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Earth System Science Programme
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Field trip Field trip Field trip Prof. Amos P.K. Tai received the WMO Research Award for Young Scientists Field trip Field trip
Button to: Graduate Division of Earth & Atmospheric Science
Seminar 27 Nov 20
Environmental Geomechanics for Cracking in Energy Resources Engineering by Professor Manman HU, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

news 19 Nov 20
Professor Gabriel LAU Ngar Cheung named fellow of American Geophysical Union

Seminar 14 Nov 20
Professor YANG Hongfeng organized a webinar on Induced Seismicity

news 14 Nov 20
Dr. Tammy TAM and ESSC student LAU King Heng have joined RTHK radio programme "學友社及香港電台 - 奮發時刻DSE"

news 10 Nov 20
ESSC undergraduate student’s research leading to publication in peer-reviewed journal.

news 5 Nov 20
Professor YANG Hongfeng's given a few online talks at different institutes recently:
马里亚纳俯冲带南部结构与地震特征 at College of Oceanography, Hohai University
探索地震断层的摩擦性质 at Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA
Press 7 Oct 20
Professor YANG Hongfeng's studies about shallow earthquake have been featured on various media -
CUHK Press Release - CUHK Professor Investigates Extremely Shallow Earthquake Related to Shale Gas Production in Sichuan
HKET Topick (經濟日報) - 中大學者研究四川榮縣地震 估計由頁岩氣水力壓裂開採誘發成極淺層地震
Singtao (星島日報) - 四川頁岩氣開採 中大:會誘發地震
Phys.org - Unusually shallow earthquake ruptures in Chinese fracking field

Seminar 23 Oct 20
Induced Seismicity and Casing Deformation Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China by Professor Fengshou ZHANG, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, China

Press Sep 20
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos has been featured on CUHK frontpage -
Project Evergreen - Amos Tai strives to find interdisciplinary answers to environmental problems

Seminar 18 Sep 20
Source Studies of Induced Earthquakes in Alberta (Canada) and Raton Basin (United States) by Dr. Ruijia WANG, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of New Mexico, U.S.A.

Seminar 11 Sep 20
Response of Tibetan Plateau Lakes to Climate Change: Trends, Patterns, and Mechanisms by Professor Guoqing ZHANG, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Press 9 Sep 20
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos has been featured on GREENPEACE website -
【和你講氣候變化】科學家戴沛權寄望年輕人keep the passion going!

Press 8 Sep 20
Professor LIU Lin Francis has been featured in local news by Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報財經新聞)
格陵蘭冰川專家劉琳警告 地球數十年內進入新狀態

Press 2 Sep 20
Professor TAN Yen Joe has been featured in local news by Tai Kung Pao (大公報)
中大研究「慢地震」 助了解地殼斷層

Press 1 Sep 20
CUHK Study Finds Slow Earthquakes Behave Similarly to Regular Earthquakes Than Previously Thought Gives Scientists a Clearer Picture of How Energy Releases along Faults

Seminar 21 Aug 20
Academic Counselling Session for New ESSC Students (2020 Entry) via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Time: 10:00 am
The Zoom meeting’s login details will be sent to new students through email.
For enquiries, please send email to essc@cuhk.edu.hk.

Press 19 Aug 20
Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis has been featured in local news by Ming Pao (明報)
環保意識:減碳救地球 防止風暴增強

Seminar 11-12 Aug 20
Student Summer Workshop 2020

Press 19 May 20
Prof. Francis TAM and Prof. Amos TAI, together with other experts, analysed the impact of COVID-19 on climate change on CUHKUPDates.

Seminar 8 May 20
Zoom in to the Rocks by Dr. TAM Pui Yuk Tammy on ZOOM Into Science Online Lectures

Press 9 Apr 20
Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos and his team published a paper that shows air pollution affect the growth of plants in Hong Kong recently. This is the first research of its kind that is conducted in Hong Kong and it shows that ozone level in Hong Kong is high enough to damage plants. A number of media organisations have covered the research findings.