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MC Rangers Ride to Tai Mei Tuk Dam


Amidst the rush for deadlines and upcoming midterms, assignments and projects, MC Rangers hosted a scenic cycling event to the Tai Mei Tuk Dam on the breezy day of 19 October 2019, allowing our students a relaxing retreat from hectic academics. Despite the hustle of the busy cycling route, the cool refreshments along the track and intermittent photoshoot sessions kept the participants enthusiastic throughout the event - and everyone was finally rewarded with spectacular crystal blue scenery at the dam!

One of our participants, Sindy, an Austrian freshman majoring in Economics, commented, “This was my first time joining an MC Rangers event, but it was absolutely amazing! I’m super grateful to have had the opportunity to connect with my friends, myself and with a side of Hong Kong I’ve never seen before.” 

Participants of various cycling skills joined this intermediate cycling event. The event would have been impossible without our event managers, Cyril and Edward. “This is possibly one of the best cycling trails in Hong Kong,” said Cyril. “It has an amazing view, everything went very smoothly, and everyone looked like they had fun!”

Despite the sharp twists, turns and obstacles on the roads, we managed to stay together through it all and had a wonderful time. MC Rangers is glad to have hosted another successful event and is looking forward to ending 2019 with our most anticipated event - the Ma On Shan Camp Hike. All’s well that ends well! 
