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Tuition Fee & Financial Aid
Tuition Fee and Other Fees
Application Fee
  • HK$300 (per programme^)
Tuition Fee
  • Tuition Fee for the academic year of 2020-21 is listed below for reference:
    Programme fee: HK$ 42,100 (for Non-local students: HK$ 145,000)
  • Usually, applicants are required to settle the deposit within two weeks after the issuance of admission notification.
Caution Money
  • HK$450 (Subject to no claim being outstanding, for students who successfully graduate from the programme of study, the balance is normally converted into graduation fee.)
Programme Fee
  • Please refer to Immersion Programme for details. (Applicable to Full-time English majors only)
Education Society Fee
  • HK$50 (Applicable to Full-time students only)

  ^ Different major subjects/different study modes or streams of the same major subject are
regarded as different programmes.



1.   Please visit the websites of the Graduate School and Finance Office for updates on tuition fee:
      Graduate School  –
      Finance Office –
2.   Full-time English majors are required to participate in a language immersion programme.
      Please refer to Immersion Programme for details.
3.   Please visit the Finance Office website for updated information on other fees:
4.   (Applicable to Full-time students only) Students who would like to apply for hostel residence
      please visit the website of Postgraduate Halls for the latest information on hostel fee, application
      deadline and procedure.

Financial Aid

For details and eligibility of application, please visit :

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