CUHK LAW proudly announces recent major research success:



Keynotes/Distinguished Lectures

  • Rehan Abeyratne, ‘Judicial Independence and Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments’ in South Asia in Courts and Democracies Workshop organized by Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2019-07).
  • Anatole Boute, Book presentation in Energy Security along the New Silk Road organized by University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2019).
  • Surabhi Chopra, ‘Judging the Troops: Exceptional Security Measures and Judicial Impact in India’ in Transnational Law Institute Seminar organized by Transnational Law Institute, King’s College, London, United Kingdom (2019-07).
  • Fernando Dias Simoes, ‘Politics and the Investment Court System: Lessons from the WTO Appellate Body’ in Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN) Yearly Retreat 2019 organized by Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN), Japan (2019-07).
  • Fernando Dias Simoes, ‘Taking dispute settlement seriously: The future of the Appellate Body’ in Seminar on WTO Reform organized by Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN), Institute for Future Initiatives (University of Tokyo), Japan (2019-07).
  • Fernando Dias Simoes, ‘Nothing Lasts Forever: The (Im)permanence of the Appellate Body’ in Workshop ‘Paradise Lost or Found? The Post-WTO International ‘Legal’ Order’’ organized by Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, United States of America (2019-07).
  • Fernando Dias Simoes, ‘Academics, biases and conflicts of interest’ in Colloquium ‘Actors in International Investment Law: Beyond Claimants, Respondents and Arbitrators organized by University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France (2019-09).
  • Fernando Dias Simoes, ‘Legal Representation in Investment Disputes along the Belt and Road’ in Conference ‘Multilateral Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution: A Dialogue among Different Approaches’ organized by Silk Road Institute for International and Comparative Law (SRIICL), the Collaborative Innovation Centre for Silk Road Economic Belt Legal and Policy Studies at Xiʼan Jiaotong University, and the China International Investment Arbitration Forum (CIIAF), China (2019-09).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘The IP Conundrum in the US-China Trade War’ in International Vision Series Speech organized by Taipei Bar Association, Taiwan (2019-07).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘The IP Conundrum in the US-China Trade War’ in IIAS Academic Seminar organized by Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (IIAS), Taiwan (2019-07).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘IP Trade War’ in City University of Hong Kong School of Law Staff Seminar organized by City University of Hong Kong School of Law, Hong Kong (2019-10).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Intellectual Property Rights Issues in AI and Big Data’ in Business of Intellectual Property (“BIP”) Asia Forum organized by The Government of Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (“HKTDC”), Hong Kong (2019-12).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Trade War of IP’ in 5thAsian IP Works-in-Progress Conference organized by Singapore Management University School of Law & City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2020-01).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Cybersecurity and Data Localization’ in Empowering Transformation: Connectivity and Cross-Border Data Flow organized by The In-House Law Academy, Hong Kong (2020-06).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘Interpreting States’ general obligations on climate change mitigation: A methodological review’ (2019) 28(2) Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 107-121.
  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Towards a Patent System that fits Hong Kong’ in Intellectual Property Law and Access to Affordable Medicines: A Primer organized by Health in Action, Hong Kong (2019-11).
  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Pharmaceutical Patents and Policy in Hong Kong’ in Intellectual Property Law and Access to Affordable Medicines: A Primer organized by Health in Action, Hong Kong (2019-11).
  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Digital Trade Policy: Governance of Cross-Border Data Flows’ in Lunchtime Seminar organized by Institute of International Trade, University of Adelaide, Australia (2020-03).
  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Nexus between Intellectual Property and Trade’ in Distinguished Seminar Series organized by Fulbright University, Vietnam (2020-05).
  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘Historical Origins of the Common Law’ in Invited Lecture at Beijing Forestry University organized by Beijing Forestry University, China (2019-07).
  • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘Comparing Chinese Law: Will AI Soon Take Over?’ in Conference on Big Data and Chinese Courts organized by Instituted of East Asian Studies, University of Cologne, Germany (2019-07).

Conference Presentations

  • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘Constitutional Amendment and Democracy’ in Courts and Democracy organized by HKU, Hong Kong (2019-07).
  • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘You the people: Cuba’s International Constitution’ in Comparative Constitutional Law Research Series organized by CUHK, Hong Kong (2019-09).
  • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘Subglobal constitutionalism in Southeast Asia’ in Asian Constitutional Law Forum organized by Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Vietnam (2019-12).
  • Surabhi Chopra, ‘Economic and Social Rights in the Philippines: The Trouble with Transformative Constitutionalism’ (Paper presented at 8thAsian Constitutional Law Forum, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-7 December 2019).
  • Bryan Druzin, ‘Lit Matches and Dry Prairie Fields: The Internet as a Source for Abrupt Normative Change’ (Paper presented at the 2019 Canadian Law & Economics Conference (CLEA), University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Canada, September 2019).
  • Stephen Hall, ‘Contract Terms in Hong Kong: Changed Circumstances and Variation’ (Paper presented at Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia V, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 15-17 August 2019).
  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Whose Justice? Foreign Judges on the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal’ (Paper presented at 8thAsian Constitutional Law Forum, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-7 December 2019).
  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Hong Kong Public Law Developments in 2019’ (Paper presented at 2020 Government Law Year in Review Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Online, 25 February 2020).
  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Legal Responses to COVID19: Hong Kong’ (Paper presented at ConstitutionNet COVID19 Project, Online, 1 May 2020).
  • Hui Huang and Pin Lyu, 《我国注册制下证券交易所诉讼主体地位研究》 (Paper presented at 中国法学会审判理论研究会金融审判理论专业委员会2019年学术研讨会, Shanghai, China, 18 August 2019).
  • Hui Huang, ‘Class Action in China: Challenges and Opportunities’ (Paper presented at International Class Actions Conference, Vanderbilt Law and Business Program Vanderbilt Litigation Program, 22-25 August 2019).
  • Hui Huang, Demin Yang and Ferdinand Fai Yang Loo, ‘The Risk and Regulation of Crytoassets: A Hong Kong Perspective’ (Paper presented at Legal Implications of the Platform Economy, CUHK, Hong Kong, 16 September 2019).
  • Hui Huang, 《金融机构的投资者适当性管理义务研究:实证研究与比较分析 Investor Suitability Duty of Financial Institutions:Empirical Study and Comparative Analysis》(Paper presented at International Forum on Commercial Law, Tsinghua University, China, 26-27 October 2019).
  • Hui Huang and Chao Wang, 《金融行规适用的国际经验及启示:以美国金融业监管局(FINRA)为例》 (Paper presented at 中国法学会“中国金融法治研究方阵”第四届学术论坛, Sun-Yat-Sen University, China, 13-15 December 2019).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Commonwealth Approach to Computer-Generated Works’ (Paper presented at Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Conference, CUHK LAW, the Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law (“ARCIALA”) at the School of Law, Singapore Management University (SMU), and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, 28-29 November 2019).
  • Jyh-An Lee, ‘The IP Conundrum in the Sino-U.S. Trade War’ (Paper presented at EUPLANT Seminar: EU-China Round Table on IP, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 January 2020).
  • Chin Leng Lim, ‘2039: Reform after the Great Age of Delegalization’ (Paper presented at IFI and GraSPP Research Seminar: WTO Reform, Tokyo University, Japan, 9 July 2019).
  • Chin Leng Lim, ‘Investment Arbitration – Issues and Insights’ (Paper presented at Inaugural Seminar – International Dispute Resolution: Reflections and Redirections, British Institute of International & Comparative Law and CUHK, Hong Kong, 22 July 2019).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘The international law on climate change’ (Paper presented at 11thInternational Summit on Energy and Climate Change: Climate Change Plus, China Youth Climate Action Network, China, 20 July 2019).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘The managerial trend in international cooperation to address climate change’ (Paper presented at Conference on State Sovereignty, Climate Policy and Dispute Resolution in Environmental Law, Skopje, 10 September 2019).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘From cooperation to harmonization: Should States approach climate change mitigation all in the same way?’ (Paper presented at International Workshop on the Polluter Pays Principle in Climate Change Mitigation Law, Haikou, 24-26 October 2019).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘Scaling up climate action: the French legislation’ (Paper presented at Climate Law and Governance Day 2019, Madrid, 6 December 2019).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘Legislative developments in France’ (Paper presented at the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Madrid, 7 December 2019).
  • Hao Zhang and Benoit Mayer, ‘China’s Ownership Policies in the Coal Sector: Reducing Overcapacity While Mitigating Climate Change’ (Paper presented at Engaging State-Owned Enterprises in Climate Action, Columbia University, New York, 27 February 2020).
  • Benoit Mayer, ‘Climate Assessment as an Emerging Obligation under Customary International Law’ (Paper presented at Annual lecture of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 2 March 2020)
  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Return to Self-Interest and Unilateralism’ in Free Trade Agreements Post-COVID-19 organized by Embassy of Canada in Japan, Japan (2020-05).
  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Developing a Cross-Border Data Policy: Free Trade Agreements’ in Empowering Transformation: Connectivity and Cross-Border Data Flow organized by Bryan Mercurio and In-House Community, Hong Kong (2020-06).
  • Michelle Miao, ‘Urban vs Rural: Sexual Offenders’ Residential Status and Sentencing Dispositions in China’ (Paper presented at 2019 Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Durham, 26-28 July 2019).
  • Michelle Miao, ‘Social Economic Status and the Sentencing of Sexual Offenders in China’ in European Association of Chinese Law Annual Meeting organized by Durham University, United Kingdom (2019-07).
  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘‘Absent Presence’ and Informal Hegemony: The League of Nations as a Project of Spatial Administration’ in The League of Nations Decentred organized by University of Melbourne, Australia (2019-07).
  • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Export of Chinese Law’ (Paper presented at International Cooperation on Rule of Law and Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, 12-13 October 2019).
  • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘The Impact of AI on the Work of UNCITRAL’ (Paper presented at UNCITRAL-UM Joint Conference 2019, Macau, 11 December 2019).
  • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘A Short Legal History of China’s Belt and Road Initiative’ (Paper presented at CUHK LAW Greater China Legal History Seminar Series, Hong Kong, 20 March 2020).
  • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘Law of Unjust Enrichment or Law of Unjustified De-Enrichment?’ (Paper presented at CUHK LAW conference on ‘The Role of the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Asia’, Hong Kong, 23 June 2020).
  • Chao Xi, ‘Institutional Investor Stewardship: A Myth?’ (Paper presented at International Conference on Global Regulatory Governance: Unpacking the Complexity of Regulatory Governance in a Globalising World, Hong Kong, 4-6 July 2019).
  • Chao Xi, ‘Is Institutional Investor Activism a Myth? Evidence from China’ (Paper presented at 17thAnnual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, Hannover, 11-12 July 2019).
  • Chao Xi, ‘Errors in Court Judgments: What Do They Tell Us about the Chinese Judiciary?’ (Paper presented at International Conference on ‘Big Data and Courts in China’, Cologne, 12-14 July 2019).
  • Chao Xi, ‘Shareholder Empowerment: A Myth?’ (Paper presented at 2019 Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Durham, 26-28 July 2019).
  • Chao Xi, ‘Institutional Investor Stewardship in China: An Empirical Assessment’ (Paper presented at 2019 the Next Corporate Governance: Current Issues of Corporate Governance, Seoul, 20 September 2019).
  • Chao Xi, ‘Is Institutional Investor Stewardship a Myth? Evidence from China’ (Paper presented at Sixth Corporate and Securities Litigation Workshop, Boston, 27-28 September 2019).
  • Chao Xi, ‘COVID-19 and Shareholder Voting: The Case of China’ (Paper presented at International Symposium on COVID-19 and Models of Governance in East Asia and the World, Hong Kong, 12 June 2020).
  • James Zeng, ‘Legal Personality and the Rule of Debts-Follow-Assets in China’ in Big Data and Courts in China organized by Cologne University, Germany (2019-07).
  • Hao Zhang and Benoit Mayer, ‘China’s Ownership Policies in the Coal Sector: Reducing Overcapacity While Mitigating Climate Change’ (Paper presented at Engaging State-Owned Enterprises in Climate Action, Columbia University, United States of America, 27 February 2020).
  • Yuhong Zhao, ‘China’s Judicial Reform for Environmental Protection’ (Paper presented at 2019 Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Durham Law School, United Kingdom, 26 July 2019).


Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

Research Impact Fund

Prof. Surabhi CHOPRA
Immigration Detention and Vulnerable Migrants in Hong Kong: Evaluating the System, Facilitating Reform (HK$2,998,800)
General Research Fund
Prof. Robin HUANG
The Regulation of Fintech in China (HK$539,852)  

Early Career Scheme

The Development and Influence of Chinese Theories of Sovereignty (HK$ 592,000)
Prof. James ZENG
Soft Regulation and Corporate Governance in China (HK$ 366,656) 
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

Public Policy Research Funding Scheme

Prof. Robin HUANG
Improving the Effectiveness of Cross-boundary Securities Law Enforcement Between Hong Kong and Mainland China
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Regulating Cross-border Data: A Public Policy Framework for Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Direct Grant for Research

Prof. Christopher ROBERTS
The Development of Emergency Powers in the British Empire During the First World War and the Post-War Period
Prof. Kevin CHENG
Testing the Drug Tariffs: A Closer Inspection of Sentencing Guidelines for Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs in Hong Kong and England
Prof. Gregory GORDON
Creation of New Research Databases for Benjamin Ferencz Monograph Project
Prof. Michael RAMSDEN
Negotiating Peace and Justice Solutions in the Shadow of Law: Evaluating the Influence of the International Court of Justice’s Interim Remedies on Conflict-Resolution Diplomacy in the United Nations System
Prof. Dicky TSANG
From Coronation to Coronavirus: Force Majeure and Private International Law
Prof. Chao XI
Shareholder Voting During a Crisis

Click here for details on the latest grants received by CUHK LAW members.


Awarding Body Award/Prize Type Awardee
Harvard – Yenching Institute, Harvard University Harvard – Yenching Visiting Scholars Programme Prof. Michelle MIAO
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Awards Ms. Becky Po Yee LEUNG
(Doctor of Philosophy in Laws student)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Postgraduate Research Output Award Dr. Chao WANG
(Doctor of Philosophy in Laws graduate)
Research Excellence Award Prof. Robin HUANG
Prof. Dicky TSANG
Young Researcher Award Prof. Jyh-An LEE
Young Scholars Thesis Awards Dr. Siyi LIN
(Doctor of Philosophy in Laws graduate)

Click here for details on the latest prizes and awards received by CUHK LAW members.

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