School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

TL Unit group photo ed


Composition and Terms of Reference

Head: Dr. Sam H.K. Poon
Members: Prof. Simon C.L. Au
Dr. Ann S.N. Lau
Dr. Florence M.K. Tang
Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang
Dr. Joyce S.Y. Lam
Dr. Maria S.M. Wai
Dr. Molly P.M. Wong
Dr. Ng Yuen Keng
Dr. Po H.M. Yeung
Dr. Rebecca K.Y. Lee
Dr. Sam H.K. Poon
Dr. Wong Wai Kai
Dr. Willmann Liang
Prof. W.H. Kwong


Terms of reference

  • develop and promote the use of effective tools and good practices for the advancement of teaching quality and enhancement of student learning;
  • make recommendations on improving the curriculum designs such that they are student-centred and outcome-based;
  • study and implement policies which are in line with the University's quality assurance framework and the establishment of the 4-year curriculum in 2012;
  • promote the professional development of academic staff in teaching;
  • conduct research in the areas of teaching, learning and assessments so as to provide evidence for the work being carried out by the Undergraduate Education Committee and the Division of Education.