Associate Professor
(Department Vice-Chair)
Current Research & Teaching Interests
  • Medical Sociology
  • Social Epidemiology
  • Health Services Research
  • Demography
  • Sociology of Professions
  • Quantitative Methods
Selected Publications
Forthcoming “Physician Autonomy and the Paradox of Rationalization: Clinical Pathways in China’s Public Hospitals.” Sociology of Development.
2016 “Migration, Relative Deprivation, and Psychological Well-Being in China.” American Behavioral Scientist 60, no. 5–6 (May 1, 2016): 750–70
2015 (Co-authored with Tony Tam) “Investigating the Effects of Temporal and Interpersonal Relative Deprivation on Health in China.” Social Science & Medicine 143 : 26–35.
2014 (Co-authored with Daniel A. Menchik) “When Do Doctors Follow Patients’Orders? Organizational Mechanisms of Physician Influence?” Social Science Research
2014 “China: Healthcare Delivery System” in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society, edited by William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall and Stella Quah London: Wiley-Blackwell.
2013 (Co-authored with Jessie Fan, Ming Wen, and Guixin Wang) “Disparities in Healthcare Utilization in China: Do Gender and Migration Status Matter?” Journal of Family and Economic Issues 34: 52-63
2012 (Co-authored with Wen, Ming, Jessie Fan and Guixin Wang) “Trans-local Ties, Perceived Social Status and Mental Health Among Rural-to-urban Migrants in Shanghai.” Social Science & Medicine 75: 288-296
2010 “From mainstream to marginal? Trends in the use of Chinese medicine in China from 1991 to 2004.” Social Science & Medicine 71:1063-1067.”
2010 (Co-authored with Wen, Ming, Jessie Fan and Guixin Wang) “Neighborhood effects on health among migrants and natives in Shanghai, China.” Health & Place 16:452-460.
2010 (Co-authored with Felix Elwert, Jeremy Freese, and Nicholas Christakis) “Preliminary Evidence Regarding the Hypothesis That the Sex Ratio at Sexual Maturity May Affect Longevity in Men.” Demography 47:579-586.
2009 (Co-authored with Nicholas A. Christakis) “Investigating the Mechanism of Marital Mortality Reduction: The Transition to Widowhood and Quality of Health Care.” Demography 46:605-25.
2008 (Co-authored with Clever, Sarah L., Wendy Levinson, and David O. Meltzer) “Does doctor-patient communication affect patient satisfaction with hospital care? Results of an analysis with a novel instrumental variable.” Health Services Research 43:1505-1519.
2008 (Co-authored with Chin, Marshall H, Melinda L Drum, Morgan E. Shook, Elbert S. Huang, and David O Meltzer) “Variation in Treatment Preferences and Care Goals Among Older Patients With Diabetes and Their Physicians.” Medical Care 46:275-286.
  • SOCI 2004 Social Statistics
  • SOCI 3237 Medical Sociology
  • SOCI 6003 Advanced Statistical Analysis
Administrative Duties


  • Graduate Studies Committee Department of Sociology


  • Executive Committee Department of Sociology


  • Admissions Committee Department of Sociology


  • Undergraduate Studies Committee Department of Sociology


  • Scholarships & Awards Committee Department of Sociology

College Coordinator

  • Chung Chi College Department of Sociology