OALC-Student Activities - FAQ


Am I eligible for OALC's programmes? Are there any requirements?

Both local and non-local (including Macau, Mainland, Taiwan and overseas) full-time students are welcome to apply for our programmes, whilst some mainland and Taiwan host institutions or organisations may give priority to Hong Kong local students, only consider applications from local students, or set quotas for non-local students. Usually participating students are required to have a certain command of Chinese and Mandarin. Specific requirements will be stated in any sub-pages and promotional materials of individidual programmes.

How should I apply for the programmes I feel interested in?

After reading the application guidelines provided in our webpage and the sub-page of the programme(s) of your choice, you should apply for our programmes online via our webpage, or other means of applications as stated on it. Links to online application forms will be provided next to descriptions of activities which are open for application. Students may be required to fill in any extra application forms by some host institutions.

How are programme quotas distributed?

Quotas for OALC's programmes are mainly distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. They are also distributed as evenly as possible in order to benefit more students. More places will be reserved for students who have not participated in any of our previous programmes (usually no less than 60%).

Can I apply for more than one programme at a time? Can I receive more than one offer?

Students can apply for more than one programme at a time, and may still be able to get more than one offer if the application figure is low.

How will I be informed of application results?

In general, the first batch of shortlisted applicants will receive an email of notification within two weeks after the application deadline, although OALC may alter the application and notification period without further notice. Students should then inform OALC of their offer acceptance, complete and submit a letter of undertaking and pay a deposit of HK$500 at their earliest convenience by the deadline set by OALC. The deposit is refundable upon programme completion and fulfillment of programme requirements (details to be announced in the briefing session). Non-shortlisted applications will be put automatically under the waiting list without further notice.

What should I do if I find I am not available for the programme(s) I have applied for?

Students should inform OALC as soon as possible. 1. If it is the case before the application deadline, OALC shall then cancel their application(s). 2. If it is the case after students get notified by OALC, they should reply to OALC's email stating their decline of offer at their earliest convenience, so that students on the waiting list can be granted the opportunity earlier. 3. If it is the case after students confirm their acceptance of offer with OALC, they should inform OALC by email. The deposit previously paid may not be refunded. Failure to reply to the email of offer on time may be regarded as an indication of giving up the offer and that may affect their future applications.

How much do I need to pay for the programme?

Participants have to pay a cash deposit of HK$500 (refundable upon programme completion and fulfillment of the host and OALC's requirements). Unless otherwise specified, group expenses for programmes organized by mainland institutions (such as accommodation, meals, group activities and transport) are to be borne by the hosts in general, whereas expenses for programmes in Taiwan (such as accommodation, meals, group activities and transport) are borne by participating students in general (the amount for individual programmes will be announced separately). Participants will have to pay for the round-trip travel expenses and any other personal expenses.

Do I have to buy any travel insurance?

CUHK will help students participating in outbound experiential learning programmes via OALC to buy basic travel insurance. Cover notes and relevant documents are available online at the webpage of the Business Office of the University Bursary: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/bursary/eng/public/purchase_guides/insurance.html (student login required) Students are also advised to buy extra insurance for their personal needs.

Will there be any briefing sessions or orientation sessions for participants?

Students participating in any of our programmes must attend a pre-departure briefing session held by OALC. The briefing session aims to familiarise participants with the programme details and requirements, and let them have the opportunity to meet other participants before departure. OALC reserves the right to invite them to attend more than one session, if they participate in more than one programme in the same semester break. The deposit will not be refunded if students fail to attend any of OALC's briefing sessions for programmes held during that term break. Students are also encouraged to arrange any orientation activities for themselves.

Should there be anyone to represent the student delegation to mainland China or Taiwan?

One student co-ordinator should be selected for every 10 students in the same programme, who will be responsible for general liaison and co-ordination of the programme, and for representing the entire group of students and CUHK during the programme.

Do I have to complete any assignments or reports after the programme?

Students participating in any of our programmes must submit feedback materials to OALC, within one week after the programme, including but not limited to a sharing or reflection article, as well as photos and videos taken during the programme. Specific requirements on feedback materials will be discussed during the pre-departure briefing session. The deposit will not be refunded if students fail to fulfill the above requirements.

Will I be disqualified by any party after I confirm the offer?

OALC and the host institutions reserve the right to make any final decision should there be any controversies (including disqualifying shortlisted students), and has the right to amend any item of our application guidelines, and other relevant terms and conditions without prior notice.