The New Senior Secondary Curriculum: Ideal and Reality?
The New Senior Secondary Curriculum: Ideal and Reality?
Speaker: Prof. Lam Chi Chung, Prof. Law Huk Yuen, Dr. Ng Mau Yuen (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
Date: 14 Oct 2014 (Tuesday)
Language: Cantonese
The new senior secondary curriculum was implemented since 2009. The curriculum was designed to provide quality all round education for all students. All S4-6 students are required to study four core subjects (including Liberal Studies), and two to three elective subjects. Other Learning Experiences are also included in the school curriculum to ensure students have a good exposure in non-academic areas. The public examination system has also changed to criterion-referenced assessment. School-based assessment is included in the assessment of many subjects too. However, are these practices fully implemented in schools? Do students experience the kind of curriculum stated in the official documents?
In this seminar, the speakers will, after briefly introducing the features of the senior secondary curriculum, share the official implementation report by the Education Bureau, research studies conducted by academics and also their observations in schools.
Speaker’s Bio
Prof. Lam Chi Chung is a Professor in the Dept of Curriculum and Instruction at CUHK. He has been actively involved in researching curriculum change and reform in Hong Kong and China in the past twenty years. He is particularly interested in the design and implementation of Liberal Studies and humanities subjects like Geography.
Prof. Law Huk Yuen serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at CUHK, where he leads the mathematics education team and also holds the positions of the programme director of the Master of Science in Mathematics Education and the programme coordinator of the B.Ed. of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. He has been actively involved in researching practitioners’ action in their workplace under Hong Kong’s curriculum reform with particular reference to the lesson and learning studies in the field of mathematics education.
Dr. Ng Mau Yuen is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at CUHK. He has been involved in the teaching about Chinese Language Curriculum and Instructional skills for several years. He is interested in the studies of learning and teaching in Chinese Language and Literature.