PHYS4041 Electromagnetic Theory II
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PHYS4041 Electromagnetic Theory II

This is an advanced undergraduate course on electromagnetic theory. The course aims at introducing concepts of classical electrodynamics, especially electromagnetic waves and radiation and their applications, in various situations at the undergraduate level. The concepts of energy, momentum and angular momentum of electromagnetic fields will be introduced as a basis for understanding the properties of electromagnetic waves. Optical phenomena such as reflection and refraction, absorption and dispersion of light, will be explained. The retarded potentials will be derived as a solution to Maxwellˇ¦s equations and applied to illustrate the generation of radiation by moving point charges, as well as electric and magnetic dipoles. The relation between electromagnetism and special relativity is discussed.

Prof. C. K. Law
Office: SC 307, Tel: 39434334, Email:
Consultation Hour: Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Teaching Assistants

Mr. Chan Ching Kwan
Office: SC 315, Email:
Consultation Hour: Thursday 4:30 - 6:15 pm

Mr. Chan Ho Sang
Office: SC 313, Email:
Consultation Hour: Monday 3:30 - 4:15 pm & Tuesday 4:30 - 5:15 pm

Lecture Class

Tuesday 4:30 - 6:15 pm (Online Zoom meeting)
Thursday 2:30 - 3:15 pm (Online Zoom meeting)

Tutorial Class

Thursday 3:30 - 4:15 pm (Online Zoom meeting)

Exercise Class

Tuesday 6:30 - 7:15 pm (Online Zoom meeting)
Thursday 6:30 - 7:15 pm (Online Zoom meeting)

Reference Books

  • David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd. Edition, Prentice Hall.

  • Assessment Scheme

    If face-to-face assessment (final examination) is possible:
    Homeworks (20%)
    Midterm Test on Oct. 22, 2020 (30%)
    Final Examination (50%)
    If no face-to-face assessment (final examination) is possible:
    Homeworks (40%)
    Midterm Test on Oct. 22, 2020 (20%)
    Final Examination (40%)

    Course Outline

  • 1. Electromagnetic field energy, momentum and angular momentum, Maxwell stress tensor.
  • 2. Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum and simple dielectrics, and in simple conducting media.
  • 3. Reflection and refraction at a dielectric boundary, metallic reflections.
  • 4. Simple models of dielectrics and conductors, dispersion relations.
  • 5. Guided wave propagation.
  • 6. Scalar and vector potentials.
  • 7. Retarded potentials, the Lienard-Wiechert potentials for a moving point charge.
  • 8. Dipole radiation, radiation from an accelerating point charge.
  • 9. Special relativity and electrodynamics.