PHYS4420 Physics in Meteorology
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PHYS4420 Physics in Meteorology

This course provides an introduction to the physical principles in meteorology, weather observation and forecasting. Topics include: physics of fluids; dynamic meteorology; atmospheric thermodynamics; atmospheric physics (cloud and lightning); weather systems and phenomena; weather observation, analysis and forecasting; climate change. Trips to Hong Kong Observatory headquarters/ outstations will be arranged to acquaint students with the operation of meteorological instruments and the real-life practice of weather analysis and forecasting. Students are advised to take PHYS3011 and 4011 before taking this course.

Dr. Li, Ping Wah
Hong Kong Observatory, Tel: 2926-8437, Email:
Mr. Wong, Wai Kin
Hong Kong Observatory, Tel: 2926-8416, Email:

Teaching Assistant(s)

Mr. Kenneth Chen
Office hour: W5 F4 (SC 322)
Mr. LAI Yunhe (Johnson)
Office hour: H3-4 (SC 313) (RRSSB LG220)

Lecture Class

Wednesday 6:30 pm - 9:15 pm (Science Centre LG23)

Exercise Class

Monday 6:30PM - 7:15PM (Lady Shaw Bldg C3)
Wednesday 11:30AM - 12:15PM (Y.C. Liang Hall G01)

Textbooks and reference books

  • Salby, M.L., 2012, ¡§Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate¡¨, Cambridge University Press.
  • Andrews, D.G., 2010, "An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics", 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press.
  • Kalnay, E., 2003, "Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability", Cambridge University Press.
  • Holton, J.R., 2004, "An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology", 4th edition (International Geophysics), Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Wallace, J.M. and P.V. Hobbs, 2006, "Atmospheric Science", 2nd edition (International Geophysics), Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Landau, L.F. and E.M. Lifshitz, 1987, "Fluid Mechanics", 2nd edition, Pergamon Books Ltd.
  • Doviak, R.J. and D.S. Zrnic, 1993, "Doppler Radar and Weather Observations", 2nd edition, Dover Publications, Inc.
  • Kidder, S.Q., 1995, "Satellite Meteorology: An Introduction", Academic Press

  • Assessment Scheme

    Homework 20%
    Mid-term Test 30%
    Final Exam. 50%

    Course Outline

  • The Earth's Atmosphere
  • Physics of the Fluid of the Atmosphere
  • Dynamic Meteorology
  • Weather Systems and Phenomena
  • Atmospheric Thermodynamics
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Weather Observations
  • Weather Analysis and Forecasting