• Dinusha Panditaratne and Rehan Abeyratne, ‘Basic Law, Hong Kong Bill of Rights and the ICCPR’ in Johannes Chan and C.L. Lim, Law of the Hong Kong Constitution (Sweet and Maxwell, 3rd ed, 2020).


    • Po Jen Yap and Rehan Abeyratne, ‘Judicial Self-Dealing and Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in South Asia’ (2019) International Journal of Constitutional Law.
    • Rehan Abeyratne, ‘Uncertain Sovereignty: Ceylon as a Dominion 1948-1972’ (2019) 17(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law 1258-1282.
    • Rehan Abeyratne, ‘Enforcing Socioeconomic Rights in Neoliberal India’ (2020) 29(1) Minnesota Journal of International Law 1-63.


      • ‘Judicial Independence and Unconstituitonal Constitutional Amendments’ in South Asia in Courts and Democracies Workshop organized by Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2019-07).


        • ‘Research in Comparative Constitutional Law’ in Colloquium on Research Methodology in Law organized by Jindal Global Law School, India (2019-09).
        • ‘Three Approaches to LGBTIQ Rights Adjudication in Asia’ in Loyola Constitutional Law Colloquium organized by Loyola University Chicago School of Law, United States of America (2019-11).



        • Anatole Boute, Energy justice along the “New Silk Road”: balancing investors’ and consumers’ rights in Central Asia’ in Iñigo del Guayo, Lee Godden, Donald D. Zillman, Milton Fernando Montoya and José Juan González (eds), Energy Justice and Energy Law (Oxford University Press 2020) 122-138.


        • Anatole Boute and Alexey Zhikharev, ‘Vested interests as driver of the clean energy transition: Evidence from Russia’s solar energy policy’ (2019) 133 Energy Policy.
        • William Acworth, Mariza Montes de Oca, Anatole Boute, Carlotta Piantieri and Felix Christian Matthes, ‘Emissions Trading in Regulated Electricity Markets’ (2020) 20(1) Climate Policy 60-70.
        • Banban Wang, Anatole Boute and Xiujie Tan, ‘Price Stabilization Mechanisms in China’s Pilot Emissions Trading Schemes: Design and Performance’ (2020) 20(1) Climate Policy 46-59.
        • Anatole Boute, ‘Regulatory Stability and Renewable Energy Investment: the Case of Kazakhstan’ (2020) 121 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
        • Anatole Boute, ‘The principle of solidarity and the geopolitics of energy: Poland v. Commission (OPAL pipeline)’ (2020) 57(3) Common Market Law Review 889-914.

                  OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                  • Anatole Boute, ‘Review of J. Li, The Clash of Capitalisms? Chinese Companies in the United States (CUP, 2018)’ (2019) 22(4) Journal of International Economic Law 767–770.
                  • Anatole Boute, ‘Review of R. Dolzer, Petroleum Contracts and International Law (OUP, 2018)’ (2019) Cambridge Law Journal 462-465.


                    • Energy Geopolitics and Law along the New Silk Road in Faculty Online Seminar organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-05).

                    VIEW PROFILE

                    JOURNAL ARTICLES

                    • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘Constitutional amendment in Laos’ (2019) 17(3) International Journal of Constitutional Law 756- 786.
                    • Maartje De Visser and Ngoc Son Bui, ‘Contemporary Constitution Making in Asia-Pacific’ (2019) 7(2) The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 241-250.
                    • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘Economic Constitutions in the Developing World’ (2019) 12(3) Law and Development Review 669-690.
                    • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘Social Movements and Constitutionalism in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan’ (2019) 14 Asian Journal of Comparative Law S51-S75.
                    • Ngoc Son Bui, ‘The Socialist Precedent’ (2020) 52(3) Cornell Journal of International Law 421-474.

                            CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                            • ‘Constitutional Amendment and Democracy’ in Courts and Democracy organized by HKU, Hong Kong (2019-07).
                            • ‘You the people: Cuba’s International Constitution’ in Comparative Constitutional Law Research Series organized by CUHK, Hong Kong (2019-09).
                            • ‘Subglobal constitutionalism in Southeast Asia’ in Asian Constitutional Law Forum organized by Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Vietnam (2019-12).

                                VIEW PROFILE

                                SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                • Srefan HC Lo, Kevin Cheng and Wing Hong Chui, The Hong Kong Legal System (Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed, 2020) 432 pgs.

                                JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                • Wing Hong Chui and Kevin Cheng, ‘Validation of a Chinese Version of the Attitudes Toward Prisoners Scale’ (2019) 99(5) Prison Journal 614-63.
                                • Kevin Cheng, Natasha Pushkarna and Sayaka Ri, ‘Enhancing the Legitimacy of Sentences in the Minds of the Public: Evidence from a Public Opinion Survey in Hong Kong’ (2020) 5 Punishment and Society 617-636.

                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                  BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                  • Surabhi Chopra, ‘Securing Rights, Protecting the Nation?: National Security and the Indian Supreme Court’ in Satvinder Juss (ed), Human Rights in India (Routledge, 2019) 59-79.
                                  • Surabhi Chopra, ‘Gentle into that Good Night? Sources of Resilience in Hong Kong’s Politico-Legal Culture’ in Cora Chan and Fiona de Londras (eds), China’s National Security: Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law (Hart Publishing, 2020).

                                    JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                    • Surabhi Chopra, ‘Judging the Troops: Exceptional Security Measures and Judicial Impact in India’ (2019) 44(3) Law and Social Inquiry 555-585.

                                    CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                    • Surabhi Chopra, ‘Economic and Social Rights in the Philippines: The Trouble with Transformative Constitutionalism’ (Paper presented at 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-7 December 2019).

                                    KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                    • ‘Judging the Troops: Exceptional Security Measures and Judicial Impact in India’ in Transnational Law Institute Seminar organized by Transnational Law Institute, King’s College, London, United Kingdom (2019-07).

                                    CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                    • ‘Extrajudicial Killing in India: Negotiating Authoritarian Practices in a Democracy’ in Modes of Activism under Authoritarian Governance Regimes in the Asia-Pacific organized by Macquarie University, Australia (2019-11).
                                    • ‘Lynchings and the Law in India’ in Law and Society Association Annual Meeting organized by Law and Society Association (2020-05).

                                    VIEW PROFILE

                                    SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                    • Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões and Danny Friedmann (eds), Wine Law and Policy: From National Terroirs to a Global Market (Brill, 2020).

                                    BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                    • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘Should Appellate Body Members Work Full Time?’ in Chang-fa Lo, Junji Nakagawa and Tsai-yu Lin (eds), The Appellate Body of the WTO and Its Reform (Springer, 2019) 273-301.
                                    • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘Trade for All? Transparency in the EU’s Common Commercial Policy’ in Julien Chaisse (ed), Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts: Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons (Hart Publishing, 2019) 321- 336.
                                    • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘Investment Law and Renewable Energy: Green Expectations in Grey Times’ in George Ulrich and Ineta Ziemele (eds), How International Law Works in Times of Crisis (Oxford University Press, 2019) 206-220.
                                    • Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões and Danny Friedmann, ‘An Introduction to Wine Regulation in a Globalized Market: Prospects and Limits of Wine Governance’ in Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões and Danny Friedmann (eds), Wine Law and Policy: From National Terroirs to a Global Market (Brill, 2020) 1-17.
                                    • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘Keep on Trading in the Free World’ in Egan, Raube, Wouters and Chaisse (eds), At the Crossroads of World Order: Contestation, Global Governance and Europe (Palgrave, 2020) 1-17.
                                    • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘Public Participation: Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitration’ in Julien Chaisse, Leïla Choukroune and Sufian Jusoh (eds), Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Springer, 2020) 1-19.

                                              JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                              • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘Can Investment Dispute Settlement ever be Depoliticized?’ (2020) Cardozo International and Comparative Law Review.
                                              • Fernando Dias Simões, ‘The Appellate Body of the WTO: An International Court by Another Name’ (2020) 10 European Yearbook of International Economic Law 361-387.

                                                KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                • ‘Politics and the Investment Court System: Lessons from the WTO Appellate Body’ in Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN) Yearly Retreat 2019 organized by Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN), Japan (2019-07).
                                                • ‘Taking dispute settlement seriously: The future of the Appellate Body’ in Seminar on WTO Reform organized by Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN), Institute for Future Initiatives (University of Tokyo), Japan (2019-07).
                                                • ‘Nothing Lasts Forever: The (Im)permanence of the Appellate Body’ in Workshop ‘Paradise Lost or Found? The Post-WTO International ‘Legal’ Order’’ organized by Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, United States of America (2019-07).
                                                • ‘Academics, biases and conflicts of interest’ in Colloquium ‘Actors in International Investment Law: Beyond Claimants, Respondents and Arbitrators organized by University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France (2019-09).
                                                • ‘Legal Representation in Investment Disputes along the Belt and Road’ in Conference ‘Multilateral Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution: A Dialogue among Different Approaches’ organized by Silk Road Institute for International and Comparative Law (SRIICL), the Collaborative Innovation Centre for Silk Road Economic Belt Legal and Policy Studies at Xiʼan Jiaotong University, and the China International Investment Arbitration Forum (CIIAF), China (2019-09).
                                                • ‘International Arbitration in Asia’ in YAR 2.0 – International Arbitration Conference organized by YAR – Young Arbitration Review, Portugal (2019-10).
                                                • ‘The Principle of Good Faith in a Comparative Perspective’ organized by Faculty of Law of the University of Minho, Portugal (2019-10).
                                                • ‘International Arbitration and Public-Private Partnerships’ organized by Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China (2019-11).
                                                • ‘Renewable Energy and Regulatory (In)stability’ organized by Melbourne Law School, Australia (2019- 12).

                                                CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                • ‘Academic Bias and International Investment Law’ in Directions in Legal Education 2020, Online Conference on Teaching & Learning in Law organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                VIEW PROFILE

                                                BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                • David C. Donald, ‘Networked Securities Markets: From Cross-Listing to Direct Connection’ in Douglas Arner, Andrew Godwin, Shen Wei and Wan Wai Yee (eds), Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law (Edward Elgar Publishers, 2020) 86-100.

                                                JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                • David C. Donald, ‘Hong Kong’s Roles in Supporting the Economic Development of China’ (2019) 6 City University of Hong Kong Law Review 1-27.
                                                • David C. Donald and Mahdi H Miraz, ‘Multilateral Transparency for Securities Markets Through DLT’ (2019) 25(1) Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 97-153.
                                                • David C. Donald, ‘Smart Precision Finance for Small Businesses Funding’ (2020) 21(1) European Business Organization Law Review 199-217.
                                                • David C. Donald, ‘Commercial Law in an Age of Automation: Upstream Planning to Forestall Downstream Transaction Costs’ (2020) 300 The Taiwan Law Review 63-74.
                                                • David C. Donald, ‘Legal System Network Effects and Global Legal Development’ (2020) 10(2) Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law 267-306.

                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                  OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                  • Bryan Druzin, `Review of Taisu Zhang, The Laws and Economics of Confucianism: Kinship and Property in Preindustrial China and England (CUP, 2017)’ (2020) 68(1) American Journal of Comparative Law 222-227.

                                                  CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                  • Bryan Druzin, ‘Lit Matches and Dry Prairie Fields: The Internet as a Source for Abrupt Normative Change’ (Paper presented at the 2019 Canadian Law & Economics Conference (CLEA), University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Canada, September 2019).

                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                  BOOK CHAPTERS

                                                  • Steven Gallagher, ‘Trusts and charitable donations to museums: should museums sell their collections?’ in Marta Cenini (ed), Trust patrimoni artistici e collezioni – Trusts artistic estates and collections (CEDAM, Wolters Kluwer Italia, 2019) 35-53.

                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                  SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                                  • Alan Gibb, Richard Morris and King Fung Tsang, An Introduction to the Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong (LexisNexis, 2nd ed, 2020) 200 pgs.

                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                  BOOK CHAPTERS

                                                  • Gregory Gordon, ‘“Fire and Fury” at the 38th Parallel: Exploring the Law of War’s Twilight Zones in a Potential Future Conflict on the Korean Peninsula’ in Suzannah Linton, Tim McCormack and Sandesh Sivakumaran (eds), Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 2019) 717-752.
                                                  • Gregory Gordon, ‘Putting the Offence of Ordering in Order: Toward a Theory of Inchoate Liability’ in Predrag Dojčinović (ed), Propaganda and International Criminal Law: From Cognition to Criminality (Routledge, 2019) 86-104.

                                                  OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                  • Gregory Gordon and Mia Swart, ‘Benjamin Ferencz: The Last Surviving Nuremberg Prosecutor’, AlJazeera (Qatar), 11 March 2020.

                                                  KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                  • ‘Individual Criminal Responsibility under Domestic and International Law: A Case Study’ in Northeast Asia Training Course for University Lecturers on International Humanitarian Law organized by International Committee for the Red Cross, Korea (2019-08).
                                                  • ‘The Hong Kong Crisis and International Law’ in Stockholm Centre for International Law and Justice Lecture Series organized by University of Stockholm, Sweden (2019-10).
                                                  • ‘Colonial Wrongs, Memory and Speech Along the Atrocity Spectrum’ in Colonial Wrongs, Double Standards, and Access to International Law organized by Institute for International Peace and Security Law, Burma (2019-11).
                                                  • ‘Can Lawyers Conduct Historical Research? A Methodological Analysis’ in PhD School in Research Methodologies in Human Rights organized by The European University Institute, Italy (2019-12).
                                                  • ‘Atrocity Speech in Myanmar’ in Yale Symposium on Myanmar organized by MacMillan Center, Yale University, United States of America (2020-03).

                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                  SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                                  • Stephen Hall, Law of Contract in Hong Kong: Cases and Commentary (Hong Kong LexisNexis, 6th ed, 2019) 1184 pgs.

                                                  CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                  • Stephen Hall, ‘Contract Terms in Hong Kong: Changed Circumstances and Variation’ (Paper presented at Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia V, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 15-17 August 2019).

                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                  JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Grinding down the edges of the free expression right in Hong Kong’ (2019) 44(2) Brooklyn Journal of International Law 671-713.

                                                  OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Hong Kong won’t be a global finance hub without neutral courts’, Nikkei Asian Review (Japan) 29 November 2019.
                                                  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Hong Kong’s laws need to evolve as protests enter the digital realm’, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) 10 July 2019.

                                                  CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Whose Justice? Foreign Judges on the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal’ (Paper presented at 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-7 December 2019).
                                                  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Hong Kong Public Law Developments in 2019’ (Paper presented at 2020 Government Law Year in Review Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Online, 25 February 2020).
                                                  • Stuart Hargreaves, ‘Legal Responses to COVID19: Hong Kong’ (Paper presented at ConstitutionNet COVID19 Project, Online, 1 May 2020).

                                                    VIEW PROFILE

                                                    SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                                    • Hui Huang,《现代公司法比较研究:国际经验及对中国的启示 Comparative Corporate Law: International Experiences and Suggestions for China(清华大学出版社 Tsinghua University Press, 2nd ed, 2020).

                                                    BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                    • Hui Huang, Juan Chen and Pin Lyu, ‘Hostile Takeovers in China. Recent Developments and Regulatory Challenges’ in Holger Fleischer, Hideki Kanda, Kon Sik Kim and Peter Mülbert (eds), German and East Asian Perspectives on Corporate and Capital Market Law: Investors versus Companies (Tübingen Germany: Mohr Siebeck Tübingen, 2019) 203-232.

                                                    JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                    • Yu Xiao and Hui Huang, 《证券市场先行赔付:法理辨析与制度构建 Advance Compensation in Securities Market — Analysis of Legal Principle and Constructing the System)》(2019) 8 《法学 Law Science160-172.
                                                    • Hui Huang and Hailong Li, 《证券投资者公平基金制度:美国经验及启示 The Fair Fund Regime for Securities Investors: US Experiences and Suggestions for China》(2019) 《多层次资本市场 Multi-layered Capital Markets167-180.
                                                    • Hui Huang, 《资产管理的法理基础与运行模式:美国经验及对中国的启示 The Legal Basis and Operational Models of Asset Management: The US Experiences and Implications for China》(2019) 5 《环球法律评论 Global Law Review128-142.
                                                    • Hui Huang and Chao Wang, 《公司收购法的移植与变异:部分要约与投资者保护 The Transplantation and Mutation of Takeover Law in China: Partial Bids and Investor Protection》(2019) 7 《投资者 Investors189-201.
                                                    • Hui Huang, Wei Zhang and Kelvin Siu Cheung Lee, ‘The (Re)introduction of Dual-Class Share Structures in Hong Kong: A Historical and Comparative Analysis’ (2020) 20(1) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 121-155.
                                                    • Hui Huang, Demin Yang and Ferdinand Faiyang Loo, ‘The Development and Regulation of Crypto-assets: Hong Kong Experiences and a Comparative Analysis’ (2020) 21(2) European Business Organization Law Review 319-347.
                                                    • Hui Huang,《公司集团背景下的法人格否认:一个实证研究 Piercing the Veil in the Context of Corporate Groups: An Empirical Study》(2020) 32(2) 《中外法学 Peking University Law Journal494-513.
                                                    • Hui Huang and Chao Wang, ‘The Mandatory Bid Rule Under China’s Takeover Law: A Comparative and Empirical Perspective’ (2020) 53(2) The International Lawyer 195-233.
                                                    • Hui Huang and Randall Thomas, ‘The Law and Practice of Shareholder Inspection Rights: A Comparative Analysis of China and the US’ (2020) 53(3) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 907-948.
                                                    • Hui Huang and Chao Wang, 《上市公司权益披露制度研究:实证研究与政策建议 Substantial Shareholding Disclosure Regime in Chinese Listed Companies: Empirical Study and Policy Suggestions》(2020) 《证券法律评论  Securities Law Review439-455.

                                                      CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                      • Hui Huang and Pin Lyu, 《我国注册制下证券交易所诉讼主体地位研究》 (Paper presented at 中国法学会审判理论研究会金融审判理论专业委员会2019年学术研讨会, Shanghai, China, 18 August 2019).
                                                      • Hui Huang, ‘Class Action in China: Challenges and Opportunities’ (Paper presented at International Class Actions Conference, Vanderbilt Law and Business Program Vanderbilt Litigation Program, 22-25 August 2019).
                                                      • Hui Huang, Demin Yang and Ferdinand Fai Yang Loo, ‘The Risk and Regulation of Crytoassets: A Hong Kong Perspective’ (Paper presented at Legal Implications of the Platform Economy, CUHK, Hong Kong, 16 September 2019).
                                                      • Hui Huang, 《金融机构的投资者适当性管理义务研究:实证研究与比较分析 Investor Suitability Duty of Financial Institutions: Empirical Study and Comparative Analysis》(Paper presented at International Forum on Commercial Law, Tsinghua University, China, 26-27 October 2019).
                                                      • Hui Huang and Chao Wang, 《金融行规适用的国际经验及启示:以美国金融业监管局(FINRA)为例》 (Paper presented at 中国法学会“中国金融法治研究方阵”第四届学术论坛, Sun-Yat-Sen University, China, 13-15 December 2019).

                                                        KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                        • ‘Legal Enforcement Strategies for Securities Law’ organized by Shanghai Financial Court, China (2019-09).
                                                        • ‘The Legal Basis and Operational Models of Asset Management: the US experiences and Implications for China’ organized by People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China (2019-10).

                                                        CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                        • ‘Class Action in China’ organized by Vanderbilt University Law School, United States of America (2019-08).
                                                        • ‘The Regulation of Crypoassets in Hong Kong’ in The Implications of Platform Economy organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2019-09).
                                                        • ‘Suitability Duty from a International Perspective’ organized by China Securities Regulatory Commission, China (2019-09).
                                                        • ‘Fiduciary Duty and Suitability Duty’ in Tsinghua commercial law international conference organized by Tsinghua Law School, China (2019-10).
                                                        • ‘The Regulation of Cryptocurrency’ in Machine Lawyering: Digitally Reconceiving Contracting, Regulation and Property organized by CUHK CFRED, Hong Kong (2020-01).
                                                        • ‘Corporate Legal Capital Maintenance Regime’ in Company Law Reform organized by Tsinghua University Law School, China (2020-01).
                                                        • ‘The Legal Liability of Market Intermediaries for Misstatements’ in China Securities Law Society Online Workshop Series organized by China Securities Law Society, China (2020-05).
                                                        • ‘Regulatory Cooperation for China Concept Stock’ in China Securities Law Society Online Workshop Series organized by China Securities Law Society, China (2020-06).

                                                          VIEW PROFILE

                                                          CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                          • ‘The Role of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong’ in Conference on The Role of Unjust Enrichment in Asia organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                            VIEW PROFILE

                                                            JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                            • Foster Yim and Ian Lee, ‘Updates on Hong Kong’s anti-money laundering laws 2020’ (2020) Journal of Money Laundering Control.

                                                            CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                            • ‘Constructivism and Problem-based Learning’ in Directions in Legal Education 2020’ Online Conference on Teaching and Learning in Law organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                            VIEW PROFILE

                                                            JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                            • Jae Woon Lee and Seung Young Yoon, ‘Cross‑Border Joint Venture Airlines in Asia: Corporate Governance Perspective’ (2020) 21(3) European Business Organization Law Review 709-729.
                                                            • Jae Woon Lee, ‘Passenger Injuries in International Air Law: Case Law Development and Upcoming Questions for Hong Kong Courts’ (2020) 50(1) Hong Kong Law Journal 49-75.

                                                              CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                              • Jae Woon Lee, ‘Should the Government Control the Number of Airlines in Korea?’ (Paper presented at Conference on Aviation Law and Policy in Asia: Smart Regulation in Liberalized Markets, CUHK LAW, Hong Kong, 1-2 November 2020).

                                                                KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                • ‘Trend of Joint Venture Airlines in Asia’ in Aviation Industry Outlook Seminar organized by Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Korea (2019-07).
                                                                • ‘The Development of Hong Kong’s Aviation Law after WWII’ in Greater China Legal History Seminar Series 2019-2020 organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-05).

                                                                  CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                  • ‘Competition Analysis of Airline Alliances’ in Competition Enforcers & Academics Summit organized by Hong Kong Competition Commission, Hong Kong (2019-08).
                                                                  • ‘Hong Kong’s Rules on Passenger Fare’ in ASEAN Passenger Protection Workshop organized by European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Burma (2019-10).
                                                                  • ‘Cross-Border Joint Venture Airlines in Asia: Implication for Hong Kong’ in Faculty Research Seminar Series organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-04).

                                                                    VIEW PROFILE

                                                                    BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                                    • Jyh-An Lee and Sang Jo Jong, ‘Beneficiaries and Enforcement of FRAND Declarations/Commitment—Asian Perspectives’ in Kung-Chung Liu and Reto Hilty (eds), SEPs, SSOs and FRAND: Asian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity (Routledge, 2020) 127-148.

                                                                    JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                    • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Tripartite Perspective on the Copyright-Sharing Economy in China’ (2019) 35(4) Computer Law and Security Review 434 – 452.
                                                                    • Jyh-An Lee and Yangzi Li, ‘The Obscure Consumer in the Chinese Intellectual Property Law’ (2020) 42(1) European Intellectual Property Review 55-65.
                                                                    • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Shifting IP Battlegrounds in the U.S.–China Trade War’ (2020) 43(2) The Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts 147-195.

                                                                        CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                        • Jyh-An Lee, ‘Commonwealth Approach to Computer-Generated Works’ (Paper presented at Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Conference, CUHK LAW, the Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law (“ARCIALA”) at the School of Law, Singapore Management University (SMU), and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, 28-29 November 2019).
                                                                        • Jyh-An Lee, ‘The IP Conundrum in the Sino-U.S. Trade War’ (Paper presented at EUPLANT Seminar: EU-China Round Table on IP, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 January 2020).

                                                                          KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                          • ‘The IP Conundrum in the US-China Trade War’ in International Vision Series Speech organized by Taipei Bar Association, Taiwan (2019-07).
                                                                          • ‘The IP Conundrum in the US-China Trade War’ in IIAS Academic Seminar organized by Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (IIAS), Taiwan (2019-07).
                                                                          • ‘IP Trade War’ in City University of Hong Kong School of Law Staff Seminar organized by City University of Hong Kong School of Law, Hong Kong (2019-10).
                                                                          • ‘Intellectual Property Rights Issues in AI and Big Data’ in Business of Intellectual Property (“BIP”) Asia Forum organized by The Government of Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (“HKTDC”), Hong Kong (2019-12).
                                                                          • ‘Trade War of IP’ in 5th Asian IP Works-in-Progress Conference organized by Singapore Management University School of Law & City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2020-01).
                                                                          • ‘Cybersecurity and Data Localization’ in Empowering Transformation: Connectivity and Cross-Border Data Flow organized by The In-House Law Academy, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                                            VIEW PROFILE

                                                                            BOOK CHAPTERS

                                                                            • C. L. Lim, ‘Finding a Workable Balance Between Investor Protection and the Public Interest in the Trans-Pacific Partnership’ in Benedict Kingsbury, David M. Malone, Paul Mertenskötter, Richard B. Stewart, Thomas Streinz and Atsushi Sunami (eds), Megaregulation Contested: Global Economic Ordering After TPP (Oxford University Press, 2019) 551-571.
                                                                            • C. L. Lim, ‘Reaching for Utopia, Geneva as Inspiration for Investment Disputes?’ in Lewis M.K., Nakagawa J., Neuwirth R.J., Picker C.B. and Stoll P.-T. (eds), A Post-WTO International Legal Order: Utopian, Dystopian and Other Scenarios (Springer, 2020) 167-185.

                                                                              JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                              • C. L. Lim, ‘The Hong Kong Extradition Bill’ (2020) 136 Law Quarterly Review 19-23.
                                                                              • C. L. Lim and Spyros Maniatis, ‘Intellectual Property Rights are Complicated Creatures’ (2020) Modernizing the World Trade Organization: A CIGI Essay Series 53-57.

                                                                                CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                • C. L. Lim, ‘2039: Reform after the Great Age of Delegalization’ (Paper presented at IFI and GraSPP Research Seminar : WTO Reform, Tokyo University, Japan, 9 July 2019).
                                                                                • C. L. Lim, ‘Investment Arbitration – Issues and Insights’ (Paper presented at Inaugural Seminar – International Dispute Resolution: Reflections and Redirections, British Institute of International & Comparative Law and CUHK, Hong Kong, 22 July 2019).
                                                                                • C. L. Lim, ‘Investment law and the new frontier: the challenges and opportunities that investment courts may bring about’ (Paper presented at Challenges and Opportunities in a new Decade: The Impact of the Changing Legal and Political Landscape on Arbitration, Dutch Arbitration Association, Netherlands, 10 October 2019).
                                                                                • C. L. Lim, ‘Autonomy of Arbitration: An Autonomous Transnational Legal Order?’ (Paper presented at Fundamental Aspects of International Dispute Resolution, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 11-12 Novemebr 2019).
                                                                                • C. L. Lim, ‘The Current State and Future of Investor-State Arbitration in Asia’ (Paper presented at Arbitration & Asia: Opportunities and Challenges, Britsh Institute of International and Comparative Law, 29 January 2020).

                                                                                  KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                  • ‘Sustainability and Inclusiveness’ organized by MATRADE, Government of Malaysia, Malaysia (2019-10).
                                                                                  • ‘Some Far Eastern Perspectives on Investment Arbitration, and Options for Structural Reform’ organized by United Nations and AAIL, Austria (2020-01).
                                                                                  • ‘International Tribunals in Interesting Times: A Fireside Chat with Elias and Lim’ organized by University College London, United Kingdom (2020-01).

                                                                                    CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                    • ‘Covid-19, Sino-US Trade War, and International Law’ organized by CUHK LAW and Britsh Institute of International and Comparative Law, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                      • Michael Lower, ‘Luo Xing Juan v Estate of Hui Shui See: promissory estoppel where the family home is owned by a company’ (2019) 83(3) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 274-279.

                                                                                      CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                      • ‘Collaborative, inquiry-based learning as the central feature of an undergraduate course: design, implementation and evaluation’ in HERDSA Annual Conference 2019 organized by HERDA / University of Auckland, New Zealand (2019-07).

                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                      • Mara Malagodi, ‘Dominion Status and the Origins of Authoritarian Constitutionalism in Pakistan’ (2019) 17(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law 1235–1257.
                                                                                      • Mara Malagodi, Luke McDonagh and Thomas Poole, ‘The Dominion Model of Transitional Constitutionalism’ (2019) 17(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law 1283–1300.
                                                                                      • Malagodi Mara, ‘Intersectional Inequalities and Reproductive Rights: An India-Nepal Comparison’ (2020) 3(2) University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal 195-201.

                                                                                      CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                      • ‘Lost in Transformation: Social Rights under a Contradictory Constitution’ in 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum organized by Association for Asian Constitutional Law Studies, Vietnam (2019-12).
                                                                                      • ‘A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet: Third Gender and Constitutional Identity in Nepal’ in 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum organized by Association for Asian Constitutional Law Studies, Vietnam (2019-12).

                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                      • Marco Colino Sandra, ‘The Antitrust F Word: Fairness Considerations in Competition Law’ (2019) 5 The Journal of Business Law 329-345.

                                                                                      CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                      • ‘Cartel Detection and Deterrence in China and Hong Kong’ in Workshop on the Competition Law and Policy Today: EU and China’s Experience organized by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and San Pablo CEU University, China (2019-11).
                                                                                      • ‘A History of Competition Law: The Impact of Antitrust on Hong Kong’s Markets’ in 15th Annual Conference organized by Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) (2020-06).
                                                                                      • ‘The European Reform of Vertical Restraints Law in an International Context’ in Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series organized by Concorrenze, Italy (2020-06).

                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                      SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                                                                      • Mike McConville and Luke Marsh, The Myth of Judicial Independence – Criminal Justice and the Separation of Powers (Oxford University Press, 2020) 336 pages.

                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                      • Luke Marsh, ‘The Tommy Robinson Case and Contempt of Court: Conflicting Interpretations of the Criminal Procedure Rules’ (2020) 1 Criminal Law Review 52-65.

                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                      • Benoit Mayer, ‘Interpreting States’ general obligations on climate change mitigation: A methodological review’ (2019) 28(2) Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 107-121.
                                                                                      • Benoit Mayer, ‘Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: Existing and Emerging Legal Principles’ (2019) 13(2) Carbon and Climate Law Review 113-121.
                                                                                      • Benoit Mayer, ‘A Review of the International Law Commission’s Guidelines on the Protection of the Atmosphere’ (2019) 20(2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 1-40.
                                                                                      • Benoit Mayer, 《香港特别行政区减缓气候变化研究 Climate Change Mitigation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region》 (2019) 2《环境法评论 Wuhan University Environmental Law Review》340-368 (translated by 陈婷译 Chen Ting).

                                                                                            OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                                                            • Benoit Mayer, ‘Review of: Sébastien Jodoin, Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate: REDD+ and Indigenous and Community Rights in Indonesia and Tanzania (Cambridge University Press, 2017)’ (2019) Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 239-242.
                                                                                            • Benoit Mayer, ‘Review of: Barry G. Rabe, Can We Price Carbon? (MIT Press, 2018)’ (2019) 9 Climate Law 327-330.
                                                                                            • Benoit Mayer, ‘The Curious Fate of the Doha Amendment’ on EJIL:Talk (4 May 2020).

                                                                                            KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                            • ‘The international law on climate change: The sources and their interactions’ organized by National University of Singapore, Asia- Pacific Center for Environmental Law, Singapore (2019-11).
                                                                                            • ‘International and EU law on climate change: an overview’ in Guest Lecture organized by Macau University, Macau (2019-12).

                                                                                                CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                • Benoit Mayer, ‘The international law on climate change’ (Paper presented at 11th International Summit on Energy and Climate Change: Climate Change Plus, China Youth Climate Action Network, China, 20 July 2019).
                                                                                                • Benoit Mayer, ‘The managerial trend in international cooperation to address climate change’ (Paper presented at Conference on State Sovereignty, Climate Policy and Dispute Resolution in Environmental Law, Skopje, 10 September 2019).
                                                                                                • Benoit Mayer, ‘From cooperation to harmonization: Should States approach climate change mitigation all in the same way?’ (Paper presented at International Workshop on the Polluter Pays Principle in Climate Change Mitigation Law, Haikou, 24-26 October 2019).
                                                                                                • Benoit Mayer, ‘Scaling up climate action: the French legislation’ (Paper presented at Climate Law and Governance Day 2019, Madrid, 6 December 2019).
                                                                                                • Benoit Mayer, ‘Legislative developments in France’ (Paper presented at the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Madrid, 7 December 2019).
                                                                                                • Hao Zhang and Benoit Mayer, ‘China’s Ownership Policies in the Coal Sector: Reducing Overcapacity While Mitigating Climate Change’ (Paper presented at Engaging State-Owned Enterprises in Climate Action, Columbia University, New York, 27 February 2020).
                                                                                                • Benoit Mayer, ‘Climate Assessment as an Emerging Obligation under Customary International Law’ (Paper presented at Annual Lecture of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 2 March 2020)

                                                                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                  BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                                                                  • Marina Foltea and Bryan Mercurio, ‘A ban on electronic nicotine delivery systems: step one in the WTO discrimination analysis’ in Lukasz Gruszczynski (ed), The Regulation of E-cigarettes: International, European and National Challenges (Edward Elgar, 2019) 126-149.
                                                                                                  • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Keep Calm and Carry On: Lessons from the Jurisprudence on Fair and Equitable Treatment and Intellectual Property Rights’ in Christophe Geiger (ed), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Investment Law (Edward Elgar, 2020) 159-181.

                                                                                                    JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                    • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Challenging Coerced Conformity in Pharmaceutical Patent Law: Promoting a Holistic Review’ (2020) 51(3) IIC – International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 330-340.
                                                                                                    • Bryan Mercurio and Antoine Martin, ‘Regulating Tax Havens: Insights from the WTO Appellate Body Decision in Argentina – Financial Services’ (2020) 35(2) Banking and Finance Law Review 249-278.

                                                                                                      OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                                                                      • Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio, ‘We Need a Coronavirus Vaccine. Patents Might Slow the Process’, The National Interest (United States) 7 April 2020.
                                                                                                      • Bryan Mercurio, ‘The WHO’s coronavirus response shows that the organisation is broken, but fixing it must wait’, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) 18 April 2020.
                                                                                                      • Bryan Mercurio, ‘Ramifications of Australia’s China travel ban’ on East Asia Forum (19 February 2020).

                                                                                                        KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                                        • ‘Towards a Patent System that fits Hong Kong’ in Intellectual Property Law and Access to Affordable Medicines: A Primer organized by Health in Action, Hong Kong (2019-11).
                                                                                                        • ‘Pharmaceutical Patents and Policy in Hong Kong’ in Intellectual Property Law and Access to Affordable Medicines: A Primer organized by Health in Action, Hong Kong (2019-11).
                                                                                                        • ‘Digital Trade Policy: Governance of Cross-Border Data Flows’ in Lunchtime Seminar organized by Institute of International Trade, University of Adelaide, Australia (2020-03).
                                                                                                        • ‘The Nexus between Intellectual Property and Trade’ in Distinguished Seminar Series organized by Fulbright University, Vietnam (2020-05).

                                                                                                              CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                              • ‘Capital Controls and International Economic Law: A United Voice?’ in Conference on Beyond Goods: Trade in Services and Investment in a Climate of Trade Protectionism organized by CUHK LAW, in conjunction with the Trade and Investment in Services Associates Network, University of Adelaide and the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union, Hong Kong (2019-08).
                                                                                                              • ‘Intellectual Property and the US-China Trade War: The WTO Approach (and Beyond)’ in 11th IP Conference of the United States-China Intellectual Property Institute organized by United States-China Intellectual Property Institute, Hong Kong (2019-08).
                                                                                                              • ‘Artificial Intelligence, Data and Intellectual Property Rights’ in International Trade Regime for the Data- Driven Economy: 6th Asian International Economic Law Network Conference organized by Asian International Economic Law Network Conference, Taiwan (2019-10).
                                                                                                              • ‘China’s Trade Policy and the EU’ in Trade Academy organized by Borderlex Academy and Trade Explained, Belgium (2019-11).
                                                                                                              • ‘Caution and Uncertainty in The Indo-Pacific’ in a low-growth era: Economics and trade organized by Embassy of Canada in Japan, Japan (2020-05).
                                                                                                              • ‘Return to Self-Interest and Unilateralism’ in Free Trade Agreements Post-COVID-19 organized by Embassy of Canada in Japan, Japan (2020-05).
                                                                                                              • ‘Developing a Cross-Border Data Policy: Free Trade Agreements’ in Empowering Transformation: Connectivity and Cross-Border Data Flow organized by Bryan Mercurio and In-House Community, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                                                                                VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                                                                                                • R Zhang, Y Liu and M Miao, 《反对针对妇女的家庭暴力:两岸及香港相关法律制度与实践比较研究 A Comparative Study on the Legal System and Practice against Domestic Violence Targeting Women in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan(知识产权出版社, 2019) 209 pgs.

                                                                                                                BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                                                                                • Miao Michelle, ‘Pulling States towards Abolitionism: The power of acculturation as a socialization mechanism’ in C Steiker and J Steiker (eds), Comparative Capital Punishment (Edward Elgar, 2019) 318-339.

                                                                                                                JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                • John Pratt and Michelle Miao, The End of Penal Populism; The Rise of Populist Politics(2019) XLI(2) Archives of Criminology 15-40.
                                                                                                                • Miao Michelle, ‘Replacing Death with Life? The rise of LWOP in the context of Abolitionist Campaigns in the United States’ (2020) 15(2) Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy 173-223.

                                                                                                                CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                                • Michelle Miao, ‘Urban vs Rural: Sexual Offenders’ Residential Status and Sentencing Dispositions in China’ (Paper presented at 2019 Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Durham, 26-28 July 2019).

                                                                                                                KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                                                • Drug Crime in Asia’ in International Workshop Death Penalty in Asia: Reform Issues in Comparative Perspectives organized by The Rights Practice, Asian Governance Foundation (AGF) and German- Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Thailand (2019-10 to 2019-11).
                                                                                                                • ‘Sentencing in China’ in International Workshop Death Penalty in Asia: Reform Issues in Comparative Perspectives organized by The Rights Practice, Asian Governance Foundation (AGF) and German- Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Thailand (2019-10 to 2019-11).
                                                                                                                • ‘Relational Justice: Reconciling Murder in China in Yenching Scholar Forum organized by Harvard Yenching Institute, United States of America (2019-12).

                                                                                                                CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                • ‘Social Economic Status and the Sentencing of Sexual Offenders in China’ in European Association of Chinese Law Annual Meeting organized by Durham University, United Kingdom (2019-07).
                                                                                                                • ‘Algorithmic Sentencing: Enhancing Efficiency or Improving the Quality of Justice?’ in American Law and Society Annual Meeting 2020 organized by American Bar Association, United States of America (2020-05).

                                                                                                                VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                BOOK CHAPTERS

                                                                                                                • Ryan Mitchell, ‘The Chinese Interpretation of Sovereignty and Its Human Rights Implications’ in David Ismangil, Karen van der Schaaf and Stijn Deklerck (eds), Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: China (Amnesty International Netherlands, 2020) 37-46.

                                                                                                                  JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘International Law as a Coercive Order: Hans Kelsen and the Transformations of Sanction’ (2019) 29(2) Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 245-302.
                                                                                                                  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘‘China and the Political Myth of ‘Brainwashing” (2019) 4(3) Made in China Journal.
                                                                                                                  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘Hegemony in a Multipolar World Order: Global Constitutionalism and the Großraum’ (2019) 1 Jus Cogens 129-150.
                                                                                                                  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘International Law as Project or System?’ (2020) 51(3) Georgetown Journal of International Law 623-689.
                                                                                                                  • Ryan Mitchell, ‘Receptions of Carl Schmitt in China Since 1929’ (2020) 8(1) Journal of Law and International Affairs 181-263.

                                                                                                                  KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                                                  • ‘Historical Origins of the Common Law’ in Invited Lecture at Beijing Forestry University organized by Beijing Forestry University, China (2019-07).
                                                                                                                  • ‘Myanmar and the Hegemonic Discourse of International Criminal Law’ in Colonial Wrongs, Double Standards, and Access to International Law organized by Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP), Burma (2019-11).
                                                                                                                  • ‘China’s Engagement with Public International Law in its Historical Context’ in Greater China Legal History Seminar organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2019-11).

                                                                                                                  CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                  • ‘‘Absent Presence’ and Informal Hegemony: The League of Nations as a Project of Spatial Administration’ in The League of Nations Decentred organized by University of Melbourne, Australia (2019-07).
                                                                                                                  • ‘Debating Decisionism: Receptions of Carl Schmitt in China Since 1929’ in 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum organized by Vietnam National University School of Law, Vietnam (2019-12).
                                                                                                                  • ‘International Law as Project or System?’ in 2020 Michigan Law Junior Scholars Conference organized by University of Michigan Law School, United States of America (2020-04).
                                                                                                                  • ‘International Law as Project or System?: The Overturning of an Episteme’ in Law and Society Association Annual Meeting organized by Law and Society Association (LSA), United States of America (2020-05).

                                                                                                                  VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                  BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                                                                                  • Noam Noked and Viktoria Wöhrer, ‘Implementing the Multilateral Instrument in Hong Kong (China)’ in Michael Lang et al (eds) The Implementation and Lasting Effects of the Multilateral Instrument (IBFD, 2020) 1-12.

                                                                                                                  JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                  • Noam Noked, ‘Should the United States Adopt CRS?’ (2019) 118 Michigan Law Review Online 118-133.
                                                                                                                  • Noam Noked, ‘From Tax Competition to Subsidy Competition’ (2020) 42 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law.
                                                                                                                  • Noam Noked and Yan Xu, ‘Proposal for Voluntary Disclosure Procedures in China’ (2020) 6(1) Journal of Tax Administration 190-212.

                                                                                                                    CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                    • ‘FATCA, CRS, and the Wrong Choice of Who to Regulate’ in International Conference of the Global Regulatory Governance Research Network organized by Department of Government and Public Administration and The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at CUHK, Hong Kong (2019-07).
                                                                                                                    • ‘From Tax Competition to Subsidy Competition’ in Tax Justice Network 2019 Conference organized by Tax Justice Network, United Kingdom (2019-07).
                                                                                                                    • ‘From Tax Competition to Subsidy Competition’ in Seminar of the International Fiscal Association organized by International Fiscal Association, Hong Kong Branch, Hong Kong (2019-08).
                                                                                                                    • ‘From Tax Competition to Subsidy Competition’ in Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics organized by European Association of Law and Economics, Israel (2019-09).

                                                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                      BOOK CHAPTERS

                                                                                                                      • Michael Ramsden and Peter Chang, ‘Misfeasance in Public Office’ in The Honourable Justice Bokhary and Neville Sarony QC, Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong (Sweet & Maxwell, 4th ed, 2020) 320-335.
                                                                                                                      • Michael Ramsden, ‘The International Responsibility of War Profiteers for Trafficking in Persons’ in Nina Jorgensen (ed), The International Criminal Responsibility of War’s Funders and Profiteers (Cambridge University Press, 2020) 232-252.

                                                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                      • Michael Ramsden and Kris Gledhill, ‘Defining Strategic Litigation’ (2019) 38(4) Civil Justice Quarterly 407-426.

                                                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                      • Christopher Roberts, ‘Experiments with Suppression: The Evolution of Repressive Legality in Britain in the Revolutionary Period’ (2019) Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review.
                                                                                                                      • Christopher Roberts, ‘Forging the National Security State: Public Order Legality in Britain, 1900-1918’ (2020) Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left.
                                                                                                                      • Christopher Roberts and Clement Voule, ‘Civil Society and Counterpowers Under Attack: The Current Situation, Consequences and Lessons for Prevention’ (2020) Politorbis.

                                                                                                                        VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                        JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                        • Samuli Seppänen, ‘Interrogating Illiberalism Through Chinese Communist Party Regulations’ (2019) 52(2) Cornell International Law Journal 267-311.
                                                                                                                        • Samuli Seppänen, ‘After Difference: A Meta-Comparative Study of Chinese Encounters with Foreign Comparative Law’ (2020) 68(1) American Journal of Comparative Law 186-221.

                                                                                                                          OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                                                                                          • Samuli Seppänen, ‘Review of Comparing Law: Comparative Law as Reconstruction of Collective Commitments by Catherine VALCKE’ (2019) 14(2) Asian Journal of Comparative Law 382-384.

                                                                                                                          CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                          • ‘Towards a Chinese Mode of Legal Thought: Reversing the Global Flow of Legal Knowledge’ in The Plurality of Law and Development 4th Annual Conference of Law and Development Research Network (LDRN) organized by Humboldt University, Germany (2019-09).
                                                                                                                          • ‘Layers of Legal Formalism and Anti-formalism in the Chinese Communist Party’s Governance Project’ in 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum organized by Vietnam National University, Vietnam (2019-12).

                                                                                                                          VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                          SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

                                                                                                                          • Alan Gibb, Richard Morris and Dicky Tsang, An Introduction to the Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong (LexisNexis, 2nd ed, 2020) 200 pgs.

                                                                                                                          JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                          • Dicky Tsang, ‘From Coronation to Coronavirus: Covid-19, Force Majeure and Private International Law’ (2020) 44(1) Fordham Journal of International Law 187-232.

                                                                                                                          CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                                          • Dicky Tsang, ‘An Empirical Review of China’s New Choice-of-Law Regime: In Search of Clear Guidelines?’ (Paper presented at 8th Journal of Private International Law Conference, University of Munich, Germany, 12-14 September 2019).
                                                                                                                          • Dicky Tsang, ‘Compatibility of the US Constitutional Due Process in Litigations involving PRC’s SOEs’ (Paper presented at 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-7 December 2019).

                                                                                                                          KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                                                          • ‘An Empirical Review of China’s New Choice-of-Law Regime: In Search of Clear Guidelines?’ in Hamburg Lecture Series on Chinese Law organized by Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Germany (2019-09).

                                                                                                                          VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                          JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                          • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘Artificial Intelligence ante portas: the End of Comparative Law?’ (2019) 7(3) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 484-504.
                                                                                                                          • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘The relationship between contract law and property law’ (2020) 49(1) Common Law World Review 31-55.

                                                                                                                            CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                                            • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Export of Chinese Law’ (Paper presented at International Cooperation on Rule of Law and Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, 12-13 October 2019).
                                                                                                                            • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘The Impact of AI on the Work of UNCITRAL’ (Paper presented at UNCITRAL-UM Joint Conference 2019, Macau, 11 December 2019).
                                                                                                                            • Lutz-Christian Wolff, ‘A Short Legal History of China’s Belt and Road Initiative’ (Paper presented at CUHK LAW Greater China Legal History Seminar Series, Hong Kong, 20 March 2020).

                                                                                                                              KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                                                              • ‘Comparing Chinese Law: Will AI Soon Take Over?’ in Conference on Big Data and Chinese Courts organized by Instituted of East Asian Studies, University of Cologne, Germany (2019-07).

                                                                                                                              CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                              • ‘Structuring BRI Investments – How to Balance the Competing Interests?’ in UNCITRAL-UM Joint Conference 2018 organized by UNCITRAL & University of Macau, Macau (2019-12).
                                                                                                                              • ‘Law of Unjust Enrichment or Law of Unjustified De-Enrichment?’ in Conference on ‘The Role of the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Asia’ organized by CUHK LAW, Hong Kong (2020-06).

                                                                                                                              VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                              BOOKS CHAPTERS

                                                                                                                              • Chao Xi, ‘Shareholder Voting and Corporate Sustainability in China: An Empirical Study’ in Beate Sjåfjell and Christopher Bruner (eds), Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability (Cambridge University Press, 2019) 431-445.
                                                                                                                              • Sirui Han and Chao Xi, ‘Financial regulation as interagency competition? The saga of venture capital rule-making in China’ in Douglas W. Arner, Wai Yee Wan, Andrew Godwin, Wei Shen and Evan Gibson (eds), Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law (Edward Elgar 2020) 499-524.

                                                                                                                                JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                                • Chao Xi and Sirui Han,《创投基金领域的最新立法与监管实践 — 美欧经验及对中国的启示》(2019) 100(2)《金融法苑 Financial Law Forum》181-193.
                                                                                                                                • Chao Xi and Ning Cao, ‘Greater Transparency, Better Regulation? Evidence from Securities Enforcement Actions’ (2020) 14(2) The Journal of Comparative Law 350-363.

                                                                                                                                  OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                                                                                                  • Chao Xi and Ning Cao, 《六招齐出,培育长期投资理念》中国证券报, 7 November 2019, A03.
                                                                                                                                  • Chao Xi, Ning Cao, Sirui Han and Haochuan Gong, 《我国证券市场投资者权益行为研究》(2019) Research Report commissioned by the China Securities Investor Services Centre.

                                                                                                                                    CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘Institutional Investor Stewardship: A Myth?’ (Paper presented at International Conference on Global Regulatory Governance: Unpacking the Complexity of Regulatory Governance in a Globalising World, Hong Kong, 4-6 July 2019).
                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘Is Institutional Investor Activism a Myth? Evidence from China’ (Paper presented at 17th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, Hannover, 11-12 July 2019).
                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘Errors in Court Judgments: What Do They Tell Us about the Chinese Judiciary?’ (Paper presented at International Conference on ‘Big Data and Courts in China’, Cologne, 12-14 July 2019).
                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘Shareholder Empowerment: A Myth?’ (Paper presented at 2019 Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Durham, 26-28 July 2019).
                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘Institutional Investor Stewardship in China: An Empirical Assessment’ (Paper presented at 2019 the Next Corporate Governance: Current Issues of Corporate Governance, Seoul, 20 September 2019).
                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘Is Institutional Investor Stewardship a Myth? Evidence from China’ (Paper presented at Sixth Corporate and Securities Litigation Workshop, Boston, 27-28 September 2019).
                                                                                                                                    • Chao Xi, ‘COVID-19 and Shareholder Voting: The Case of China’ (Paper presented at International Symposium on COVID-19 and Models of Governance in East Asia and the World, Hong Kong, 12 June 2020).

                                                                                                                                      VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                                      JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                                      • James Zeng, 《资产分割理论下的企业财产独立性:经济功能与法律限制 The Economic Functions and Legal Restrictions on Partitioning Enterprise Assets》(2019) 31(5) 《中外法学 Peking University Law Journal1357- 1376.
                                                                                                                                      • James Zeng, ‘Regulating Draconian Takeover Defenses with Soft Law: Empirical Evidence from Event Studies in China’ (2019) 20(4) European Business Organization Law Review 823-854.
                                                                                                                                      • James Zeng, ‘The Calculus of Shareholders’ Consent: A Constitutional Economics Theory of Corporate Charter Amendment Rules’ (2019) 41 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 429.
                                                                                                                                      • James Zeng, 《“债随物走”规则的理论基础是什么——以企业转投资案例为焦点的实证研究 The Theoretical Basis for the Rule of “Debts-Follow-Assets”: An Empirical Analysis of Enterprise Investment Cases》(2020) 300 政治与法律 Political Science and Law116.

                                                                                                                                        KEYNOTES/DISTINGUISHED LECTURES

                                                                                                                                        • 《交易所监管对反收购条款的影响 Exchange Regulation on Takeover Defense》 in 《金融行规与中国金融法治现代化 Industrial Practice and the Modernization of the Rule of Law in the Financial Industry in China》organized by Sun Yat-sen University School of Law, China (2019-12).

                                                                                                                                        CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                                        • ‘Legal Personality and the Rule of Debts-Follow-Assets in China’ in Big Data and Courts in China organized by Cologne University, Germany (2019-07).

                                                                                                                                        VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                                        JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                                        • Hao Zhang, ‘Prioritizing Access of Renewable Energy to the Grid in China: Regulatory Mechanisms and Challenges for Implementation’ (2019) 3(2) Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 167-202.
                                                                                                                                        • Hao Zhang, ‘Regulating green bond in China: definition divergence and implications for policy making’ (2020) 10(2) Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment 141-156.

                                                                                                                                            OTHER PUBLICATIONS

                                                                                                                                            • Hao Zhang, ‘Review of Mona HYMEL, Larry KREISER, Janet E. MILNE and Hope ASHIABOR (eds.) (2018), Innovation Addressing Climate Challenges: Market-based Perspectives. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation VOLUME XX. Edward Elgar. 264 pp’ (2019) 3 Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 233-249.

                                                                                                                                            CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                                                            • Hao Zhang and Benoit Mayer, ‘China’s Ownership Policies in the Coal Sector: Reducing Overcapacity While Mitigating Climate Change’ (Paper presented at Engaging State-Owned Enterprises in Climate Action, Columbia University, United States of America, 27 February 2020).

                                                                                                                                            CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                                                            • ‘Monitoring & Reporting GHGe in China (via Zoom)’ in A Carbon Budget for Western Australia organized by The UWA Public Policy Institute and The UWA Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Australia (2019-08).
                                                                                                                                            • ‘Monitoring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions in China: A Legal Analysis’ in IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium 2019 organized by IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, Malaysia (2019-08).
                                                                                                                                            • ‘The Friends of Nature vs. Gansu State Grid Corp. Case and Climate Litigation in China’ in Workshop on Climate Litigation in a Warming World organized by Duke Kunshan University, China (2019-09).
                                                                                                                                            • ‘China’s Legal Framework for Carbon Trading and Other Market Initiatives’ in Book Workshop on “Climate Change Law in China in Global Context” organized by Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University, China (2019-10).
                                                                                                                                            • ‘Cleaning Up China’s Coal Power Plants: Regulatory Responses And Implementation Challenges’ in Heaven Symposium: Transdisciplinary Research on Complex Environmental Health Problems organized by Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong (2019-10).
                                                                                                                                            • ‘Regulating Green Bond in China: Definition Divergence and Implications for Policy Making’ in Green Infrastructure and Finance Development in Asia: Investment, Policies and Economic Impacts organized by Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan (2019-11).
                                                                                                                                            • ‘Legal Challenges to the Development of Emissions Trading Scheme in China: Insights from the Pilot Programs’ in Evaluation of Environmental Effectiveness and Economics Efficiency of Incentive Based Instruments for Pollution Control in China and Australia organized by University of Sydney and CUHK, Australia (2019-12).

                                                                                                                                            VIEW PROFILE

                                                                                                                                            JOURNAL ARTICLES

                                                                                                                                            • Yuhong Zhao, ‘China in Transition towards a Circular Economy: from Policy to Practice’ (2020) Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law.

                                                                                                                                            CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS

                                                                                                                                            • Yuhong Zhao, ‘China’s Judicial Reform for Environmental Protection’ (Paper presented at 2019 Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Durham Law School, United Kingdom, 26 July 2019).