MC Rangers Hike the Tallest Peak in Hong Kong
Tai Mo Shan, the tallest peak in Hong Kong, was one of the more challenging hikes organized by the MC Rangers. Exchange student Mark Shtanov said, "Following a short bus ride and a thorough warm up, the group led by the responsible organizers and Ming Sir, ascended Hong Kong’s highest peak; some parts included going through thick clouds and strong wind. Despite the difficulties of the route, the Rangers remained confident and energetic, stayed together and captured Tai Mo Shan’s stunning views with the irreplaceable College flag on the foreground. The participants were grateful to Gavin and the organizing team who took care of all the technicalities so that everyone could have a trouble-free experience in nature surrounded by great company."
The MC Rangers would like to thank all participants for joining the event. The hike would not have been a success without their support. They would like to wish one and all the best for the upcoming midterms, and hope to see everyone again at the next event in March.