Dr. ZHOU Rui, Keary

About me

ZHOU Rui, Keary 周睿

Pharm.D., BCOP
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3943 6823
Fax:(852) 2603 5295
Email: krzhou@cuhk.edu.hk

Personal Details

Dr. Keary Zhou received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2007, and completed a pharmacy practice residency at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) in 2008. Prior to joining CUHK in 2009, she worked as a clinical pharmacist at the UCSD Thornton Hospital. Dr. Zhou also served as an Assistant Clinical Professor, Non-salaried for the UCSD School of Pharmacy, and precepted 4th Year pharmacy students and pharmacy residents on clinical rotations. Currently, Dr. Zhou also serves as a member for the Joint CUHK-NTEC Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC).


Research Interests

Dr. Zhou’s areas of interest include pharmacist-based services/clinics and outcomes research in oncology, chronic kidney disease, and solid organ transplant.



  • Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme
    • PHAR1000 Introduction to Pharmacy
    • PHAR2410, PHAR3413, PHAR3414 & PHAR3415 Pharmacology and Therapeutics I-IV
    • PHAR3510 Complementary & Alternative Medicine
    • PHAR4305 Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship: Oncology
    • PHAR4306^ Hospital Pharmacy Experience in Mainland China keary
  • Master of Clinical Pharmacy Programme
    • PHAR 5881 Pharmacotherapy: Pharmaceutical Care in General and Special Populations
    • PHAR 5891 Pharmacotherapy: Oncologic Disorders
    • PHAR 5924 Graduation Project II


Representative Publications

  1. Meng L, Zhou K, Rossi SS, Espina R, Finer N, Capparelli EV, Best B. Using Scavenge Samples to Determine Ampicillin Pharmacokinetics in Infants. Pharmacotherapy 2008; 28 (4):79e. (Abstract #187)
  2. Zhou K, Cheung WT, Wong YY. Evaluation of the extent and impact of oncology clinical pharmacy service in a tertiary hospital in Hong Kong – first 10-month experience. Pharmacotherapy 2015; 35(11): E252-E252.

Supplementary Information


  • Teacher of the Year Award 2011/2012, School of Pharmacy, CUHK
  • Teacher of the Year Award 2009/2010, School of Pharmacy, CUHK

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