What Does Critical Thinking Mean --- Accurate Definition of Critical Thinking

What Does Critical Thinking Mean --- Accurate Definition of Critical Thinking

Speaker: Dr. Kou Kei Chun (Department of Philosophy)
Date: 4 Nov 2014 (Tuesday)
Language: Cantonese

What is critical thinking? What does it exactly mean when we say someone's thinking is "critical"? John Dewey, honoured as the father of critical thinking, started the studies of critical thinking in the West a century ago.  Since then, many scholars have strived for the most appropriate definition of "critical thinking".

In this seminar, the speaker will examine four of the most recognized definitions of "critical thinking"and engage all participating GE teachers to share their experiences in teaching critical thinking in GE courses. The speakers will also explore pedagogy of critical thinking in GE courses together with the participants.

The four definitions include two classic ones:

1.    Reflective thinking by John Dewey;
2.    Thinker’s attitude by Edward Glaser;

and two widely adopted by contemporary scholars:

3.    Self-improvement in thinking by Richard Paul;
4.    Reasonable thinking by Robert Ennis.

Speaker’s Bio

Dr. Kou Kei Chun is Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy, awardee of the 2011 Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award and the 2011 Exemplary Teaching Award in GE. Dr. Kou obtained his BA in Philosophy from the National Taiwan University.  Later, he received his MPhil and PhD in Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).  Dr. Kou joined Department of Philosophy of CUHK in 2006.  Apart from teaching courses on Logic and Analytical Philosophy for the Philosophy majors, Dr. Kou also offers GE courses every year, including "UGED1810 Critical Thinking", "UGED1800 Art & Methodology of Thinking", "UGED1111 Logic", "UGED1112 Logic & Argumentation" and "UGED2261 Philosophy and Human Life".

His research interests include pedagogy on critical thinking and logic, epistemology, philosophy of language, Anglo-American analytical philosophy and philosophy of life.

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