Professor Tony Kung Ming SHING(成公明教授)

DSc PhD CSci CChem FRSCskm
Adjunct Professor

location Room 242 Science Centre
Phone No. (852) 3943 6367




1976 B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry with Biology The University of Hong Kong
1978 M.Sc.(Distinction) in Analytical Chemistry Imperial College, London
1979 D.I.C. Imperial College, London
1981 Ph.D in Carbohydrate Chemistry Birkbeck College, London



2016–2022 Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemistry,The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1996–2016 Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011–2014 Chairman, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1993–1996 Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1990–1993 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1984–1990 “New Blood” Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The University of Manchester
1982–1984 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford
1981–1982 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, McGill University


Concurrent Appointment

Sep 2019 – Present Part-time Professor, Department of Chemistry, Gakushuin University, Japan
Apr 2019 – Present Part-time Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Chuo University, Japan
Oct 2017 – Mar 2019 Professor, Department of Chemistry, Keio University, Japan
Sep 2016 – Sep 2017 Invited Visiting Professor, Sophia University, Tokyo
May–Jul 2015 Visiting Professor, Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Sophia University, Tokyo
Mar–Jun 2013 Adjunct Professor, College of Chemistry Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University
Jun–Aug 2010 Visiting Professor, Institute of Chemistry Research, Kyoto University
Apr–May 2009 Visiting Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Jan–Apr 1990 Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine


Research Interests

Total syntheses of homochiral, bioactive natural products and their analogs with pharmaceutical potential. Asymmetric and catalytic synthesis using carbohydrates as diastereoselective auxiliaries or as enantioselective reagents. 1,3-Diploar cycloaddition. Asymmetric C-H bond oxidation.


Honours and Awards

2013 Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2012, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011 2 Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Awards from Thailand and Korea
2010 WuXi Apptec Life Science and Chemistry Award, Third Prize, China.
2009 2 Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Awards from Japan and China
2008 The Croucher Award (Senior Research Fellowship), Hong Kong
Since 2008 Chairman, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Hong Kong Section
2006 Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award from Taiwan
2004 Chartered Scientist, The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Science Council, UK
2004 Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2004, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2002 D.Sc. degree awarded by University of London for contribution in Organic Synthesis
1995 Chartered Chemist, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
1982–1984 SERC (UK) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Oxford University
1981–1982 McGill University Postdoctoral Fellowship
1978–1981 University of London Postgraduate Scholarship
1976 Dick Arthur Memorial Prize in Organic Chemistry, University of Hong Kong


Representative Publications

1. T. K. M. Shing, Wai-Lung Ng, J. Y.-W. Chan and C. B. S. Lau,
“Design, Syntheses, and SAR Studies of Carbocyclic Analogues of Sergliflozin as Potent Sodium-Dependent Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors”,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8401-8405.
2. T. K. M. Shing and K. H. So,
“Facile and Enantiospecific Syntheses of (6S,7R)-6-Chloro-7-benzyloxy-, (7S)-Halo-, (7S)-Hydroxy-cocaine and Natural (−)-Cocaine from D-(−)-Ribose”,
Org. Lett., vol. 13, 2916-2919 (2011).
3. T. K. M. Shing, K. H. So and W. S. Kwok,
“Carbocyclization of Carbohydrates: Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+)-Gabosine F, (−)-Gabosine O, and (+)-4-epi-Gabosine O,
Org. Lett., vol. 11, 5070-5073 (2009).
4. T. K. M. Shing and Y. Y. Yeung;
“Total Synthesis of (-)-Samaderine Y from (S)-(+)-Carvone”,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Vol. 44, pp. 7981-7984 (2005).
5. T. K. M. Shing, C. S. K. Kwong, A. W. C. Cheung, S. H.-L. Kok, Z. Yu, J. Li, and C. H. K. Cheng;
“Facile, Efficient, and Enantiospecific Syntheses of 1,1’-N-linked-pseudodisaccharides as a New Class of Glycosidase Inhibitors”,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 126, 15990-15992. (2004).

Full Publication List
Curriculum Vitae