Professor LO Yuk Ming, Dennis, SBS, JP
Associate Dean (Research)
Chairman, Department of Chemical Pathology
Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine
CUHK Employment
- Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine
- Chairman, Department of Chemical Pathology
- Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine
- Professor of Chemical Pathology
- Director, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences
- Director, State Key Laboratory of Translational Oncology (CUHK)
- Genetics and medicine
- DNA testing and other aspects of chemical pathology
Education & Qualifications
BA (Hons) (Cantab), BM BCh (Oxon), SBS MA (Cantab), DPhil (Oxon), DM (Oxon), FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin), FRCPath (UK)
Research Interests
- Molecular diagnostics
- Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis
- Cancer biomarkers
Additional information
Award & Honour
- Doctor of Science honoris causa degree, University of Macau
- Senior Fellow, PHG Foundation
- Fellow of Royal Society
- Foreign Associate, United States National Academy of Sciences
- Fellow, The World Academy of Sciences
- Founding Fellow, The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong
- Laureate of Future Science Prize - Life Science, 2016
- Laureate of King Faisal International Prize in Medicine, 2014
- Honorary Fellow, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Thomson Reuters Citation Laureate - Chemistry
- Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Selected Publications
- Lam WKJ, Jiang P, Chan KCA, Cheng SH, Zhang H, Peng W, Tse OYO, Tong YK, Gai W, Zee BCY, Ma BBY, Hui EP, Chan ATC, Woo JKS, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD (2018). Sequencing-based counting and size profiling of plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA enhance population screening of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115(22), E5115-E5124.
- Sun K, Jiang P, Wong AIC, Cheng YKY, Cheng SH, Zhang H, Chan KCA, Leung TY, Chiu RWK, and Lo YMD (2018). Size-tagged preferred ends in maternal plasma DNA shed light on the production mechanism and show utility in noninvasive prenatal testing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115(22), E5106-E5114.
- Tsang JCH, Vong JSL, Ji L, Poon LCY, Jiang P, Lui KO, Ni YB, To KF, Cheng YKY, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD (2017). Integrative single-cell and cell-free plasma RNA transcriptomics elucidates placental cellular dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114(37): E7786-E7795.
- Chan KCA, Woo JKS, King A, Zee BCY, Lam WKJ, Chan SL, Chu SWI, Mak C, Tse IOL, Leung SYM, Chan G, Hui EP, Ma BBY, Chiu RWK, Leung SF, van Hasselt AC, Chan ATC, Lo YMD (2017). Analysis of Plasma Epstein-Barr Virus DNA to Screen for Nasopharyngeal Cancer. N Engl J Med 377(6):513-522.
- Chan KCA, Jiang P, Sun K, Cheng YKY, Tong YK, Cheng SH, Wong AIC, Hudecova I, Leung TY, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD (2016). Second generation noninvasive fetal genome analysis reveals de novo mutations, single-base parental inheritance, and preferred DNA ends. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113(50):E8159-E8168.
- Sun K, Jiang P, Chan KCA, Wong J, Cheng YKY, Liang RHS, Chang WK, Ma ESK, Chan SL, Cheng SH, Chan RWY, Tong YK, Ng SSM, Wong RSM, Hui DSC, Leung TN, Leung TY, Lai PBS, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD (2015). Plasma DNA tissue mapping by genome-wide methylation sequencing for noninvasive prenatal, cancer, and transplantation assessments. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA112(40):E5503-E5512.
- Jiang P, Chan CWM, Chan KCA, Cheng SH, Wong J, Wong VWS, Wong GLH, Chan SL, Mok TSK, Chan HLY, Lai PBS, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD(2015). Lengthening and shortening of plasma DNA in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112(11):E1317-E1325.
- Yu SCY, Chan KCA, Zheng YWL, Jiang P, Liao GJW, Sun H, Akolekar R, Leung TY, Go ATJI, van Vugt JMG, Minekawa R, Oudejans CBM, Nicolaides KH, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD (2014). Size-based molecular diagnostics using plasma DNA for noninvasive prenatal testing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(23):8583-8588.
- Lo YMD, Chan KCA, Sun H, Chen EZ, Jiang P, Lun FMF, Zheng YW, Leung TY, Lau TK, Cantor CR, Chiu RWK (2010). Maternal plasma DNA sequencing reveals the genome-wide genetic and mutational profile of the fetus. Sci Transl Med 2:61ra91.
- Lo YMD, Lun FMF, Chan KCA, Tsui NBY, Chong KC, Lau TK, Leung TY, Zee BC, Cantor CR, Chiu RWK (2007). Digital PCR for the molecular detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:13116-13121.