Overview Chung Chi College

Faculties and Departments

Students in the College belong to either one of the eight University Faculties - Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science and Social Science. Only Chung Chi College includes the subject of Music and Theology among the nine constituent Colleges in the University.



In academic year 2018/2019 Chung Chi College had a student enrolment of 3,193 of whom 1,469 were men and 1,724 were women. Most of the students were Hong Kong residents and a small number of them were from mainland China or overseas countries. There were some other 180 exchange students from abroad.


Admission and Studies

Eligibility for admission is conditional upon fulfilling the entrance requirements of the University or obtaining exemption under the provisions of the relevant regulations.


The teaching and examination programmes for student's major, minor and elective courses are organized by the University's departments.


In addition to the subjects required by the departments, students of Chung Chi are required to complete:
1) The Integrative Basic Studies Programme


2) Physical Education Courses


The language of instruction may be Cantonese, Mandarin or English according to the choice of teachers.


Students who have satisfactorily completed the courses and fulfilled the requirements of the College and the Faculties will be awarded the bachelor's degree.