PHYS4061 Computational Physics
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PHYS4061 Computational Physics

This course is intended to provide a solid training in the computational techniques for solving various physical problems. The following topics will be discussed: basic numerical methods, matrix problems in physics, numerical methods for partial differential equations in physics, modelling of continuous systems, and applications of Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics. Students are advised to take phys2061 before taking this course. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

Prof. Junyi Zhu
Office: SC 309, Tel: 56156153, Email:
If you have any problem just email me directly

Teaching Assistant(s)

Mr. Wenjing Zhao
Office: SC 313, Email:
Consultation Hour: Wednesday 3:30-5:15 or arrange through email

Class Schedule

Meeting time: Tuesday, 2:30 pm:
Meeting ID: 952 6990 2005
Security: 415720
Invite Link

Meeting time: Thursday, 4:30 pm:
Meeting ID: 921 7304 7114
Security 589239
Invite Link

First Lab: Sep 15th(Tuesday) 4:30

Class video

One drive link

Reference Books

  • K. H. Hoffmann and M. Schreiber, Computational physics : selected methods, simple exercises, simple applications, New York, QC32 .C65 1996
  • Tao Pang, An Introduction to Computational Physics, Cambridge, 1997, QC20.7.E4 P36 1997
  • Richard M. Martin, Electronic structure : basic theory and practical methods, Cambridge, 2004, QC176.8.E4 M368 2004

  • Assessment Scheme

    Homework 10%
    Presentation 10%
    Project A 40%
    Project B 35%
    class activity 5%