CHEUNG, Siu Hung
Name CHEUNG, Siu Hung
Position Professor
Email shcheung [at] sta.cuhk.edu.hk
Phone Number
Fax Number 2603 5188
Address LSB 120
Homepage http://www.sta.cuhk.edu.hk/shcheung/
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Academic Background

Sociology: BA (Concordia 84); MA (Georgia 87)
Statistics: MS (Georgia 87); PhD (Temple 91)

Research Interest

Multiple Comparisons
Simultaneous Prediction and Forecasting
Adaptive Design

Selected Publications
  1. Zhong JJ, Wen MJ, Cheung SH (2020) Identication of the minimum non-inferior dose in a three-arm non-inferiority trial. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, In press.

  2. Zhong JJ, Wen MJ, Cheung SH, and Poon WY (2020) Simultaneous tests of non-inferiority and superiority in three-arm clinical studies with heterogeneous variance. Communications in Statistics, In press.

  3. Gao J, Su P, Hu F and Cheung SH (2020) Adaptive treatment allocation for comparative clinical studies with recurrent events data. Biometrics, 76, 183-196.

  4. Lu TY, Chung KP, Poon WY and Cheung SH (2020) Response-adaptive treatment allocation for clinical studies with ordinal responses. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29, 359-373.

  5. Gao J, Ma W, Cheung SH and Hu F (2020) Response-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: Recent advances and future perspectives. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, 39, 595-610.

  6. Xu W, Hu F and Cheung SH (2018) Adaptive designs for non-inferiority trials with multiple experimental treatments. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27, 3255-3270.

  7. Su PF and Cheung SH (2018) Response-adaptive treatment allocation for survival trials with clustered right-censored data. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2427-2439.

  8. Xu W, Gao J, Hu F and Cheung SH (2018) Response-adaptive treatment allocation for non-inferiority trials with heterogeneous variances. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 124, 168-179.

  9. Zhong JJ, Wen MJ, Kwong KS and Cheung SH (2018) Testing of non-inferiority and superiority for three-arm clinical studies with multiple experimental treatments. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27, 1751-1765.

  10. Huang LC, Wen MJ, Cheung SH and Kwong KS (2017) Non-inferiority studies with multiple reference treatments. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26, 1295-1307.

  11. Yang P, Cheung SH and Poon WY (2017) Multiple comparisons with two controls for ordered categorical responses. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 27, 111-123.

  12. Lu TY, Poon WY and Cheung SH (2016) Multiple comparisons of treatments with skewed ordinal responses. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 104, 223-232.

  13. Kwong KS, Cheung SH and Hayter A (2016) Step-up procedures for non-inferiority tests with multiple experimental treatments. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 25, 1290-1302.

  14. Lu TY, Poon WY and Cheung SH (2016) Comparison of two treatments with skewed ordinal responses. Statistics in Medicine, 35, 189-201.

  15. Lu TY, Poon WY and Cheung SH (2015) Multiple comparisons with a control for a latent variable model with ordered categorical responses. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 24, 949-967.

  16. Chan WS, Cheung SH, Chow WK and Zhang LX (2015) A robust test for threshold-type non-linearity in multivariate time-series analysis. Journal of Forecasting, 34, 441-454.

  17. Huang LC, Wen MJ and Cheung SH (2015) Non-inferiority studies with multiple new treatments and heterogeneous variances. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 25, 958-971.

  18. Lu TY, Poon WY and Cheung SH (2014) A unified framework for the comparison of treatments with ordinal responses. Psychometrika, 79, 605-620.

  19. Zhang LX, Hu F, Cheung SH and Chan WS (2014) Asymptotic properties of multi-color randomly reinforced Polya urns. Advances in Applied Probability, 46, 585-602.

  20. Cheung SH, Zhang LX, Hu F and Chan WS (2014) Covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs for generalized linear models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 149, 152-161

  21. Lin YQ, Kwong KS, Cheung SH, and Poon WY (2014) Step-up testing procedure for multiple comparisons with a control for a latent variable model with ordered categorical responses. Statistics in Medicine, 33, 3629-3638.

  22. Lin YQ, Cheung SH, Poon WY and Lu TY (2013) Pairwise comparisons with ordered categorical data. Statistics in Medicine, 32, 3192-3205.

  23. Kwong KS, Cheung SH, Hayter A and Wen MJ (2012) Extension of three-arm non-inferiority studies to trials with multiple new treatments. Statistics in Medicine, 31, 2833-2843.

  24. Kwong KS and Cheung SH (2012) Optimal design for p-value consistent step-up procedures for multiple comparisons with a control in direction-mixed families. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 4157-4164.

  25. Zhang LX, Hu F, Cheung SH and Chan WS (2011) Immigrated urn models - theoretical properties and applications. Annals of Statistics. 39, 643-671.

  26. Li SH, Chan WS and Cheung SH (2011) Structural Changes in the Lee-Carter Mortality Indexes: Detection and Implications. North American Actuarial Journal, 15, 13-31.

  27. Kwong KS, Cheung SH and Wen MJ (2010) Sample size determination in step-up testing procedures for multiple comparisons with a control. Statistics in Medicine, 29, 2743-2756.

  28. Hung KC, Cheung SH, Chan WS and Zhang LX (2009) On a Robust Test for SETAR-Type Non-Linearity in Time Series Analysis. Journal of Forecasting, 28, 445-464.

  29. Chan WS, Zhang LX and Cheung SH (2009) Temporal aggregation of Markov-switching financial return models. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 25, 359-383.

  30. Zhang LX, Chan WS, Cheung SH and Hung KC (2009) A note on the consistency of a robust estimator for threshold autoregressive processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 79, 807-813.

  31. Hu F, Zhang LX, Cheung SH and Chan WS (2008) Doubly adaptive biased coin designs with delayed responses. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 36, 541-559.

  32. Chan WS, Cheung SH, Zhang LX and Wu KH (2008) Temporal aggregation of equity return time-series models. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 78, 172-180.

  33. Kwong KS, Cheung SH, Holland B and Wang Y (2007) Three p-value consistent procedures for multiple comparisons with a control in direction-mixed families. Statistics in Medicine, 26, 4253-4272.

  34. Zhang LX, Hu F, Cheung SH and Chan WS (2007) Asymptotic properties of covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs. Annals of Statistics, 35, 1166-1182.

  35. Zhang LX, Chan WS, Cheung SH and Hu F (2007) A Generalized drop-the-loser Urn for Clinical Trials with Delayed Responses. Statistica Sinica, 17, 387-409.

  36. Sun R, Cheung SH and Zhang LX (2007) A generalized drop-the-loser rule for multi-treatment clinical trials. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 2011-2023.

  37. Zhang LX, Hu F and Cheung SH (2006) Asymptotic theorems of sequential estimation-adjusted urn models. Annals of Applied Probability, 16, 340-369.

  38. Chan WS and Cheung SH (2005) A bivariate threshold time series model for analyzing Australian interest rates. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 68, 429-437.

  39. Cheung SH, Kwong KS, Chan WS and Leung SP (2004) Multiple comparisons with a control in families with both one-sided and two-sided hypotheses. Statistics in Medicine, 23, 2975-2988.

  40. Kwong KS, Cheung SH and Chan WS (2004) Multiple testing to establish superiority/equivalence of a new treatment compared with k standard treatments for unbalanced designs. Biometrics, 60, 491-498.

  41. Chan WS, Cheung SH and Wu KH (2004) Multiple Forecasts with Autoregressive Time Series Models: Case Studies. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 64, 421-430.

  42. Cheung SH, Wu KH and Quek AL (2003) Pairwise Comparisons in Each of Several Groups with Heterogeneous Variances. Biometrical Journal, 45, 325-334.

  43. Holland B and Cheung SH (2002) Family-wise Robustness Criteria for Multiple Comparisons Procedures. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B, 64, 63-77.

  44. Cheung SH, Wu KH and Lim SP (2002) Simultaneous Prediction Intervals for Multiple Comparisons with a Standard. Statistical Papers, 43, 337-347.

  45. Kwong KS, Holland B and Cheung SH (2002) A Modified Banjamini-Hochberg Multiple Comparisons Procedure for Controlling the False Discovery Rate. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 104, 351-362.

  46. Wong YW and Cheung SH (2000) Simultaneous Pairwise Multiple Comparisons in a Two-Way Analysis of Covariance Model. Journal of Applied Statistics, 27, 281-291.

  47. Chan WS, Lo WC and Cheung SH (1999) Return Transmission Among Stock Markets of Greater China. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 48, 515-522.

  48. Chan WS, Cheung SH and Wu KH (1999) On Exact Joint Forecast Regions for Vector Autoregressive Models. Journal of Applied Statistics, 26, 35-44.

  49. Cheung SH, Wu KH and Chan WS (1998) Simultaneous Prediction Intervals for Autoregressive-Integrated Moving-Average Models: A Comparative Study. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 28, 297-306.

  50. Cheung SH and Zhu HT (1998) Simultaneous One-Sided Pairwise Comparisons in a Two-Way Design. Biometrical Journal, 40, 613-625.

  51. Cheung SH and Wu Y (1998) The Power Function of the Maximum Studentized Range Test in a Two-Way Design. Statistics and Probability Letters, 38, 369-376.

  52. Cheung SH and Chan WS (1996) Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Pairwise Multiple Comparisons in a Two-Way Unbalanced Design. Biometrics, 52, 463-472.

  53. Wu KH and Cheung SH (1994) Subset Selection for Normal Means in a Two-Way Design. Biometrical Journal, 36, 165-175.

  54. Cheung SH and Holland B (1994) A Step-Down Procedure for Multiple Tests of Treatment vs Control in Each of Several Groups. Statistics in Medicine, 13, 2261-2267.

  55. Chan WS and Cheung SH (1994) On Robust Estimation of Threshold Autoregressions. Journal of Forecasting, 13, 37-49.

  56. Cheung SH, Wu KH and Holland, B (1993) Simultaneous Prediction Intervals for All Pairwise Differences Among Several Future Sample Means. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 22, 3087-3096.

  57. Cheung SH and Holland B (1992) Extension of Dunnett's Multiple Comparison Procedure with Differing Sample Sizes to the Case of Several Groups. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 14, 165-182.

  58. Cheung SH and Holland B (1991) Extension of Dunnett's Multiple Comparison Procedure to the Case of Several Groups. Biometrics, 47, 21-32.

Research Grants

Hong Kong Research Grants Council Grant:

  1. "Response-adaptive designs in non-inferiority clinical trials", (2016, Hong Kong General Research Fund, HK$325,696).

  2. "Non-inferiority clinical trials with multiple experimental treatments", (2014, Hong Kong General Research Fund, HK$409,815).

  3. "Adaptive treatment allocation schemes using urn models in clinical studies", (2012, Hong Kong General Research Fund, HK$466,666).

  4. "Power, correct decision and sample size determination in multiple testing", (2010, Hong Kong General Research Fund, HK$466,700).

  5. "Statistical Inference and Testing for Covariate-Adjusted Response-Adaptive Designs", (2008, Hong Kong General Research Fund, HK$293,700).

  6. (with Dr. Wai Sum Chan), "Disturbances and Shifts in Human Longevity Trend: Implications for Planning Health Services and Financing Retirement Security", (2005, Hong Kong RGC, HK$406,464).

  7. (with Dr. Feifang Hu and Dr. Wai Sum Chan), "Multiple Comparisons with treatments in Clinical Studies with Adaptive Allocation Schemes", (2004, Hong Kong RGC, HK$233,000).

  8. (With Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Sensitivity Analysis of Family Selection in Multiple Inferences'', (2002, Hong Kong RGC, HK$300,000).

  9. (With Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Benchmarking Socio-Economic Time Series with Survey Error Modelling'', (2002, Hong Kong RGC, HK$463,137).

  10. (With Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Multiple forecasts and causality analysis in time series modelling'', (1997, Hong Kong RGC, HK$200,000).

Teaching Grant:

  1. (Co-investigator) "The Development of Student-Oriented Teaching and Learning Resources in Science and a Science Enrichment programme for Secondary 3-4 Students", (2008, Quality Education Fund, Education Manpower Bureau, HKSAR, HK$3,500,000).

  2. (Co-investigator) "Using Clickers to Enhance Teaching and Learning: Pilot Case Studies in Science Programmes", (2008, Teaching Development Grants, CUHK, HK$450,000).

  3. (Co-investigator) "A Science Enrichment Programme for Secondary 3-4 Students", (2006, Quality Education Fund, Education Manpower Bureau, HKSAR, HK$2,000,000).

  4. "Development and Promotion of an online platform for survey research", (2005, Teaching Development Grants for 2005-08 triennium, CUHK, HK$100,000).

    Poster Award: (With W.S. Chan, W.Y. Poon and K.H. Wu) Expo: Excellence Online, Oct 18, 2007, Organized by ITSC and CLEAR, CUHK.

  5. (Co-supervisor) "Engaging Science Students in the Design and Enactment of Assessment", (2005, Teaching Development Grants for 2005-08 triennium, CUHK, HK$200,000).

  6. (Co-investigator) "Case-based learning of high school science subjects to support learning to learn", (2004, Quality Education Fund, Education Manpower Bureau, HKSAR, HK$2,820,000).

    Publication: (With W. Y. Poon) 2007. "Marketing Research: Assessing the Feasibility of Opening a Snack Counter at Your School" In Case-Based Learning of High School Science Subjects - to Support Learning to Learn, Center for Promoting Science Education, Faculty of Science, CUHK.


  1. Direct Grant, (with Dr. Wai Sum Chan), "Further Development on Stochastic Mortality Modelling in Actuarial Science", (2007, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$84,152).

  2. Direct Grant, "Multiple Comparisons with a Control in Two-Way Designs with Directional-Mixed Families", (2003, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$80,000).

  3. Direct Grant, (With Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Multiple Forecasts with Autoregressive Time Series Models'', (2001, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$71,144).

  4. Direct Grant, (With Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Multiple Comparisons and Bioequivalence Studies in Two-Way Designs'', (2001, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$80,000).

  5. Direct Grant, (with Dr. Koon Shing Kwong) "Multiple comparison with a control in Partially One-Sided Families'', (2000, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$36,000).

  6. Direct Grant, "Simultaneous Pairwise Multiple Comparisons in a Two-Way Design with Fixed Covariates'', (1997, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$25,000).

  7. Direct Grant (With Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Exact Simultaneous Prediction Intervals for Multiple Forecasts for Integrated Autoregressive Moving Average Model'', (1996, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$55,000).

  8. Research Grant (With Dr. Pui Lam Leung), "Data Analyzes Services for the Marine and River Monitoring Programmes for the Environmental Protection Department'', (1995, Awarded by the Environment Protection Department, Hong Kong Government, HK$195,000).

  9. Direct Grant (with Dr. Ka Ho Wu), "Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Pairwise Multiple Comparisons in a Two-Way Unbalanced Design'', (1993, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$45,000).

  10. Direct Grant, "Simultaneous Prediction Intervals for All Pairwise Differences Among Several Future Sample Means'', (1992, Research Committee Funding (CUHK), HK$20,000).

Honours and Awards

98/99 Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, National U. of Singapore
2004 Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, Chinese U. of Hong Kong
2010 Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, Chinese U. of Hong Kong
2011 VC Exemplary Teaching Award, Chinese U. of Hong Kong

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