About me
ZHOU Rui, Keary 周睿
Pharm.D., BCOP
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3943 6823
Fax:(852) 2603 5295
Email: krzhou@cuhk.edu.hk
Personal Details
Dr. Keary Zhou received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2007, and completed a pharmacy practice residency at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) in 2008. Prior to joining CUHK in 2009, she worked as a clinical pharmacist at the UCSD Thornton Hospital. Dr. Zhou also served as an Assistant Clinical Professor, Non-salaried for the UCSD School of Pharmacy, and precepted 4th Year pharmacy students and pharmacy residents on clinical rotations. Currently, Dr. Zhou also serves as a member for the Joint CUHK-NTEC Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC).
Research Interests
Dr. Zhou’s areas of interest include pharmacist-based services/clinics and outcomes research in oncology, chronic kidney disease, and solid organ transplant.
- Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme
- PHAR1000 Introduction to Pharmacy
- PHAR2410, PHAR3413, PHAR3414 & PHAR3415 Pharmacology and Therapeutics I-IV
- PHAR3510 Complementary & Alternative Medicine
- PHAR4305 Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship: Oncology
- PHAR4306^ Hospital Pharmacy Experience in Mainland China keary
- Master of Clinical Pharmacy Programme
- PHAR 5881 Pharmacotherapy: Pharmaceutical Care in General and Special Populations
- PHAR 5891 Pharmacotherapy: Oncologic Disorders
- PHAR 5924 Graduation Project II
Representative Publications
- Meng L, Zhou K, Rossi SS, Espina R, Finer N, Capparelli EV, Best B. Using Scavenge Samples to Determine Ampicillin Pharmacokinetics in Infants. Pharmacotherapy 2008; 28 (4):79e. (Abstract #187)
- Zhou K, Cheung WT, Wong YY. Evaluation of the extent and impact of oncology clinical pharmacy service in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong – first 10-month experience. Pharmacotherapy 2015; 35(11): E252-E252.
Supplementary Information
- Teacher of the Year Award 2011/2012, School of Pharmacy, CUHK
- Teacher of the Year Award 2009/2010, School of Pharmacy, CUHK