduction and coupled oscillators. Students are advised to take the introductory calculus-based physics courses: PHYS1111 or 1113, 1122, 2041 or their equivalents before taking this course.

Pre-requisite: PHYS2051 or MATH2020 or their equivalents, or permission of the instructor.

PHYS3061 Introduction to Computer Simulation of Physical Systems
This is a project-oriented course on computer simulation, emphasizing the setting up of physical models, the development of algorithms for the models, data analysis and graphical techniques. Topics include: the cooling problem, single and many particle dynamics, chaotic dynamics, random processes, wave phenomena, and electrostatic problems. There are computational laboratories for practice, demonstration and illustration of the subject matter. Students are expected to have a solid background in the introductory calculus-based physics courses: PHYS1111, 1122, 2041 and first-year mathematics course: MATH1010, and have written working computer programs before taking this course. Students are advised to seek prior advice from the instructor before enrolment.

PHYS3403 Introduction to Soft and Living Matter Physics
This course aims to offer a quantitative introduction to the dynamics of soft matter (complex fluids, synthetic soft materials and biomaterials) and living matter (living biological systems that can self-organize, self-replicate, and adapt to the environment). Soft and living matters constitute a major part of the physical world around human beings. The large complexity, the far-from-equilibrium nature, and the rich emergent phenomena of soft and living matter present many challenges and opportunities for contemporary science across multiple disciplines. The contents of this course integrate interdisciplinary knowledge from physics, chemistry and life sciences. The course is suitable for students from physics, chemistry, life science, mechanical engineering, and biomedical engineering.

Pre-requisite: PHYS2041 or CHEM2300 or equivalent introductory course that covers thermodynamics, or permission of instructor.

PHYS3410 Practical Electronics
This course provides an introduction to electronic circuits commonly used in experimental physics. It aims at providing hands-on experience on what electronic components and circuits can do. Topics include: circuit analysis, diode circuits, rectifying circuits, transistors, operational amplifiers, and logic circuits. Each topic begins with an overview of the fundamentals, followed by laboratory exercises for practice. The course ends with a short project. The course is essential for performing experimental work in senior projects and postgraduate studies. The course assumes no prior experience in electronics.
Not for students who have taken ELEG2202.

Pre-requisite: PHYS2041 and PHYS2711, or permission of the instructor.

PHYS3420 Topics in Contemporary Physics
Topics of contemporary interest will be selected both from fundamental physics (e.g., black holes, pulsars) and from physics with important applications to technology (e.g., giant magnetoresistance, blue light-emitting diodes and laser). Each will be treated qualitatively and phenomenologically. The objectives are to introduce students to the frontiers of physics, and at the same time to develop skills in heuristic understanding and explanation. Students taking this course are expected to have knowledge at the level of the introductory calculus-based physics courses: PHYS1111, 1122, 2041.

PHYS3630 Other Physics Learning Experience I
Students who have carried out project work or engaged in other physics learning experience related to physics or the training and application of generic skills in the physics curriculum off-campus, typically during exchange or internship programmes, may apply to register into the course. Assessment will be based on a project report and an oral presentation on the off-campus project work.

PHYS3710 Short Experimental Project I
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in experimental physics. Students taking this course are required to finish a short experimental project which illustrates modern physics and/or experimental techniques. A project report in the format of a journal article is required. Students are advised to take PHYS1712 and 2711 before taking this course.

PHYS3730 Basic Instrumentation
This course aims at providing students with the essential techniques and hands-on experience in basic instrumentation of experimental physics, and a proper perspective on how to plan for a physics experiment. A mixture of lectures, laboratory sessions and one project will cover topics and skills ranging from machine programming, computer interface, hardware instrumentation, data acquisition, error analysis, and report writing. The course will be useful to students who plan to do experimental works in postgraduate studies.

PHYS3810 Short Theoretical Project I
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in theoretical or computational physics. Students are required to finish a short project or guided study in theoretical or computational physics and to present a project report.

PHYS4011 Classical Mechanics II
This is an advanced undergraduate course on classical mechanics. The course covers waves in mechanical systems, fluid mechanics, special theory of relativity, and one topic from either nonlinear mechanics or dynamics of rigid bodies.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3051 or its equivalents, or permission of the instructor.

PHYS4021 Quantum Mechanics II
This course provides an extension of PHYS3021. Topics include: formalism of quantum mechanics, approximation methods, operator methods for harmonic oscillator and angular momentum, and quantum measurement problems.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3021 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS4031 Statistical Mechanics
This course provides an introduction to equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical and quantum systems via the theory of ensembles. Topics include: thermodynamic potentials, review on microcanonical ensemble, canonical ensemble, open systems and grand canonical ensemble, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics and their applications, properties of ideal quantum gases. Elementary thermodynamics and statistical physics of phase transformation and transport phenomena will also be discussed. Students are advised to take PHYS3031 or its equivalents before taking this course.

Pre-requisite: PHYS2041 and 2051 or their equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS4041 Electromagnetic Theory II
This is an advanced undergraduate course on electromagnetic theory. The course aims at introducing concepts of classical electrodynamics, especially electromagnetic waves and radiation and their applications, in various situations at the undergraduate level. The concepts of energy, momentum and angular momentum of electromagnetic fields will be introduced as a basis for understanding the properties of electromagnetic waves. Optical phenomena such as reflection and refraction, absorption and dispersion of light, will be explained. The retarded potentials will be derived as a solution to Maxwell’s equations and applied to illustrate the generation of radiation by moving point charges, as well as electric and magnetic dipoles. The relation between electromagnetism and special relativity is discussed.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3041 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS4050 Solid State Physics
This core course aims at providing students with the essential concepts of solid state physics and an understanding of the properties of matter. The properties of solids are discussed using skills and concepts acquired in the fundamental subjects in physics. The course thus also serves to illustrate how physical concepts can be applied to explain the various properties of solids. Topics include: crystal lattices and structures, wave diffraction and reciprocal lattice, lattice vibrations, thermal properties of insulators, metallic behavior and free electron gas, energy bands, semiconductor physics and devices, magnetic properties, dielectric properties, and superconductivity. This is a capstone core course (subject matter) normally taken in final year of study.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: PHYS3022 or its equivalent, or permission of instructor

PHYS4051 Methods in Theoretical Physics II
This course provides students with the essential mathematical physics background needed for carrying out postgraduate studies in physics. Topics include complex analysis: analytic functions, Laurent series, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, Residue Theorem and its applications; ordinary differential equations: Frobenius method, singular points, hypergeometric ODE, Bessel equation and Bessel functions; partial differential equations: eigenfunction expansions and boundary-value problems; inhomogeneous ODE and PDE: Green’s function method.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3051 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS4061 Computational Physics
Unlike a course in computer science or programming, this course is intended to provide a solid training in the computational techniques for the analysis and modelling of physical systems. It focuses specifically on methods for solving various physics problems. Topics include: basic numerical methods, numerical methods in linear algebra, numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations in physics.

Pre-requisite: PHYS2061 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS4420 Physics in Meteorology
This course provides an introduction to the physical principles in meteorology, weather observation and forecasting. Topics include: physics of fluids; dynamic meteorology; atmospheric thermodynamics; atmospheric physics (cloud and lightning); weather systems and phenomena; weather observation, analysis and forecasting; climate change. Trips to Hong Kong Observatory headquarters/ outstations will be arranged to acquaint students with the operation of meteorological instruments and the real-life practice of weather analysis and forecasting. Students are advised to take PHYS3011 and 4011 before taking this course.

PHYS4430 Astrophysics
This course provides an introduction to modern astronomy and cosmology. Topics include: star formation and pre-main sequence evolution, main sequence stars, post-main sequence evolution: red giants, white dwarfs, supernovae, neutron stars and black holes. Students should have basic knowledge in mechanics, quantum mechanics and thermal physics (PHYS3011, 3021, 3031) before taking this course. Students are advised to seek prior advice from the instructor before enrolment.

PHYS4440 Laser Principles and Applications
This course provides an exposition of the basic principles as well as the applied aspects of laser. Topics covered include: electromagnetic theory, ray tracing in optical systems, propagation of laser beams, resonant cavities, laser oscillators and amplifiers, quantum treatment of two-level system, and laser applications. Students are advised to take PHYS3041 and 3202 or 3402, or their equivalents before taking this course.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3021 or its equivalents, or permission of instructor.

PHYS4450 Solid State Physics
This course aims at providing students with the essential concepts of modern solid state physics. The thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of solids will be discussed via microscopic models. Topics covered include: survey of crystal lattices, elastic scattering of waves, atomic vibrations, electrons in crystals, thermodynamics of phonons and electrons, electrical and thermal conduction, magnetic properties, and superconductivity. Students are advised to take PHYS3202 or its equivalent before taking this course or permission of the instructor.

PHYS4460 Relativity
This course serves as an introduction to the central ideas of the theory of general relativity. The theory of special relativity is also reviewed and its geometric formulation will be introduced. Topics in the theory of special relativity include: Lorentz transformation, relativistic kinematics and dynamics, spacetime interval. Elements of differential geometry such as metric, vectors, covariant differentiation and curvature will also be introduced. Topics in the general theory of relativity include: gravity as spacetime curvature, geodesic equation, Einstein’s equations, Schwarzschild metric, black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmological models.

Pre-requisite: PHYS3041 or its equivalents, or permission of the instructor.

PHYS4470 Nuclear and Particle Physics
This course is an elementary introduction to nuclear and particle physics. Topics include: particle accelerators and detectors, nuclear and particle phenomenology, symmetries and conservation laws, interactions, and optional contemporary topics. Students are advised to take PHYS3021 and 3022 or their equivalents before taking this course.

PHYS4480 Special Topics I
Different topics illustrating important ideas of physics will be discussed at an advanced undergraduate level. The choice of topics may vary from time to time.

PHYS4490 Special Topics II
Different topics illustrating important ideas of physics will be discussed at an advanced undergraduate level. The choice of topics may vary from time to time.

PHYS4491 Special Topics III
Different topics illustrating important ideas of physics will be discussed at an advanced undergraduate level. The choice of topics may vary from time to time.

PHYS4492 Special Topics IV
Different topics illustrating important ideas of physics will be discussed at an advanced undergraduate level. The choice of topics may vary from time to time.

PHYS4610 Senior Project I
A project in experimental or theoretical physics, either in research or in reviewing the literature. The course may be taken as a one-semester project course or followed by PHYS4620 as a sequence. Students should seek prior permission of project advisor before enrolment.

PHYS4620 Senior Project II
A project in experimental or theoretical physics, either in research or in reviewing the literature. The course may be taken after PHYS4610 as a sequence to form a two-semester project. Students should seek prior permission of project advisor before enrolment.

PHYS4630 Other Physics Learning Experience
Students who have carried out project work or engaged in other physics learning experience related to physics or the training and application of generic skills in the physics curriculum off-campus, typically during exchange or internship programmes, may apply to register into the course. Assessment will be based on a project report and an oral presentation on the off-campus project work.

PHYS4710 Short Experimental Project II
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in experimental physics. Student taking this course is required to finish a short experimental project, which illustrates modern physics and/or experimental technique. A project report in the format of a journal article is required.

PHYS4711 Short Experimental Project III
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in experimental physics. Student taking this course is required to finish a short experimental project, which illustrates modern physics and/or experimental technique. A project report in the format of a journal article is required.

PHYS4712 Short Experimental Project IV
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in experimental physics. Student taking this course is required to finish a short experimental project, which illustrates modern physics and/or experimental technique. A project report in the format of a journal article is required.

PHYS4801 Seminar I
Small group discussions on topics in modern or contemporary physics. The course also trains students on their presentation and communication skills. Students are advised to take core courses on electromagnetic theory, thermal physics, and quantum mechanics or their equivalents before taking this course.

PHYS4802 Seminar II
Small group discussions on topics in modern or contemporary physics. The course also trains students on their presentation and communication skills. Students are advised to take core courses on electromagnetic theory, thermal physics, and quantum mechanics or their equivalents before taking this course.

PHYS4811 Short Theoretical Project II
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in theoretical or computational physics. Students are required to finish a short project or guided study in theoretical or computational physics and to present a project report.

PHYS4812 Short Theoretical Project III
This course aims at providing students with project learning experience in theoretical or computational physics. Students are required to finish a short project or guided study in theoretical or computational physics and to present a project report.

STAR2000 Undergraduate Research in Science I
This is an elementary research-based course that introduces current issues and/or special important foundation topics in a science discipline. Students are required to finish one of the following two tasks: 1. Read and discuss readings assigned by the instructor; 2. Conduct elementary tasks on a project/study/laboratory.

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: STAR2050.

STAR2050 Seminar I
This course is one of the three seminar courses included in STARS. This course aims to widen students’ scope of horizon in a broad area of scientific research. Students are required to participate in research seminars or conferences.

STAR3000 Undergraduate Research in Science II
This is an intermediate research-based course aiming at introducing more focused research areas in a specific science discipline. Students are required to finish one of the following two tasks: 1. Read and discuss recent research outputs assigned by the instructor; 2. Conduct research related project/study/laboratory.

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: STAR2000.

STAR3050 Seminar II
This course is one of the three seminar courses included in STARS. This course aims to widen students’ scope of horizon in a broad area of scientific research. Students are required to participate in research seminars or conferences.

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: STAR2050.

STAR4000 Undergraduate Research in Science II
This is an advanced research-based course. Students are required to investigate and/or analyze in depth recent advances of a specific area in the science discipline. They are expected to conduct research that may lead to future postgraduate studies.

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: STAR3000.

STAR4050 Seminar III
This course is one of the three seminar courses included in STARS. This course aims to widen students’ scope of horizon in a broad area of scientific research. Students are required to participate in research seminars, conferences or scientific competition.

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: STAR2050.