PHYS5510 Topics in Theoretical Physics (Advanced Statistical Mechanics) | |
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Consultation hours on 8 May, Friday 2:30-4:00 pm:
This course provides an introduction to the major ideas and methods in equilibrium statistical mechanics as well as in nonequilibrium statistical physics. Topics will be selected from: the statistical mechanics of magnetic systems, interacting fluids and soft matters, theory of critical phenomena and the renormalization group, stochastic dynamics and nonequilibrium processes, introduction to quantum statistical mechanics, and other topics of current interest in statistical physics. Prerequisite: PHYS4031 or its equivalent or permission of the instructor.
Certainly, it is uncertain.
Prof. Renbao LIU
Office: Science Centre North 205
Tel. 3943 6312Language: English/Madrian
E-mail: rbliu(at)
Mr. FANG Tianyao
Office: Science Center (North Block) 313 (27T)
Tel: 59369396Language: Mandarian/English
Office hours: T8-9
LECT: Mon 09:30 - 11:15 (ERB 401), Wed 09:30 - 10:15 (SC L5)
TUTO: Wed 10:30 - 11:15 (SC L5)
Colloquium: Fri 15:30 - 18:15 (SC L2, you are encouraged to attend the colloquia)
Office hours: Fri 13:30 - 15:30 (or by appointment)
CLASS CANCELLATION: Classes on 8 Jan (Wed) is canceled.
CLASS MAKE-UP: 18 Jan (Sat) 10:30-12:15, Venue: SC L5
MIDTERM EXAM: 21 Mar (Sat) 9:30-12:30, Venue: TBD
FINAL EXAM: 11 May (Mon) 9:30-12:30, Venue: TBD
M. Plischke and B. Bergersen, Equilibrium Statistcal Physics, 2nd ed. (World Scientific, 1994). R. K. Pathria, Statistical Mechanics, 2nd Ed. (Elsevier, 2001). L. E. Reichl, A Modern Course in Statistical Physics (1998). S. K. Ma, Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena (Benjamin/Cummings, 1976). 李政道,统计物理 (上海科技出版社 2006). S. Sachdev, Quantum Phase Transitions (Cambridge, 1999).
Homework 20% Mid-term Exam 30% Final Exam 50%
Students should be aware of the University policy on academic honesty; please see
In particular, collaborations with others should be explicitly acknowledged with own efforts specified, and use of materials from existing sources including but not limited to textbooks, monographs, journal papers, and websites should be clearly referenced. Failure to obey such regulations will be considered for plagiarism and cheating, which lead to severe disciplinary action up to termination of studies at the University.
1. Review of basic principles of statistical physics 2. Quantum statistics, (reduced) density matrix, entanglement 3. Non-ideal gas, cluster expansion of dilute interacting gases (classical systems) 4. Mean-field theory, phase transition 5. Symmetry breaking, order parameter 6. Fluctuation, correlation, critical phenomena 7. Renormalization group method 8. Topological phase transitions 9. Linear response theory (optional) 10. Introduction to quantum phase transition (optional)